My name is Colani

Chapter 76 Iceberg Beauty

"Well, I understand, you still mean that I'm more handsome than you! You're jealous!" Victor pondered Hugo's words carefully and finally came up with the correct answer!

"Haha, what a joke, I'm jealous of you, you're not young..."

"I'm only a year older than you!"

"You don't have as much money as me!"

“But I can’t spend all the money!”

"You're not as smart as me!"

"I don't need to be smart. Look at me. I can eat, drink and have fun without doing anything. You are very smart, but you have to make money!" Victor said shamelessly.

He seemed to be right. I have a hard life. According to Victor's logic, Hugo sadly discovered that he could have become the second generation ancestor, but who knew that he wanted to earn more and play football, but he became more and more trapped? The deeper.

Hugo didn't say anything, turned around and walked away. He walked too quickly and walked down the steps from the porch and bumped into someone around the corner.

"Ah" exclaimed, Hugo reached out to grab the hand of the man who was about to fall, as if reflexively.

However, this reaction was a bit slow. Seeing that Hugo was about to fall down the steps with the man, Victor, who was following behind, grabbed the back of Hugo's suit and finally caught the two men.

"I'm stronger! You see, if it weren't for me..., ah, hello, Mademoiselle Bonaparte!" Victor was about to tease Hugo, but he found the person who Hugo was going to hit.

A woman, a beautiful woman, a very beautiful woman, the aloof woman that Victor and Morek talked about.

At this time, Hugo also noticed the person he was holding. Well, a beauty, really a big beauty. This beauty made Hugo a little stunning and a bit like a pig!

After being stunned for a moment, this guy came back to his senses. No, according to the old plot development, we bumped into her, and then accidentally, the two of them fell to the ground, and my mouth would kiss his mouth. Looking at the wave Hugo really had the urge to kiss Miss Naba's pink and sexy lips.

Damn it, Victor, what kind of hands do you have? Although you say this woman is a thorn, what does it matter? You finally got the opportunity to take advantage!

Victor pulled the two of them up, and they all just stood on the steps. Miss Bonaparte was frightened. She came back to her senses after standing still. She looked at Hugo and looked at her lustfully. She was angry. Said: "You reckless guy, don't you have eyes in your head?!"

Then she turned and walked away. Mademoiselle Bonaparte was wearing a woolen coat and tied with a belt. She looked really graceful!

"Still staring stupidly! The person has already left! Look at your stupid appearance! I'm not wrong, this is the beauty!" Victor looked at Hugo and said with a smile.

"Do I look like a pig?!" Hugo turned around and asked, "What an impolite woman, she actually walked away like this!"

"Brother, it was you who hit me, okay?"

"Her last name is Bonaparte?!"


"This is really strange!" Hugo said as if to himself. Needless to say Bonaparte, this is the surname of the great French emperor Napoleon. In history, the Bonaparte family briefly ruled the Kingdom of Naples, which caused great harm to the people at that time. The King of Naples, Ferdinand IV, fled to Sicily, but these guys were not locals, they were all foreign monks. Later, the emperor of the Bonaparte family was driven away and Ferdinand IV was restored.

The Bonaparte family actually stayed like this? ! This was Hugo's doubt, and it was actually not in Naples but in Sicily.

"These are descendants of the former Kingdom of Naples!" Hugo praised, but Victor had no reaction. His historical knowledge was too lacking, and what he learned in class had already been handed over to the teacher.

"It seems that you are very interested in her!" Victor concluded.

"No, no, no, I'm not very interested in her, I'm very interested in her! She is indeed a beauty. I feel that I don't have a girlfriend yet. It's time to have one!" Hugo shook his head. Finger said with a smile.

"Ah, let me tell you she is older than you! She is 24 years old now!" Victor said.

"Oh, so she, like Elsa, has been unable to marry for a long time!" Hugo touched his chin and said. Regarding his sister Elsa, Hugo and Victor often teased her in private. Elsa is not a beauty, but she is definitely not ugly either. Women, the reason why they can't get married is that they have very high requirements.

The two looked at each other with a mysterious smile, old maid!

Maybe this Miss Bonaparte, like Elsa, has higher requirements!

But who am I? ! I am a capable man, and my appearance is not bad either. I must be qualified to pursue her.

Hugo then asked Victor what this girl's family did. Victor said that her family was not an underground force. Although there was a connection, her family was really serious about business. The most important thing was that her family was wealthy. , owned many farms and wine estates in Naples, and inherited several castles.

This is a typical aristocratic family. Unexpectedly, they were not completely killed and could actually inherit the inheritance distributed by the family.

Hugo was actually not entirely clear about history. The surname Bonaparte was originally an Italian surname. The Bonaparte family had been a nobleman in Tuscany a long time ago, and later branched off to Corsica. Sica itself once belonged to Italy, and then there was Emperor Napoleon.

In any case, this woman was born in a wealthy aristocratic family, but Hugo was very curious as to why she was related to our family. Our family is a serious country bumpkin and rich man.

Victor said you ask me, who should I ask? ! The only ones who know about this are probably the elders!

Ignore so much, it's not important anyway, it's not important to my affair with Ma Zi.

Of course, Hugo also knew from Victor that he had guessed wrong. He was from Naples, not Sicily. Alas, the distance was a bit far. Feihong Chuan Shu? ! Not very reliable! Why don't you go to Naples? Come to think of it, no matter how good it is, it can't be as good as the small town of Trapani!

After going to China, Hugo seemed to be even more attached to Trapani. Everything about him in China had changed. People related to him had disappeared out of thin air. This was his home. Having no home in his previous life made Hugo even more... Cherish your current home.

The guests arrived one after another, and Grandpa made a special trip to find Hugo and Victor. Accompanied by the two brothers, Pasilio greeted the guests and specially recommended Hugo.

"This is my grandson, Gianluigi Passilio Colaini! Haha, he used to study in the United States and just returned to Sicily this year!"

Of course, the guests paid a few compliments. Some of them had heard about Hugo's deeds and sincerely complimented him, while others didn't understand and just said it as a courtesy.

"Gigi, this is Mr. Bastien Bonaparte! You met him when you were a child. Come on, come and say hello!" Grandpa introduced a middle-aged gentleman, but he was older than both Ricardo and Giovanni. .

The goddess whom Hugo could not forget was holding M. Bonaparte's arm, and Hugo's eyes were staring at the beauty.

Brat, you look like a pig! Grandpa cursed secretly.

"Hello, Mr. Bonaparte!" Hugo bent slightly and stretched out his hand. Mr. Bonaparte took his hand, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile. "Pasilio, old friend, old man, tell me how great your grandson is. Now that I see him, I see it. He is indeed young and promising! God bless him! The accident last year did not cause anything to happen to him. Look now. My body is much stronger than before!”

Mr. Bonaparte was obviously very familiar with Grandpa Passilio, so his speech was relatively casual.

"Gigi, this is my daughter, Julia! You have never met her before. You were not at home when I brought her here to play last year. Now let's get to know each other! We need to communicate more in the future!" Mr. Bonaparte said enthusiastically As he introduced his daughter, he didn't seem to mind Hugo's scorching eyes before, and his words seemed to encourage Hugo to communicate boldly and pursue boldly.

Victor and Julia shook hands in greeting, and Hugo pretended to give Julia Bonaparte a kiss on the hand. Well, the hand was very slippery and felt good.

Julia must have seen this kind of pervert too many times, so she quickly pulled her hand away without saying a word during the whole process. No wonder Morek said that this woman was not easy to treat, she was as cold as an iceberg, Not even the most basic manners!

Last year, Mr. Bonaparte also came with his daughter, but the party at that time was still some time before Christmas. After staying in the seaside town for a few days, the father and daughter returned to Naples. But this year is different. Mr. Bonaparte told his grandfather that he planned to spend Christmas here this time and not go back until after Christmas.

Hugo was listening to the two people playing, but his eyes were fixed on Julia, which made her feel uncomfortable. Finally, he made an excuse, "I'm going to talk to Elsa!" and ran away.

When Hugo heard that Mr. Bonaparte planned to take his daughter to spend Christmas here, he thought that there would always be some accidents during the holidays, otherwise how could he be worthy of Mr. Bonaparte's painstaking efforts to stay here.

When the conversation between the two elders came to an end, Hugo and Victor walked back with their grandfather. Hugo asked: "They are descendants of the royal family, how come they have anything to do with our family?!"

"Well, it's a long story. A long time ago, when Julia was probably less than a year old, I once went to Naples for business and happened to meet Mr. Bonaparte. He was in a car accident. He was I carried him to the hospital, and the doctor said he was bleeding a lot. If it hadn't been for me, he would have died if it hadn't been for me! No one knew who he was at that time, and I certainly didn't know either, so I waited in the hospital for him to wake up. , he woke up and knew that I saved him, so he was very grateful to me and wanted to pay me as a reward, but I refused! "

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