My name is Colani

Chapter 60 Let's make a deal

"Listen, listen, what are those bastards laughing at?!" Victor interrupted Allegri's deployment, and everyone raised their ears to listen to the laughter coming from the bench of the home team players on the other side. However, because the voices of the other players were low, Victor and the others could not hear clearly, but they still knew that the laughter was directed at them, because someone saw the bastards on the opposite side pointing at the Trapani players.

"What are you still listening to! Those idiots must be laughing at us! Haha, these country bumpkins, living in a shitty town, dare to laugh at us! If we don't show them a little color in this game today, are we still Sicilians?!" Hugo started to speak at this time.

Toni, Allegri, and Kameni, the three people from other places, could not understand, but the others were native Trapani people, so they naturally understood that they were pointing and laughing, and they must be calling everyone country bumpkins, hooligans and thieves from Sicily.

These people were angry. After all, they had been discriminated against by people on the peninsula for a long time.

"Yes, teach these bastards a lesson! Let them know who is the first in the group!"

"These ignorant dogs, they are hiding in their own half like turtles, and they dare to laugh at us?!"


Successfully inciting everyone's emotions, Hugo shouted loudly: "We must beat them in the second half!"


"Kill them!"


Sometimes language barriers are also good. Hugo and his team spoke Sicilian dialect, and the players of Gorbissencilento really couldn't understand. They only heard the roar of Trapani players in their ears, and thought it was self-hypnosis in the midfield.

As a result, after the second half, they soon found that something was wrong. It was not that Trapani attacked very hard, but that the action was a bit big. Sometimes it was not against the person, not the ball. The players of Gorbissencilento began to complain to the referee. Is this kicking the ball or kicking people? They are really hooligans, especially Trapani players. The last time they came to Marsala as a guest, Marsala was not so cruel.

Allegri was excellent in the midfield dispatch, but he was also confused by Trapani's players. It was unnecessary. It would be strange if he didn't get sent off if he continued like this. This enthusiasm was not used in the right place!

There is another difference between amateur players and professional players, that is, they are much dirtier. Sometimes, an emotional mobilization can easily make them ignore the result of the game and first destroy a few opponents.

Hugo looked at the players of Gorbissencilento being thrown to the ground, and he was indescribably happy. No matter what these guys laughed at us during the halftime break, it must be a bad thing. Now let's give them a taste of their own medicine. Humph, at worst, we can't win this game!

Victor is also a militant. At the 60th minute of the second half, he elbowed a player of Gorbissencilento to the ground when he intercepted near the midfield. The referee had seen the signs before and had shown Trapani two yellow cards, one for Gorbissencilento. The players with yellow cards in Trapani were two wingers, and Victor had no card. However, the referee sent Victor off directly this time. The reason was very simple. Victor touched the opponent's nose and bled. He looked a little miserable. The referee saw that he was bleeding, so he gave him a red card!

In the bar in Sighino, Costa's mobile phone would receive a text message every ten minutes or so, reporting the latest developments of Trapani's away game against Gorbissencilento. The person who sent him the text message was a perennial substitute of Trapani.

There was no live broadcast of this match. Not only this match, but all the Italian Serie D leagues did not have live broadcasts or recorded broadcasts. The news media did not pay much attention to it. Except for the local media in Trapani, there was no more news.

Campania is still some distance away from Sicily, and Trapani fans will not travel so far to watch the game, so Costa's source of information is the Trapani substitute player he hired.

"In the 60th minute, the score was still 0:0, and Victor was sent off by the referee!" Looking at the "text live broadcast" on his mobile phone, Costa was almost crazy. Due to Trapani's recent good state, Costa gave a lower odds for the away win and a higher odds for the home win and home draw, which led to many gamblers choosing the high odds of the home win and home draw instead of the away win. Betting on football is definitely to make more money.

How could a scoundrel like Costa understand the principle of leverage? He only knows to bet on the home team to win or draw. Now Trapani is one man short. It seems very difficult to win this game. Maybe they will lose their pants today.

Costa can only pray to God silently that Trapani, who is one man short, can win Gorbissencilento.

On the court, the players of Trapani are naturally indignant. Hugo led the players to surround the referee to ask for an explanation. The referee kept escaping from their encirclement, but insisted on making the penalty. The players of Gorbissencilento also came to stop the players of Trapani from surrounding the referee.

The referee did not dare to show a yellow card or a red card again. If he gave a red card to the Trapani players who insulted him, he might be beaten today. He was also afraid that the players of Trapani would be really mad.

There are also people in Trapani who are not crazy, such as Allegri and Toni. They tried their best to dissuade Hugo from causing trouble for the referee.

"What's more important than winning this game?! We can prove that we can beat them even with one less person!" Allegri advised Hugo.

"This bitch, don't stop me! I'm going to break three of his legs and make him regret it for the rest of his life!" Hugo took a sip and cursed.

"Forget it, forget it! Xabi is right. If this continues, we might be punished by the amateur league. You don't want to see us still playing in the Italian League this time next year, do you?" Tony hugged Hugo. said.

Is it that serious? ! Hugo spat in the direction of the referee again, "Black whistle! Faint whistle!"

It's obviously you who provoked everyone's emotions and reaped the consequences. Now you can't spare the referee. Allegri is not surprised by Hugo's unreasonableness.

Finally, the players on both sides calmed down and the game continued. Trapani now had one less player to play and added Hugo, so he could no longer take advantage.

"Substitute!" Taking advantage of the sideline ball, Allegri advised Hugo. It is obvious who to replace, it must be Hugo!

Hugo himself also understood that whoever could be replaced would definitely be suitable for him. However, he did not want to end the game at this time. He behaved like a deserter. I will not be a deserter. I want to score today!

"No!" Hugo replied.

Okay, if you say you don’t want to change, I won’t. If you can’t win this game, you will have to be blamed. It’s your team anyway, so don’t be in a hurry, I’m in a hurry! Allegri said with dissatisfaction.

As time passed, the home team performed better and better than the visiting team. Hugo was worried. He sent off one person and then lost the game. I am afraid these guys would be more proud. They had to think of something!

Soon the smart Hugo thought of a way. At this time, Gorbi Sencilento's offensive was fierce, and Hugo couldn't run. Tony became the second forward, and he had to retreat at any time to support, but Hugo became a center.

Gorbisoncilento didn't pay much attention to Hugo and knew that Hugo was not a heavyweight. However, the backcourt was really idle at the moment. A central defender started to look at Hugo. He had to find something for himself. !

"Hey, what's your name?!" Hugo asked in a low voice when the two people were close.

The tall central defender is confused. He is playing football. Why are you talking to me? ! There was no answer, and he moved a few steps and left automatically.

After a while, the ball reached the half of Gorbison Cilento again. The central defender once again pressed Hugo. Hugo asked in a low voice: "Do you want to make some money?!"

The central defender of Gorbicencilento was stunned again and confused. Why did he bring up the matter of making money when he was playing football? ! Want to distract me? !

"Do you want to make money? If you can help me score and win, I will give you ten thousand dollars! After the game, come to me in Room 609 of the Mayflower Hotel in the evening. Cash! Think about it!" Hugo said quickly , finished speaking, then glanced at the central defender with a smile, and blinked, as if to say you understand.

The two of them separated, and after about two minutes, they were connected again.

"How about it?! Dude! For $10,000, I just need you to inadvertently commit a foul in the penalty area or score a goal from your own goal!"

"make a deal!"

The two people quickly reached a deal. This was the off-the-table trick that Hugo came up with. There was no way. Since he couldn't lose and lose, the smart Hugo thought of this trick. For ten thousand dollars, he didn't believe that guy. Don't be tempted, this place may be poorer than Trapani, doesn't he want to earn this extra money? ! God knows what you know and what I know, there is no risk.

Both of them were waiting for the ball, waiting for the moment when the ball was hoisted into the Gorbison Cilento penalty area, but the ball was not what they thought. At this time, Allegri's mind was already on keeping the tie. The game is good, and the person standing in front is not Tony but Hugo. With Hugo's level, do you still expect him to succeed in the fight for the top spot? !

At this time, Allegri began to protect the ball like an emperor, just "drag", and every minute was a minute.

Hugo could tell that he was just stalling for time. He was so angry. If you didn't even reach the penalty area, wouldn't my plan be ruined? !

"Xabi, pass the ball! Pass it into the penalty area! You must listen to me this time. If you have the ball, pass it into the penalty area!" Hugo took advantage of a free kick opportunity and told Allegri in a tough tone, "Stop showing off your ability to protect the ball! Just send it into the penalty area!"

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