My name is Colani

Chapter 690 Not That Simple

At the end of the game, Trapani's players didn't want to stay at the Sant'Elia Stadium for long. Today was obviously a game they wanted to forget. However, since Hugo was going to fly back with everyone, it was inevitable for everyone to I met Hugo awkwardly on the bus.

Everyone was a little embarrassed, even Victor, because everyone had apparently ruined Hugo's birthday party.

"Okay! Okay! Today is my birthday, and I don't like you going to my birthday party looking downcast! This feels bad!" Hugo said majestically.

"A draw just makes you wake up! You have to know that the championship is not decided thirty-eight rounds in advance. The championship requires each of you to fight to win it. There will be a period of time on the way to the championship. You will I feel like everything is under my control, but in fact this is just an illusion. The story of every season is not that simple. If you want to win the championship, you must maintain a mentality of always pursuing victory and never be self-righteous!"

"Just like today's game, you are too self-righteous! This is a good lesson! I hope that after your vacation, you will deal with future games with a new attitude! I hate this game, I hate it Your performance! If anyone still responds to the game with this attitude, then great, I don’t mind sending him away! There are many people who have gone out here, and I won’t mind sending away anyone who is not correct. Someone who faces the game with an attitude!" Hugo couldn't help but criticize the team after talking about it.

"Okay! I really can't say any more! I don't want you to go on vacation in a unhappy mood, so don't be dejected, get off the plane and set foot on the land of Trapani. I hope to see your Smile!" Hugo ended with these words, and then sat down in his seat without saying a word. Lu Fan sat next to him and fell asleep without saying a word.

Maggio was sitting in the middle of the bus. In the post-match interview, he was already very regretful about his reckless attack. Hugo got on the bus and severely criticized everyone, especially saying that he would not mind sending him away because he thought his attitude was inappropriate. Ma Qiao can easily think of himself as a person, and his mood is even more depressed now.

After getting on the plane, Macho's mood could not recover for a long time. At this recent stage, he had a certain upper hand in the competition with Behrami for the main position, but he knew that this position was not stable and his performance was not stable. Well, Bielsa may let Behrami replace him at any time. You must know that Bielsa is a player who is very good at rotation and is willing to give players opportunities. Everyone can hit the main position.

The most obvious example is Bastian Schweinsteiger. Earlier Schweinsteiger was not valued by Bielsa, but with his own efforts, Schweinsteiger is now playing more and more games. Beckham's playing time is dwindling.

As a veteran of the team, Macho's status has never been consolidated, and his presence in the team itself is not very strong. Hearing Hugo's statement is really worrying.

After arriving at their destination, the players got off the plane. A text message rang on Macho's cell phone. He took it out and saw that it was actually a text message from Hugo.

"Christian, today's criticism is aimed at everyone, including you, but not you specifically. What I blame is not just your mistakes. We have problems on the offensive and defensive ends, and you are not responsible for the problem." The only one who takes responsibility! I told you to relax your face when you get off the plane! You must repent and make up your mind. You can’t show me a calm face from now on!”

Hugo's text message was like a timely gift. Hugo was scolding himself, which showed that Hugo was telling the truth and that he could still be saved. Ma Qiao's mood instantly improved a lot. He immediately replied to Hugo: "I'm sorry. Boss! Listen to you!”

An embarrassing draw slowed down Trapani's progress. Inter Milan won the game in the evening, and Trapani was only three points ahead of them. All this trouble came from Allegri. Legree would not come to the birthday party. After all, it was a Christmas dinner in Trapani, and it would be very inappropriate for him to come.

Allegri also sent a blessing message to Hugo after the game. Hugo did not reply until he returned to Trapani, "You ruined my birthday party! I will remember you!"

By the time of the dinner, everyone returned to normal. No matter how bad the game was, the holidays were here. It was not easy to be a player, and it was even more difficult to be an obvious player. There were endless games, endless interviews, endless There are no commercial activities, and most of Trapani's players are very busy during work. Bielsa does not care about the players' spare time, but everyone is very tired during working hours.

Everyone is eager for a vacation. The arrival of the vacation dilutes everyone's depression after losing. Besides, Hugo also asked everyone not to be depressed.

Hugo still formed a band with Victor and Lu Fan, sang songs for everyone, and made everyone happy!

The proprietress Julia was a guest of the lottery and drew lots for everyone. Everyone who saw it had a chance to win. The biggest prize was a sports car worth more than 200,000 euros. Everyone was eager for good luck to come to them, but it turned out that the good luck did not belong to the players. At our place, it was Fabio Costa who won the grand prize.

In his New Year's speech, Morek affirmed the team's work over the past year and thanked Bielsa, the coaching staff, staff, and players. In his speech, he once again clarified the team's goals and did not miss every key , he even gave the team new pressure.

"Do you know which two teams in European football are the most attractive to the audience? We are lucky to be one of them, and the other one is Barcelona! But I don't agree with this view. I think we are the best team, we are the only one! At the end of this season, I hope to tell fans all over the world that we are special and we are the best!"

This is a clear challenge!


The Christmas holiday is here, and Hugo has not yet weighed whether to agree with Cellino's idea. He took his family to Australia for a few days. Trapani will not make any moves this winter, and Kenyon and Selli will naturally have time to rest.

After the Christmas holiday, Hugo returned to Trapani. Hugo asked Zamparini for his opinion. Zamparini is Hugo's ally, and Hugo really wants to hear his opinion.

Zamparini immediately took notice of this proposal. How could he not take it seriously? ! Cellino's idea is to let the bosses of Serie A make decisions. They will be happy because this decision can bring a lot of benefits to everyone. Why not take it seriously?

"I think this is a good idea!" Zamparini said after listening to it. Of course, he also wanted to make more money. As the chairman of the professional league, he had no awareness of considering the Serie B team.

"Do you think the Serie B team will agree?! To be honest, if the Italian Super League is established, my company will not pay a high price to obtain the broadcasting rights of Serie B!" Hugo is not only a club owner, but also the only contractor of the broadcasting rights of Serie A and Serie B.

If they are separated, needless to say, only a fool would quote the broadcasting rights of Serie B according to the current distribution method of broadcasting fees of Serie A and Serie B!

Hugo is not a fool. There is a limit to serving everyone. Besides, the company is not his alone. Even if he is a great philanthropist, he does not do charity in this way.

"Humph, what do they disagree with?! They have no right to speak. This is the decision of the Serie A team themselves. There is no need to discuss with them!" Zamparini did not hide his greed.

"Then what about the Football Association?!" Hugo sneered.

It is easy to say that the establishment of the Italian Super League is simple, but it is not so easy to do. The attitude of the Football Association is very important, and it should be said that it is very important. You must know that the Italian Football Association is the boss who manages all affairs of Italian football. The idea proposed by Cellino is a good way to hit Rossi, but as far as the Football Association is concerned, whether to share power with Serie A is another matter.

But the Football Association does not completely control everything. First of all, it is the public opinion environment. Many Italian fans think this is a good thing. If you, the Football Association, want to stop it, it is not aware of the current situation. Secondly, if the chairman of the Football Association does not agree with this approach, the Serie A teams will keep making trouble, and the chairman's butt is very unstable. You must know that there are many bosses with political and economic influence in the Serie A teams. When everyone unites under the same interests, it is not a piece of cake to deal with a Football Association chairman.

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