My name is Colani

Chapter 74 Family Gathering

It is definitely not easy to achieve the self-sufficiency that Hugo said, but it must be said that this time the half-baked management team has taken the right path, and developing young players is definitely not as cost-effective as Hugo thought.

"Alex, this time you have work again!" After everyone chatted for a while and said what they should say, Hugo suddenly said to his cousin.

"What's the matter? Don't ask me to manage this and that. I'm very busy. I will be in Palermo for a long time in the future and can't help you at all!" Morek felt that his smiling cousin was definitely not good. It was difficult to find sponsorship. Okay, do you think it's that easy!

"Haha, that's not the case. Didn't I say that I want to upgrade the training base? I plan to invest 1 million US dollars and build our own echelon at our training base. The training base needs to add player dormitories, or more accurately, hotels. I need to let the players feel the warmth of home here. I need to build new training grounds, and there are some other projects that should be there! I plan to let you do this project as before!" Hugo said shamelessly.

Alas, I knew you were up to no good. I'm responsible for this, but I still don't get paid, and I have to pay for it myself.

"Mr. Colani, please, let me go!" Morek clasped his hands together and looked pitiful. Why do you always fleece your own family?

"Haha, Mr. Morek, you are also one of the shareholders of the team. Tell me, shouldn't you pay a little for the team?!" Hugo said with a smile.

"Can we withdraw? I'll give you the shares for free. How about being a brother and sponsoring you?" Morek smiled bitterly.

Everyone around laughed. Look at what this boss has done to his employees? !

"No, no, no, don't back out! If you take this job, I will give you a share of the good things in the future, how about that?! We don't have money, I think we should spend this money on practical things, 1 million US dollars is actually invested in the upgrade, you say it's not worth paying more for labor! Anyway, we are family, I remember your kindness, and I will never forget you in the future!" Hugo quickly persuaded, the cousin can't run away, this is a free construction team, at least now there is no need to pay the cousin labor costs, and the cousin who is a family will definitely not cheat.

"You know we are not the only place that needs to be built in the future, the training base. I have good news for you. I have already decided to build the stadium for you! But, you have to help now!" Hugo threw out his own temptation. The stadium was a big project in his plan. He had only three ideas. The first was practicality. People on the coast of Trapani could still enjoy the joy of football normally, so the roof must be available. The second was that it must be innovative. This is already the case. If it is built, it will become the world's first football stadium on the sea. This was Hugo's decision to attract popularity for Trapani. With such an innovative stadium, it must be able to attract the attention of some tourists. The third was luxury. The stadium must be luxurious so that the audience can enjoy the feeling of watching the game here.

Hugo himself didn't know how much such a stadium would cost, but he knew that it must be an astronomical figure in the history of football stadium construction in the world. It doesn't matter, we are rich and we are not afraid of not being able to build it. He is just a little worried about the time issue. All investment projects will not reach the level of a giant until the later stage. At that time, Hugo's wealth can accumulate to the level of a giant. In the past few years, Hugo could only rely on the company's annual profit dividends to live, and most of them do not pay dividends. At least Google does not pay dividends. This is the result of Hugo's earlier discussion with Page and Brin. Besides, Hugo has not planned to use dividends yet. He needs to reinvest his profits into the market.

Throwing out such a temptation, Morek finally said reservedly: "Who made us brothers? It's my bad luck!"

"That's right! People, you have to look at the long-term, you can't be like your uncle!" Hugo smiled and teased his uncle Old Morek. Of course, his cousin was speechless. Sometimes it seems that his father is really a little short-sighted.

After the discussion, they left. Victor, Hugo and Alex went home together. Today is December 21st. There is an important year-end party at home. It is a private party of the Colani family. The attendees are all the heads of related companies. More importantly, some of the better underground families. Last year, Hugo spent Christmas in the United States and naturally did not attend such a party. This year is different. He didn't want to attend, but he had to attend.

Moreover, today is an important day for him. Today is his birthday. Because of many inconveniences, he did not invite Allegri and Toni, nor did he invite Giorgio. Inviting Giorgio would make Giorgio a little embarrassed. He is the kind of person who lives a decent life. He is not willing to go to some parties. It can be seen from the fact that he has never asked his grandfather for help no matter how difficult it is. Maybe it is his father or his grandfather's instructions, or maybe he thinks so himself. Who knows.

Fortunately, Allegri and Toni really don't know Hugo's birthday, otherwise everyone will definitely celebrate for him.

"Isn't today's birthday party grand enough?!" Victor joked in the car on the way back.

"You're so impressive, I don't care at all! I might as well have worked overtime on my birthday last year without my life!" Hugo turned the steering wheel angrily and turned into the parking lot of his home.

"Why?! I can tell you, today is a secret ceremony of the family!" Victor said mysteriously.

"What?!" Hugo was confused, what kind of ceremony!

"Haha, this is called the family's coming-of-age ceremony. You should have attended this party last year, but unfortunately you are far away in the United States. I'll make it up to you this time!" Victor laughed.

Hugo finally understood. This was like in China. Elders introduced their nephews to the people they interacted with in society when they became adults, and inherited their connections.

Sorry, are you interested? ! Not interested, I don’t need it!

"Tch!" Hugo muttered contemptuously.

"Haha, I know you don't like this kind of party, but I told you that a beautiful woman is coming today. It would be an advantage for me if you weren't here!" Victor laughed.

"Real or fake?! You're beautiful, you can take a look. I hope what you said is true!" Hugo touched his chin.

"What kind of beauty?! The evil girl is just about the same! Gigi, don't listen to Victor's nonsense! Well, she is indeed a beauty, but she has a rather arrogant personality and is difficult to get along with. If you meet her, you'd better stay away!" Morek said from When he got off the car, he happened to hear Victor telling Hugo, so he ignored Victor's wink and told Hugo the truth.

"I think you deserve a beating again?!" Hugo waved his fist, pretending to beat Victor. It was obvious that Victor wanted to dig a hole for him without his knowledge.

"Hey, don't I think you are the most capable, smartest and richest person, so I think you can conquer that woman, who is more beautiful than Sylvia!" Victor defended.

"Haha, Sylvia turns out to be the goddess in your mind!" Hugo put away his fists and teased Victor as if he had discovered a new world.

"Yes, brother, I'm not bragging. If you don't have 10,000 women, you have 8,000. Sylvia will definitely become a beautiful woman in the future!" Victor boasted, patting his chest.

"Ha, why don't you go pick her up?!"

"Haha, it's hard to attack this acquaintance! I've always regarded her as my younger sister!" Victor's excuse really made Hugo, who was familiar with China's national conditions, find it funny. Many younger sisters in China have become girlfriends and even wives. .

The three of them had arrived at the courtyard of their home while they were laughing. Hugo's home was not a mansion, but an old building with a lot of rooms and a large yard. However, there was no swimming pool. It was impossible to hold gatherings in the room because there were so many people, so It was a party in the courtyard, and the Colaney family started a buffet style in a learned manner. When they arrived home, it was still dark and not many guests had come.

The three of them went straight into the house without greeting the guests. They met their uncle, Old Morek, at the gate. They kissed Hugo face to face and said, "Ha, you are finally back. I really can't think of a small ball club." The team can be so busy! Look at the time, you seem to have been meeting for at least three hours! Oh, God, it’s your birthday, can’t you take a day off?”

"This is my birthday gift to you! Don't be moved to tears!" Old Morek handed over a portfolio.

"What is this?!" Victor said in surprise. It didn't look like a birthday gift at all.

Hugo guessed that this should be the sales contract for the two pieces of land. Southern Italy used to have an agricultural economy during the feudal dynasty, and now it is still agriculture-based. From a long time ago, a lot of land belonged to private individuals. The Lenny family is constantly developing and has a lot of land here, but not all land is private, it is also owned by the state, and it is owned by the autonomous region. The Trapani City Hall has the power to dispose of it. Regarding the land under his family, Italy has relatively strict restrictions on land privatization, but it is a different matter in Trapani. What Morek gave to Hugo was to directly sell the public land to Hugo, not Leasing, of course, must exploit some loopholes.

Hugo can pass these two pieces of land and the sea to his descendants in the future, but of course it is impossible to establish an independent country.

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