My name is Colani

Chapter 593: Battle against Milan 4

This kind of ball is not difficult for Adriano, so what if Nesta is so strong? ! Adriano turned flexibly and completely blocked Nesta from the ball. Adriano's volley was in the big penalty area, not the small penalty area, but his strength was so great that Dida was helpless. His sideways dive had no effect and he couldn't even touch the ball.

The sound of the ball rubbing against the net and entering the net was like the most beautiful note, flowing into the ears of nearby players. For Milan players, this was a sad episode, but for Trapani players, it was the most beautiful music.

Adriano didn't look at the direction of the ball. He had his own considerations about the position of the shot. He felt that he would definitely score, so he didn't even look at the goal, but rushed to the sidelines as if he had a premonition, and slid to his knees to celebrate. This area happened to be where Trapani fans were. Adriano ran and saw the fans jumping up from the stands, knowing that his premonition was correct, and the ball really went in!

The fans shouted his name loudly, Adriano smiled triumphantly, Messi and Di Maria slid down from behind and hugged Adriano.

"Nice pass!" Adriano turned his head to Messi and said.

"You ran beautifully, this is a wonderful goal! I knew you could hold off Nesta!" Messi smiled triumphantly.

"He's an old guy!" Adriano winked mischievously.

The old guy wouldn't know that the Trapani players were mocking him. Nesta's life was not very good. He was injured in several major competitions. He was praised as the best central defender when he was not injured, but now it seems that this position is not guaranteed. Adriano scored such a wonderful goal under his own eyes, which made Nesta very upset and he knelt on the ground without getting up.

He should change his perspective. When the top central defender faces sudden danger, he can't always do his best. He, Nesta, is no exception. He also made mistakes in other games this season, but this time it was the Champions League final, and the mistakes seemed a little heavy.

Hugo and the others in the stands naturally stood up and applauded Adriano's goal!

"A very beautiful goal! An incredible goal! Adriano regained his vitality, and this goal fully demonstrated his skills! He is very strong and tall, but not clumsy!" Paolo Rossi praised Adriano in the live broadcast room.

"Nesta was too close, which gave Adriano a chance! This is really an impeccable and beautiful goal!" Bergomi also praised. At the same time, he was very curious about Adriano's outbreak and felt sorry for Inter Milan letting this talent go. If he could form a deadly twin tower with Ibrahimovic, the picture would be too beautiful.

"The credit for this ball should be attributed to Maicon. I guess no one expected Maicon to suddenly come up with such a trick. Milan was a little careless," Bergomi emphasized.

This is true. Maicon and Evra have been busy defending, and their energy is mainly used in defense. Milan did not expect Maicon to go crazy suddenly, and he got rid of Kaka and Ambrosini's double-teaming, which was also a highlight. He led Trapani's attack and gave Milan a surprise.

But if they really care about Maicon, they should know that Maicon occasionally has a masterpiece on the wing, moving forward all the way, and his long-range shots are very powerful.

In any case, everyone is back to the same starting line within ten minutes. After the restart, both sides let go of their feelings, especially Trapani. Their formation is a little closer, and they intend to hit Milan hard. Milan is also not to be outdone, and everyone is tit-for-tat.

In the remaining minutes of the first half, both sides completed three more shots, but to be honest, there was no chance of scoring. Deville blew the whistle to end the first half, and both sides could only shake hands and enter the locker room.

Messi left the court silently. He had some insights through the first half. He felt that the league match against Milan in the first half was the best for Trapani. The current one was not. He was too restrained. He and Adriano received too little support in attack. Ballack played very well, but that was not enough. Messi longed for the two defenders on the wing to provide offensive support.

Alas, the reality is probably impossible. Ranieri is very conservative, at least in recent times!

Ranieri was actually struggling. Maicon's only active attack in the first half brought great benefits to the team. Trapani successfully tied the score, and he was also touched. Am I really too conservative? !

Not to mention Messi was dissatisfied, even the backcourt was dissatisfied. Giving up the position was not the attitude that a strong team should have. Obviously, they are stronger than their opponents, so why show weakness? ! If Ranieri's words had not touched everyone's sense of honor, perhaps he would have been attacked by the players long ago.

"Claudio, don't you think we were too conservative in the first half?! The boys are passionate and aggressive, we are no worse than them, maybe we shouldn't spend all our time on defense!" Barrias whispered to Ranieri on the sidelines in the first half.

Through observation, Milan's defense is not solid, especially if the two wings are really put under more pressure, maybe they will have a hard time. Trapani can actively find opportunities, Trapani has the strength, and passively seeking counterattack opportunities is too negative.

During the halftime break, Ranieri struggled again and again, and finally decided to make some proactive strategies, such as controlling the ball and looking for opportunities in positional warfare.

It is easy for Trapani to change tactics, as long as the formation is compact enough, and the key balls should be sent to Messi and others as much as possible, so that they can maximize their energy.

"Although we have changed the tactics now, I hope that each of you will remember your defensive responsibilities! This is a final, and there will not be too many opportunities for us to make mistakes! The fact that they scored first in the first half is a lesson. In the game, you have to concentrate your damn attention! Yes, you must always maintain your concentration! Remind each other!" Ranieri arranged the tactics and warned his players loudly. He was still worried about defense.

However, Messi and his team are very happy to have such a change. Messi is even more eager to try. He didn't get the ball many times in the first half, and his performance was very dull except for one assist. In the second half, he plans to increase his number of dribbles. Although we are not good at control, we have a good ability to disrupt the situation on the front line. This is Messi's confidence.

Ranieri is really a bit paranoid at the beginning of the season. What Ancelotti is really worried about is that Trapani will come out and fight with Milan. Milan is indeed very experienced, and some veterans are indeed impeccable in handling the ball, but is Trapani a vegetarian? Last season, under Deschamps, he was simply invincible and had a strong offensive ability. After a season, Trapani has increased rather than decreased. If he really wants to attack, he is not afraid of not being able to create opportunities.

Ancelotti didn't have many cards in his hand. During the halftime break, he didn't make too many changes to his tactics. He just made some arrangements for the defense on the wing. Messi didn't pass many people in the first half, but he, like Kaka, can't be regarded as an ordinary person. Once he gets angry, he can't be stopped. Milan needs to limit his space.

During the halftime break, Hugo and his family discussed the first half enthusiastically. It can be seen that no one in the Colemani family is satisfied with Trapani's performance in the first half. Hugo was too involved because of nervousness and didn't have a clear understanding of the game.

Although the family also hopes that the team can win the championship, their fans are relatively watery. Ricardo and Giovanni both said that Trapani didn't play as well as Milan, and Milan got more opportunities.

"It's useless to play better than us. The championship is still ours!" Hugo saw Maicon's performance that time, and his heart became more confident. I have to deal with Milan even if I'm reckless. This is the confidence.

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