My name is Colani

Chapter 72 Christmas Meeting 1

"Gigi, Mr. Tavecchio seems a little unhappy!" Richie sent Tavecchio away and called Hugo.

"Why would he be unhappy?! Oh, I'm outspoken! Alas, I was too excited at the time! So..." Hugo explained.

"Not only that, I think you don't respect him enough in your treatment of his arrival. You were late, swore loudly in front of him, and even swore at him. After the game, you didn't suggest taking him to a better place for dinner, which made him unhappy! He is a big shot, he needs you to respect him!" Richie continued

"Haha, speaking of respect, this old guy lectured me as soon as we met, is this respect?!" Hugo now remembered the unpleasantness when we just met. It seems that I was wrong to be late, but being late in this place is not a big crime. He came up and lectured me as an elder. Do you really think you are a big shot? !

"But he has the ability to make Trapani's life very difficult. The football circle is not like this. You have to get along with both sides!" Richie persuaded.

"Does it have to be like this for a game?!"

"Alas, the Italian football circle is more complicated than you think. It will be of great benefit to you to be friends with him!" Richie sighed.

"Don't worry, he is a big shot. At most, he will ignore our team. Nothing will happen!" Hugo said nonchalantly, "To be honest, I felt unhappy when I saw him the first time. He is lucky that I didn't beat him up today!"

Richie's jaw dropped again. You dare to beat up even the chairman. This is not an unknown scout. It will definitely cause serious consequences. You should know that the government is relatively tough in combating crime now, at least on the surface. Tavecchio is a figure, a political figure, and it is easy to cause reactions from some people.

"Don't do anything. Such a person cannot be touched!" Richie said loudly.

Tsk, how could I not know, "I was just joking. Of course I won't beat him up! Hahaha!" Hugo laughed.

Tavecchio did not disturb Hugo's interest. Originally, he was going to stay with the players and go to Palermo to play after the game, but this plan was only postponed for one day. The next day, Hugo took the club players and a small number of staff to Palermo to relax for a day, and did not return to Trapani until the third day.

Hugo and a group of senior executives returned to Trapani, but did not leave directly. Instead, they held a meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the future of the team mentioned by Hugo and Allegri before, and whether some work needed to be done during this winter break.

"We need coaches. The current team training is not rigorous enough, not systematic and in-depth enough. You also know that I am originally at the same level as you. There are too many deficiencies in training. I think we should establish a complete coaching team." Allegri was not polite at all and was the first to put forward the conditions.

There are three coaches, one is a middle school teacher with a certificate who has registered for the amateur league, one is Hugo, and the other is Allegri. The middle school teacher doesn't care about anything. Hugo originally bought his certificate for use. Besides, he wouldn't come even if he was asked to come. He was demoted by Hugo at the beginning, and it was Giorgio who persuaded him to get his certificate. Hugo himself certainly didn't want to pay a high price for an unknown coach.

As for Hugo, everyone knows the situation well, and he doesn't care about the team's training at all.

Allegri is the boss of the team. Allegri is the real coach. Trapani's coaching work is not very busy. The reason for not being busy is ridiculous, that is, he didn't do what he should do, and there was nothing to be busy about. For example, every professional team should have a goalkeeper coach, and every team should have a physical coach. The higher the level of the team, the more attention should be paid to physical fitness. However, Trapani does not have these two important coaching staff members.

"I think this is the top priority. If we want to improve the level of our players, we must introduce high-level coaches." Allegri's words were powerful.

Speaking of coaches, Hugo felt overwhelmed. Where can he find one? When he took over the team, it was a bit of a play. Hugo thought that training was just a simple matter. Anyway, they were all amateurs, so they could practice whatever they wanted. The important thing was the tacit understanding. But as he got to know football better, he knew that Allegri was right. A complete coaching team can do a lot of things, such as targeted training, which Trapani is doing very poorly now.

"Okay, okay, you have the final say. Giorgio and I will think of a way!" Hugo could only agree to it. Seeing that Giorgio also had a bitter look on his face, it was obvious that he was the same as Hugo. He had no idea what a good coach was.

Allegri didn't ask for much, only this one. Hugo was very grateful to Allegri. After a few months of getting along, Allegri was actually a person Hugo felt was easy to get along with. He would joke, work hard, and sometimes dare to speak. There were almost no people in the team who could say Hugo was not right to his face. Tony would not say Hugo was wrong, but Allegri would. From this suggestion, Hugo also felt Allegri's sincerity and was really good for the team.

"Xiabi, I am very happy for you! You proved that my money was not wasted. I thought that the $5,000 salary increase was unfair to you. I thought you would hide your shortcomings, but I didn't expect you to be so serious! Thank you very much, I will always remember you as a friend in the future!" Hugo said emotionally at this time.

"Gigi, what you said reminded me of something very important! Look, now you know that being a coach is not that easy, right? Can you consider giving me a raise? Valentina needs a Christmas present now!" Allegri joked with a smile.

Everyone laughed.

"Okay, Xiabi, this is the bad thing about you. You always ask for a raise! But I'm happy today. I'll give you and Tony a bonus of $10,000 each. Go buy Christmas presents for Valentina and Marta! I'll also give you gifts. You can take them back. That's it, so you don't always say I'm stingy behind my back!" Hugo laughed and scolded.

"Oh, so you know everything!" Tony also joked, and everyone laughed again.

"Okay, let's get back to the point. Let's continue chatting! To be honest, I don't have much money to invest in the team now. You know, I just reached an agreement with my uncle to get two plots of land, which will cost about two million US dollars. I plan to build a new stadium with one of the two plots of land, and the other one will be used as investment land. I may have other ideas in the future! So you can talk about spending money next, but don't expect me to have much ability to solve it!" Hugo shrugged helplessly.

"Well, then, I'll say something to make you happy!" Cousin Alejandro Morek said with a smile.

"Ah, by the way, Alex, you haven't shown up all this time. Are you so busy with work?! Don't forget that you have shares in the team, which is also part of your industry. Don't always fish for three days and dry the net for two days!" Hugo heard the long-lost voice and immediately started to be rude to his cousin.

"Alas, brother, I'm not as smart as you. I can make money by doing nothing all day! I have to support my family!"

"Ha, you still have the nerve to say that. Tell me, how long have you not visited your grandfather?!" Victor criticized Morek from the side, "I'm only 80% sure that you have a lover in Palermo. I can't see you in Trapani during this period!"

"Get lost. How can I have that much free time in a day!" Morek's face turned red as if his secret was exposed.

"Haha, it seems to be true!" Victor clapped his hands and laughed.

"Okay, okay! I don't care whether Alex has ten or eight lovers. Now I just want to hear some good news!" Hugo stopped Victor from teasing.

"Good news, absolutely good news, genuine goods at a good price! A supermarket company in Palermo wants to rent the billboards on the sidelines of our home stadium!" Morek laughed, "This is the result of my hard work during this period!"

"Really?!" Hugo was immediately excited when he got the money. A team like ours, except for me asking my family for sponsorship, now there is a real sponsor coming!

"Well, it's true. Their request is to rent the billboards on the sidelines of our stadium to them for three years and give us 50,000 euros in rental fees every year!" Morek said.

"Fuck him! Why doesn't he die?! It's a beautiful thing to want, three years, only 50,000 euros a year, does he think our club is a beggar? Alex, tell him that if there is no 100,000 euros, everything will be negotiated, and the contract will only be signed once a year, but under the same conditions, they have the right to renew it with limited restrictions!" Hugo cursed, which was so infuriating. I want a sponsorship fee of one million US dollars a year every minute, and the billboard must be more than 100,000 euros.

"Well, they only rent a quarter of the billboard, this price is not bad!" Morek said. He thought to himself, Hugo, what do you think our team is? The 50,000 US dollars a year is completely because they want to get out of Palermo and open up the Trapani market. They are not sponsoring the team, but want to get in touch with the Colelli family and build a good relationship.

"Their boss is very bold and plans to expand the supermarket business to Trapani, so you know what this billboard rental means!" Morek explained.

Hugo certainly understood what Morek meant, so he said, "That's just right, just a good deal, just tell him, 150,000 euros a year, we will guarantee friendship!"

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