My name is Colani

Chapter 780 73 Fast and Furious 2

Starting in June, the World Cup began to occupy the front pages of major sports news. Italy had announced the list of players to participate in the world competition after the league. Trapani had three finalists, Toni, Barzagli, and Maggio. After completing the Champions League final, Victor also officially announced his retirement. After retiring, Victor took his wife and daughter to the United States for vacation. The Los Angeles City team also welcomed its new chairman.

Trapani is actually ushering in new changes this year, because they are welcoming a new head coach, and several players such as Beckham and Victor will leave.

Thursday, June 3, Monaco.

In the luxurious suite of the Grand Hotel de Paris, Hugo and Wenger met for the first time.

A few days ago, Trapani proposed its own conditions to Guy. There is no doubt that Guy was not satisfied with Trapani's conditions. He wanted to gain more benefits for his brother. The first negotiation It failed because the gap between the two sides was too big.

The negotiations failed and the matter was reported to Hugo. Hugo decided to go out and have a good talk with Wenger himself. He made serious preparations and listened carefully to Kenyon's report on the whole matter.

It’s funny to say that Arsenal was the first to reveal the news of Wenger’s contact with Trapani. Some people tried to use the pressure of public opinion to make Wenger think twice and continue to stay. As a result, what happened was surprising. Most of them There was no blame or anger from the fans, but only sympathy and blessings. The one who was really blamed was the Arsenal board of directors, who believed that their Grandet style had frustrated the professor, so the story of contact with Trapani came about.

I have to say that this is a bad move. From a side perspective, without any championship in 6 years, Arsenal fans are really tired of Wenger. What his brother Guy said is absolutely right. There will be no championship in a few more years. Championship, Arsenal fans may have hatred towards Wenger.

The reaction of the fans greatly disappointed Wenger. He did not expect that he had disappointed the fans. The publicity of the matter forced him to seriously consider the feasibility of Trapani.

Against this background, Hugo enthusiastically invited Wenger to meet with him in person to start the second negotiation. Kenyon and Selly accompanied Hugo, and Wenger's brother Guy was actually there. There is no dedicated broker.

After the group of people exchanged greetings, they sat down and started negotiations. Hugo was the main negotiator. Hugo didn't necessarily want to participate in this matter, but later he really became interested. In addition, the selection of the head coach should not be delayed for too long. , they also have alternatives Kenyon, but they are not as attractive as Wenger.

Hugo intends to cut the knot quickly. Today's meeting may be the last meeting. If a fundamental agreement cannot be reached, Trapani will not hesitate to turn to other goals.

"First of all, I really admire you, Mr. Wenger! This is the basis for us to invite you. You are a world-class coach, but I also say for sure that Trapani is definitely qualified to invite you. Take charge!" I still have to compliment Professor Wenger first, after all, he hasn't won the title in six years.

"I won't talk about the results and process of the first negotiation! Now let's re-examine the views of both parties and seek common ground while reserving differences. If you don't have the intention to take charge of Trapani, there is no need to continue talking for a long time..."

"Haha, Mr. Colaney is joking! The fact that we are here shows our attitude. I particularly agree with what you said. Generally speaking, we seek common ground while reserving differences!" Wenger's brother Guy laughed and interrupted Hugo. .

Hugo gave Guy a thumbs up, "In this case, we have the possibility of negotiation. If you don't have the intention to move, then our talk here is a waste of time, don't you think? ? Mr. Wenger!"

"Of course, I admit that Arsenal is my home, but now maybe I should really consider leaving my home and going out!" Wenger looked a little unnatural. Well, the fans' reaction really made him feel very sad.

"Two gentlemen, I am different from others. I speak very directly, which may not be likable, but I think as a wise person, you should listen to my opinion! I think you must leave Arsenal now!" Yu Guo shook his head and said.

Guy chuckled, wanting to hear what flowers would come out of Hugo's mouth! In his heart, Wenger is supreme at Arsenal. If he doesn't want to leave, who can do anything about it? !

Wenger had an expression on his face. The thing he regrets most now is that he told his friends on the board of directors about this matter. Now that the matter has become a big deal, his position is very embarrassing. Of course, he can really continue to stay shamelessly, but psychologically it is really difficult. It's very difficult to live with.

"Public opinion is now extremely unfavorable to Mr. Wenger! Arsenal has achieved nothing under your leadership in the past few years. Whether it is the board of directors or the enthusiastic fans, are they really satisfied with you?! Really satisfied or falsely satisfied, you guys You know it in your heart! Is it true that you are not willing to leave until there is shouting and screaming? Now that you leave, you can leave a good memory for each other. If you wait a few years, what you will leave for everyone will not be the same. Great memories!”

"It takes a long time to build a reputation, but it is easy to destroy your reputation. You don't want to destroy the reputation you have worked so hard to accumulate, right?!"

Wenger and Guy were both lost in thought.

Hugo said leisurely: "You haven't won a championship for several years now. You should know the outside world's evaluation of you. Some people say you are no longer good! Are you really no longer good?! I don't think so. I think your failure is not because of you, but because Arsenal is no longer good!"

"In this world now, humph, the football world has to talk about money. Without money, you can't do anything. If you want to win a championship, you must first spend money to buy players! You are good at training young people, but who did you keep?! So it's not your fault that you can't win a championship, it's because you don't have a player who can win a championship! Times have changed, you can't still live in the past, don't you want to be in Trapani Win the championship and tell all those who criticize you that it is not that I am incompetent but that I am poor? ! "

This statement received a warm response from Guy, "Yes, the world is like this now, we can't change it, and Arsenal's predicament is not something you can solve alone! Arsene, don't you think that the board is taking advantage of your loyalty? ! "

Well, this is a truth that everyone knows. Although Wenger is all-powerful in Arsenal, he is protecting the overall interests of Arsenal. Arsenal's board of directors and shareholders built the Emirates Stadium without spending a few cents. Who will bear the hard times? Wenger.

The Emirates Stadium was built with loans, and then the repayments are made every year. The repayment money comes from Arsenal's operating income. In this way, Wenger naturally has less money in his hands, but Arsenal's market value has increased, and the shareholders' shares have also increased in value. The consequences are all borne by Wenger. Wenger has compressed the team's salary space and never buys players at high prices, but the results are still stable in the top four, which can be said to be quite good.

So some people on the board are satisfied with him, but for Wenger himself, this is a harm to himself and Arsenal fans.

"Mr. Wenger, Chinese people often talk about the word "fate". At this point, I think your fate with Arsenal has actually ended, and your fate with Trapani is unfolding. Romantic French people must believe in fate! It is fate that we are sitting here today. Just say a month ago, I never thought that we could sit together and talk, but a month later, this happened! This is fate!" Hugo persuaded.

Kenyon's eyes were full of stars, and the boss's level of deception was high. Wenger's face was clearly full of struggle, and it seemed that there was really going to be a play.

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