My name is Colani

Chapter 604 The Charmer Arrives 2

After the training base, the unique landscape of Trapani in the future, the future home of Trapani Football Club - the sea stadium.

Even though the sea stadium is only roughly completed now, it looks very magnificent. The stadium is like an aircraft carrier standing in the bay, which is amazing. Beckham and his party have to admit that playing football here must be a different feeling.

After returning from here, Beckham signed, appeared at the press conference, and accepted interviews from reporters.

"Mr. Beckham, can you tell us how you feel when you come here?! It is said that you have learned about the training base and other places!" The reporter of "Torino Sports Daily" asked.

"I am very happy and excited! Everything here makes me feel like home! I think everything in the club is great, and I am very happy to be here!" Beckham said with a smile. He was indeed very excited. The contract was signed for three years, and the annual salary after tax reached 7 million euros. He was very satisfied.

"David, can you tell us what prompted you to come here?!" The reporter of "New Sports" website asked.

"It's the club's ambition! I spoke to Mr. Morek and Mr. Esposito a long time ago, and they told me about the team's future plans! They convinced me that I could play a role in this team! When I received the invitation from the club, I seriously considered the possibility of joining, and I think I made the right decision!" Beckham replied.

"Last season, Trapani became the hottest team in the world. They became the first team in Italian history to win the treble. Generally speaking, the team will face many difficulties in the next season. It is difficult to continue the magical performance of last season. Do you think you came at the right time?!" The reporter of "Gazzetta dello Sport" raised a sharp question.

He was right. In history, no team has been able to defend the treble after the treble. Since the reform of the Champions League, there has been no team that can defend the title.

These historical laws are huge challenges for Trapani.

"I don't think so! What you said are all historical laws. I think we have the potential to be a team that breaks the laws, because I think we have enough strength to challenge the laws. Therefore, I came here hoping to be a member of the team that creates new history!" Beckham is quite good at speaking.

"Since Mr. Ranieri resigned, the team has not yet determined the new head coach. Do you think this will cause great difficulties for the team's preparations for the new season?!" The English media "442" raised a very difficult question.

Uh, yes, damn, we don't even have a head coach yet! Beckham frowned inadvertently. He only noticed this problem now. There is no doubt that this will have an impact on the new season.

Last year, under the leadership of Ranieri, Trapani overcame this difficulty, but this season, it may not be so easy.

"Dear reporters, please pay attention. Regarding the question of the head coach, I can give you a clear answer. We can determine the new candidate within a week!" Giorgio said without waiting for Beckham to answer, "We can be sure that this will definitely not affect the team's preparations! Because before the new season training camp, the head coach will definitely be determined, and we already have a clear goal!"

"Is it Mr. Wenger?!"

"Is it Mr. Benitez?!"

"Is it Mr. Ancelotti?!"


The reporters below talked a lot.

"I'm sorry, today is the press conference for David's joining. We don't talk about the head coach! I just clearly tell everyone, don't worry about the head coach, it won't be our problem!" Giorgio ended the topic.

The press conference continued, and reporters asked Beckham and Giorgio a lot of questions, both routine and some deliberate difficulties, but Beckham was very experienced and resolved them one by one.

Through the press conference, Beckham also murmured a little. The signings of Italian teams are different from those of the Premier League. If a Premier League team introduces Beckham, the head coach must talk to him in advance. However, this is not the case here. Beckham has zero communication with Ranieri, and the entire transfer is completely dominated by the club.

This led Beckham to wonder what role he would play in the team in the new season? ! What's more, he doesn't know who the new head coach is yet.


During lunch, Hugo and Beckham talked about the team.

"David, the new head coach will be determined within a week! But the candidate issue, to be honest, they haven't made any final decision yet! But don't worry, we will definitely find a new head coach soon!" Hugo intends to be frank.

Uh, Beckham is speechless.

"Well, there is also the transfer market. Our progress is not satisfactory, but fortunately, there are still two months before the summer transfer window closes, and we can still do a lot!" Hugo said with his hands spread out.

Uh, Beckham is speechless.

"But these do not affect your position, because your position is determined by me!" Hugo said domineeringly.

"Let me first talk about my own ideas. The reason why Ranieri left last season was because he did not meet my aesthetic standards. We Trapani is a team pursuing honors, but we are also a team pursuing offensive football. In the new season, I hope the team can be more polished in offense! I hope to get a head coach who can lead us to play a smooth offense!"

"Therefore, according to my prediction, the 433 formation may be used in the new season. Last season, Ranieri often used the combination of Essien and Mascherano in the defensive midfielder position. Ballack does not have strong organizational ability, at least in my eyes, he is not, so I hope you can appear in the defensive midfielder position in the new season, use your characteristics, and enhance the organizational ability of the midfield. You have vision and accurate long and short passing ability. I believe you can do such a job!"

"You are not here for vacation. You will accept more severe tests than in Real Madrid. I am full of confidence in you! So you, do you think you can accept such a challenge?!" Hugo asked.

Beckham's career is one thing, and his own thoughts are another. In fact, he still hopes to be a right winger, which is his position in Manchester United and his most glorious position.

Playing as a winger is very different from playing as a defensive midfielder. Even if Hugo said that Beckham does not have to bear the main task of defense, a defensive midfielder is a defensive midfielder and must have defensive awareness. Pirlo of Milan is also an organizational defensive midfielder, but he is also remarkable in defense. Hugo obviously wants Beckham to be such a defensive midfielder.

This is not what Beckham likes. In the position of winger, he also participates in defense, but he is not in the hinterland of the team. The tolerance rate in defense is high, and the tolerance rate in the defensive midfielder position is obviously not that high. One negligence will cause very serious consequences. This is the difference between the defense of the winger and the defense of the defensive midfielder position.

Beckham didn't want to play in the defensive midfielder position, but according to Hugo's strong idea, the 442 formation may not be realistic no matter who coaches in the new season. Beckham didn't know why Hugo thought so, but from Hugo's statement, he knew that it would be difficult for the head coach to change Hugo's idea.

In the future, Beckham will know why Hugo emphasizes the 433 attacking formation from one person, that person is Messi.

Hugo hopes that Messi will not bear the heavy responsibility of defense, and can devote himself to the offense and be closer to the goal. The parallel position of 442 is not conducive to Messi's performance. This is why Hugo insisted on not using 442.

Beckham talked with Hugo while weighing his options. In the end, he agreed to Hugo's decision and accepted the challenge.

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