My name is Colani

Chapter 584 312 Italian Cup Champion

The jealous person is a Naples man named De Laurentiis, the boss of Naples.

Hugo is not very familiar with him. When he went to Naples before, he had some contact with this guy under the introduction of Bastien Bonaparte. He didn't expect that this entertainment tycoon would actually join some small clubs to come up with such an idea.

Zamparini also wanted to play along, but he was not willing to be naughty in front of Hugo. It's not that he didn't dare, but that they were essentially wrong in this matter. Hugo would not compromise. This is Zamparini's cognition.

It's not just Hugo. Although they just quarreled, the interests of the three northern powers are consistent with Hugo in this regard. They have shares. No matter how much, at least they don't expect the broadcaster to lose too much. It's everyone's industry.

The people who are making trouble are those who don't have shares, or those who once had shares and withdrew.

So at the meeting, everyone had a common objection to the unreasonable channels of De Laurentiis and others. Each party had its own reasons. De Laurentiis insisted on sharing the profits because the contract did not state that the broadcaster could advertise. Moratti and others said that the contract clearly stated that the team had the obligation to cooperate with the publicity. As for the advertising, it was the power of the broadcaster. If the professional league asked for money again, it would be a breach of contract.

Obviously, everyone knew what was behind the broadcaster, but De Laurentiis was not polite at all and dared to say it. Why? Because this is democracy. No one can stop you if you want to fart!

So this meeting became a game between the broadcaster and De Laurentiis. They quarreled fiercely, and Hugo and Morek sat in their seats and watched coldly.

Two hours later, Hugo raised his hand to look at the watch. Well, it was almost time. I had an appointment with the mayor of Rome for dinner in the evening, so I could call it a day.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Hugo slammed the table a few times.

"Everyone, everyone! Be quiet! If we keep quarreling like this, we won't get any result even if we quarrel for three days and three nights! I came here today to solve this problem, but from the current situation, well, it's very difficult to solve it!" Hugo scratched his head.

"Then just break up! I represent my company today! You all know how much I have paid for the league. Before the season is over, we have lost hundreds of millions of euros in order to promote the league! Well, now the situation is getting better, you want to burn the bridge after crossing it?! No way!"

"I won't give you a penny! If you are not satisfied, then go to court!" Hugo said and patted his butt and left.

De Laurentiis has an idea. He doesn't care about the money, but wants to participate. His plan is that everyone can compromise. Isn't the consensus reached in compromise? ! Who would have thought that Hugo would show his cards in court without saying a word!

De Laurentiis was stunned. This time his little trick didn't succeed at all!

Hugo sent a text message to Moratti and Agnelli, "Don't talk so much nonsense, just get down to business! These bastards forget their principles when they see profit, everyone knows it!"

Hugo really had something to do in the evening. He had dinner with Rome Mayor Walter Vertoni and Rosella Sensi to discuss the construction of Rome's stadium.

Hugo is a big liar. He thinks some problems are too simple. He thinks that he can get things done with money and background, but sometimes reality tells him that it is not that easy.

Some time ago, the professional league finally got together. Everyone fought with the government to get the convenience of building on the stadium. They succeeded halfway. Many mayors of big cities expressed their support verbally, but the happiness will not last long.

The new stadium is very troublesome. Hugo mistakenly thought that the whole country is similar to Trapani, and the city hall and city council are easy to deal with.

However, the reality is that the city hall may be easy to deal with, but the city council is not easy to deal with.

There are not too many teams that really want to build new stadiums, but the number of Serie A and Serie B combined is not small. Juventus, Trapani and Udinese have already succeeded. The two teams in Verona, Verona and Chievo, have also seen the light, so there should be no problem!

But the bigger the city, the harder it is to deal with. Berlusconi is a former prime minister and has a great influence in Milan. Like Hugo, he misjudged his situation and thought it was not particularly difficult, but when he really got in touch with it, he found it was really difficult!

The parliament and the government are slow to do things. Unlike Hugo's acquisition of land first, many governments now require plans first and then talk about other things. The new stadium plans of many teams are still imaginations in their minds. Therefore, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the new stadium to be approved in two or three years.

Can the Sensi family survive for three to five years? It is definitely not possible. They hope it will be fast, so Hugo's move came, but it was useless to him!

"I definitely support it. I am very proud that Rome has two teams! You know I have already expressed my support. Our city hall will support it, but the next step depends on what the city council does!" Vertney said to Hugo and Rosella Sensi.

Rosella was bored during the meal. Everyone knew how efficient Italy was.

"Anyway, we have already taken several steps. The most important thing for you now is to make a plan first, then submit it to the council, review it while making the plan, and do public relations slowly. There is always hope. Vertney promised to help and he can't go back on his word. I think he will definitely try to convince those people!" Hugo encouraged Rosella optimistically.

On the plane back to Trapani, Hugo complained to Lu Fan: "It's always a miserable thing for a poor man to play football! I shouldn't work so hard. It's a good thing that the Sensi family quits!"

The Sensi family has actually cheated Roma once. They should have sold the team to the Russians. At least they had money, instead of being completely poor like they are now. They were just lively at the beginning of the season, but now they are far behind Inter Milan and Trapa. Nidu has more than 10 points, and the championship is like a mirror, it's all just a fantasy!

It would be boring for a league to be dominated by one team. Serie A needs more intense competition.

"Let nature take its course! If they can really win the stadium project, they should be able to come back to life. It depends on time! Why are you working so hard?! Rosella is not your mistress!" Lu Fan teased Hugo.

"Tch!" Rosella? ! Hugo didn't have the energy to think about it. This woman is not beautiful!

The time soon came to the second round of the Italian Cup. Inter Milan faced Trapani at the San Siro. This was a game that was hailed by the outside world as having no suspense.

Maybe everyone guessed wrong in a single game, but no one guessed wrongly about the ownership of the Italian Cup champion. Trapani faced off with a substitute lineup. It was natural that they lost the game, but they only lost one goal to Inter Milan. , so after two rounds, Trapani won the final victory with a total score of 6:3 and won the first championship of the season.

Mancini finally regained some face. He was really wronged. In the first round, the team lost the game and now he feels confused.

Faced with the possibility of the upcoming league championship and Champions League championship, Ranieri seemed not to attach much importance to the Italian Cup champion, and the feeling in his heart was only temporary relief.

Regardless of the grievances, Ranieri was still drenched by the players. When he returned to the ground from the sky, he told Barillas, "My heart almost jumped out!"

"I'm actually not that excited! We all had the dream of winning the Triple Crown, and now that we've achieved the first one, I feel like... how should I put it, like we've accomplished a task, and we still have another season this season? Two tasks need to be completed! I hope it will be a wonderful result!" Ranieri said this to his coaching team about his feelings about winning.

Ranieri's words actually spoke to everyone's heart. These coaches are all older guys and more mature in their thinking. Winning the championship is really a mission.

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