My name is Colani

Chapter 63 Allegri's Request

Allegri finally felt a stone fall in his heart when he heard Hugo's promise not to do such a thing again. To be honest, he was quite disgusted with this way of winning. The most important thing is that Hugo's mouth is not reliable. Count, Except for himself, Victor and Giorgio all knew it. In just two days, three people knew it. There were too many match-fixings. If he couldn't keep it safe, he would tell it. How bad!

"Gigi, there are too many things that are provoked by opponents in the football world. Only by working hard to defeat them on the court can we leave them speechless and the world speechless. How big is the victory you bought? Persuasiveness? If one day you lose something important due to a match-fixing, how infuriating would you say it is? After that, I went to Serie B and there were a lot of fans watching every game. How can you face their provocations in this way every time? I think it’s best to be bearish, ignore their provocations, and let the team’s strength speak for itself!”

"You are quite confident in the team. By the way, you are the assistant coach! If we can't be promoted this season, can you let me beat you first!" Hugo cursed.

"You are unreasonable. You are still the head coach and you can't get promoted. Why don't you slap yourself in the face!" Allegri argued with a smile.

"Hey, you think I'm a fool! You are the assistant coach, but you have the final say on everything about the team. I have never interfered with you! You have contributed the most, so of course you are responsible!" Hugo told the truth.

"Is it really me who has the final say?! I think you have the final say more often!" Allegri asked.

"Why do I have the final say? Look at the training, tactics, and lineup. That's not enough. I'm Jesus in the church, just a decoration!" Hugo said plausibly. .

"When will I have the final say on the lineup?! Are you saying that you will really listen to my arrangements from now on?!" Allegri demanded power.

"Yes, from now on you have the final say and I won't interfere in anything! But you promise to succeed in upgrading next year. If it doesn't succeed, I won't punish you any money. You stingy man is probably going to fight me to death, so I will beat you up. How about a meal!" Hugo said, showing his fist.

"Okay, I'll make this bet with you! From now on, I have the final say! I will be responsible to the end!" Allegri promised, patting his chest.

"It's a deal!"

"It's a deal!"

The two asked Giorgio to be a witness, and everyone high-fived and pledged an oath of alliance.

"Okay, now I have to make the decision and do the first thing!" Allegri said quickly after taking the oath.

"Tell me, what are you going to do?! In order to enhance your authority, should you say it during training tomorrow!" Hugo took a sip of coffee and smacked his lips.

"I have to say it now. I'm afraid I'll get beaten when I say it in training tomorrow!" Allegri said cautiously.

"Who dares to be so arrogant?! Dare to beat you up! I can't even keep my promise?!" Hugo was surprised.

"I'd better tell you what I think. The first thing I decided to do is to remove you from the starting lineup!" Allegri plucked up the courage to say.

"Bah!" Hugo slapped the table and the coffee cup jumped up. The coffee spilled all over the table. Both Giorgio and Allegri were startled. Giorgio secretly scolded Allegri, you are so stupid. Is this guy looking for trouble? This team belongs to Hugo. What can he do if he wants to play? Why don't he think of other ways? !

"Hey, you said I was the one who made the decision! Listen clearly, I am not denying you the chance to play, I am asking you to be a substitute! I have no intention of depriving you of playing football!" Allegri defended, sitting carefully. On the chair opposite.

"Calm down, calm down! Gigi, don't forget that you swore an oath to Xabi! This is not good!" Giorgio pressed Hugo on the chair.

"I said you think about it carefully. You are a smart person. You should know that you have no talent in football. I am not a scout, but I can bet you that your future career height will never be as high as mine. High! Why bother, make money and grow the team, you can also get happiness from it, you don’t have to play football!” Allegri said.

"Who are you?! Let's not mention your bullshit career. You said I can't reach your height, so let's give it a try!" Hugo continued to curse.

"You don't care about your business?!" Giorgio asked.

"Haha, what's the business? Making money is easy for me! I have plenty of time, so what if I just bet with him?! Tell me, what are you betting on me?! I don't believe your dog eyes. "Ah!" Hugo smiled, I really have a lot of free time.

"What are you betting on?! You are betting on your life! Be careful, buddy, it will take at least ten years, right?!" Allegri said "kindly".

"I want you to care?! Just tell me what bet you want!" Hugo shouted.

"I, I..., there is no bet!" Of course Allegri was not willing to bet.

"Coward!" Hugo scolded again.

"Hey, if you lose, that's your life. If you win, you should thank me more. If I hadn't stimulated you, you would have reached a height higher than me! Tell me why I want to bet with you!" Allegri smiled .

"Look! A man of thirty years old is still so shameless!" Hugo then smiled again, pointing at Giorgio and Allegri.

Seeing that Hugo didn't lose his temper, Allegri said again, "Well, Gigi, you really can think about it carefully. You don't have to be a starter to be happy! Think about how many people in the team are really convinced that you are a starter. They accept the fact that you are a starter because you are the boss and you own the entire team. You can do whatever you want here. However, privately, I guess the comments about you must be bad! These people are important to you. Without them, you can't make this team brilliant. You say you have money, you can buy many players, many excellent players, but if you lack respect, you will lose them sooner or later!"

"Consider your own strength. It is not enough to be a starter. This will make everyone feel unfair! In the long run In the past, I thought Trapani would not have a great future! "

"Oh, that's enough, that's enough! Isn't it just that I don't start? ! Can I be a substitute? When the score is big, can I play a few times? ! Xia Bi, you said a lot, but it's nothing more than saying that I affected the team! Okay, I admit that I am not good, but I also love football very much. If it weren't for my love, I would have made this team to tinker with it! When you first said that I should start, I was really angry! Now listening to you, I think what you said makes sense. My shortcoming is that I am stubborn and self-righteous, and my advantage is that I will correct my mistakes! Whatever you say, I will do it! ! I remember the oath between you and me! "Hugo replied angrily.

"Alas, if I had known this, I would rather play in the regional league than covet your mother's Italian League. In this way, no one will say that I am in the way on the court! "Hugo said to himself angrily.

This is true. If Hugo played in the regional league, no one would have so many ideas. It's just for fun. You are a rich man who pays the most. It's okay to let you play as a starter. The key is that Trapani's position is not an amateur league now. Everyone in the team, including the perennial substitutes, wants to upgrade to taste the taste of the professional league. They must have different thoughts. I have no problem playing as a substitute because I am weak, but you, Hugo, are worse than me but you play. Isn't this a pitfall for the team? !

"Now there is no turning back. You bought Luca, Carlos, and Xiabi, and spent money to buy Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. You spent so much money, you can only bite the bullet!" Giorgio laughed.

"Yes, it can only be like this. Otherwise, I will set up a new amateur team and participate in the amateur league in the city!" Hugo admitted that when Giorgio said that, there was no turning back. So much money had been spent, not only the spare money at hand, but also 10% of Google's shares had been sold, almost all of which had been invested. You had to bite the bullet and do it, otherwise it would all go down the drain.

"Forget it. It's good enough for us to manage this team well. Gigi, you should learn from me. Look at me, I have never played football, but I love our team. I turn this love into hard work every day, go to the stadium to witness the efforts of the players, and hope that the team can become better! I can see the team grow day by day, and maybe it will be promoted to Serie B or even Serie A in the future. I am inexplicably excited when I think about it!" Giorgio is full of longing.

"You work hard?! Sorry, Giorgio, I really didn't see it!" Hugo joked.

"Well, my level is a little worse! But I still work hard!" Giorgio said embarrassedly. His problem is not only his poor level, but also his problem of not being able to do big things. Usually, it seems that Hugo and Morek are almost the ones who decide the team's policies. Giorgio has become a chores, and from time to time he serves as a consultant for Hugo and others to understand the situation of other opponents and how others do it.

Victor did some logistics in the summer, and now that the season has started, Victor has basically become a player, and all his work has been given to Giorgio, so Giorgio has indeed worked hard, but unfortunately his vision is still not enough.

"George, you can't do this! I think as a general manager, your vision is not broad enough, and your thinking is a bit rigid. I recently decided to set up an investment company, and the registered place will be in Trapani! I plan to let you go to the new company as a deputy manager, the kind that will travel on business, and go around the world to see the world and understand what the future looks like. If you have the opportunity, go to the UK and the Northern Three Bears. We have to learn how they can run the team well!" Hugo said.

Of course, Giorgio couldn't ask for it. Although he might not be able to help his wife take care of the cafe anymore, he could get a considerable annual salary in Hugo's company, which was also a great compensation. Of course, he was also happy to go out and see the outside world. Speaking of which, the last time he went to Portugal to negotiate Ronaldo's contract, he visited Sporting Lisbon and did have a lot of feelings.

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