My name is Colani

Chapter 702 430 Tony must stay

"What do these guys want to do?!" Hugo looked at the fans rushing towards his car and cursed fiercely.

"What do you want to do?! Let me seek justice from you!" Lu Fan smiled bitterly, and then said loudly: "Don't go down! It's dangerous..."

But Hugo had already opened the car door, and Lu Fan could only smile bitterly. Brother, you are also a rich man after all. What could happen here if you don't protect yourself? Cherish your life and stay away from the crowd, isn't it? !

"What do you want?! Who are you looking for?!" Hugo opened the car door and stood by the window. These fans did not dare to gather around. After all, most of the people who come here to parade here for leisure all day long are from Trapani. Who can Anyone who doesn’t know Hugo knows that he is a very vicious and absurd character.

Fans also know that there is no taboo against joking with Hugo when he is happy, but it is not easy to mess with Hugo when he is black-faced.

"We want Tony, the British guys get out!" A voice came out from the crowd, and then the crowd boiled.

"Yes, why can't the club keep Tony?!"

"It's all that British guy's doing!"

"Tony is our captain, he shouldn't be kicked out like this!"

"Which bastard said that the club wants to expel Tony?!" Hugo shouted loudly, "And you sent two **** up with me. If you want to talk, you can talk, but you can't block it here! I see you You’ve been so busy all day with nothing to do, right?”

Lu Fan had already come out and stood next to Hugo, looking in all directions and listening in all directions. With so many people here, it was not reliable, but nothing happened. The crowd quickly selected two people.

Hugo was very happy when he saw it. His neighbors asked, "You guys are also making trouble?!"

The young man in his twenties was the boy whom Victor asked Hugo to borrow his bicycle. Now he has grown up. Leonardo Petrucci is another guy who is also very familiar to Hugo. He seems to be from the bakery on the street. child.

"Now as a fan, I tell you with righteousness, Gigi, we must give us an explanation for Tony's matter, otherwise we will not leave!" Leonardo, still wearing freckles, stood in front of Hugo plausibly. .

"Hey, you stinky boy..." Hugo pretended to beat them both, but in the end he didn't. Leonardo and the other boy shrank their necks, fearing that Hugo's slap would fall on their heads.

The fans all looked at this scene and thought Hugo was going to beat someone up, but who knew that Hugo still held back and did not take action.

"I won't beat you two! Well, I can't be too harsh on you, right?!" Hugo said this to this group of protesting fans, "Then let's talk. You can go talk to Peter Kenyon. talk!"

"We won't talk to him! Humph, who is he?! We want to talk to you!" Leonardo snorted coldly.

"What nonsense are you talking to me about?! I don't care about the specific affairs of the club now, you should know very well!" Hugo patted his head lightly.

"Then you are the boss, and what you say is more important than him!" Leonardo defended.

"Hey! What he said counts! So the person you are looking for today is not him but me?!" Hugo laughed.

"Luckily, I happened to... bump into..." Leonardo saw Hugo clenching his fists.

"Why don't you come find me at my house?!" Hugo's smiling face didn't look like a smile.

"Get out!" Hugo yelled, "You come to me as your boss for all kinds of messy things, so what else do you want Kenyon to do?" !

"Tony won't leave! This is his home!" After saying this, Hugo got into the car and started the car. The fans gave him a way, and Hugo was not polite and passed directly.

Everyone was talking about it, and Leonardo said: "Hugo just said that Tony will not leave! That means he will not leave!"

In a few words, since Hugo has agreed to this, what's the point of staying here and marching? ! The people dispersed like birds and beasts.

Hugo, on the other hand, was furious. Kenyon was not good at what he was doing. How could this matter be so big? Sometimes he had to give in.

At the headquarters, Hugo went straight to Kenyon's office. The momentum of the two hundred or so fans outside was not small. Kenyon could still sit firmly on the Diaoyutai, which was considered to be of excellent psychological quality. When Hugo came in, Kenyon Carrying the briefcase, he was planning to go out.

As soon as he reached the door, he bumped into Hugo.

"What's going on with Tony? Negotiations broke down?!" Hugo didn't know what was being said in the media at this time.

"That little Moji is so fucking difficult. He won't take any loss at all! How can we continue talking about this?!" Kenyon mentioned that little Moji was very angry. This bastard seemed to be determined to eat him. Kenyon suspended the negotiations and did not say that the negotiations had broken down, but Moji did not say that to the media. Kenyon also read the media reports, and he just wanted to throw the blame on Moji.

If Tony really wants to leave, Kenyon will no longer object. Just leave when the contract expires. This can be regarded as a warning to others. The breakdown of negotiations is not caused by that bastard Moji. It doesn't matter if it is given to him. .

"I don't care if he is difficult or not, this negotiation must continue! Tony must stay! You calculated well at the beginning, but now you have to keep your promise to me!" Hugo didn't intend to listen to Kenyon's explanation at all.

Kenyon was helpless in the face of such persecution, but he had all the power, but in the end he was just a high-level wage earner. Was Hugo's request too much? ! Not too much!

It's not good not to agree. Besides, Tony is very useful to the club. He is the big brother of the locker room and the pillar of stability. If he can't stay, it's his helpless choice. If he can stay, it's better to stay.

"I have a plan!" Kenyon thought for a while and said.

"Don't talk to me about any plans. I'll hand over the club to you. You are the decision maker. I only look at the results. You have to change the club according to your own plan! I just want to make great progress and development!" Hugo waved his hand to show that he was not interested.

After Hugo left, Kenyon had no choice but to call Mogi and ask him to continue the negotiations. Kenyon didn't expect that Mogi, who had already claimed that the negotiations had broken down, would agree without hesitation.

What's going on? It was only published yesterday, and it can be restarted today? !

Kenyon didn't know that Mogi also angered Tony. Tony didn't mean to intervene in the renewal negotiations. In the past, the media often asked him about the renewal. Tony often said that my agent was handling it. I don't know how far it went.

The more he asked, Tony finally said in an interview, "I will definitely stay!"

Who knew that the negotiations had broken down now? When Moggi reported to him that the negotiations had broken down, Tony did not blame Kenyon, but Moggi. He said that my wish was to stay, not to leave. What does it mean that the negotiations with the club have broken down now? !

Moggi said that I was playing hard to get. Tony told him that he didn't care whether he was playing hard to get or not. In short, I would not go anywhere except Trapani. Negotiations must be resumed.

The world is so big, and there are not many ways left for Moggi. One is that he disagrees with his client and they go their separate ways. The other is to compromise and continue to cooperate. Moggi decisively chose the second way. Tony is his signboard. If they can't go their separate ways, then he can only compromise.

The two sides soon sat back at the negotiation table. Kenyon came up with a new trick and did not intend to argue with Mogi about money. Reducing the salary was inevitable, but Kenyon planned to give Tony a high compensation in terms of signing fee, so that the salary space was compressed and it was convenient for him to serve as a role model.

As for the signing fee, Kenyon planned to fill it with the transfer budget. If he wanted to do it, he had to make achievements. The report he submitted to Hugo next season must reduce the deficit.

Mogi and Kenyon finally reached an agreement on the contract before the end of the season. Mogi won benefits for both Tony and himself, but the salary on the surface was to be reduced, but secretly this income was nothing for Tony. Everyone was happy, and Tony signed a lifetime contract.

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