My name is Colani

Chapter 86 Anger

"Victor, you are not a man! Victor, you are not a man! Victor, you are not a man!" Kameni did not hesitate, sitting in the back row and shouting loudly towards the night sky.

"Boy, you deserve a beating!" Victor shouted angrily.

"Okay, I will compensate you, I will give you 2,000 US dollars as my apology!" Kameni was scared.

Good guy, this dog is so cunning! Hugo sat in the front and laughed!

With two thousand dollars, Victor didn't care, and muttered in his mouth: "I am not a man! I think you are not a man, tell me how big your bottom is, is it like an earthworm! Little brat, the hair is not even fully grown!"

"I am a man, I saw Miss Bonaparte also reacted!" Kameni said seriously.

Victor and Hugo laughed at each other, this little brat is precocious!

"Okay, okay, we should stop discussing Miss Bonaparte. It's wrong and impolite to talk about her behind her back! Especially since Miss Bonaparte is my employee! I have to protect her!" Hugo said with a smile.

"Then Mr. Colene, I want to tell you something about me, do you mind?!" Kameni said.

"Come on, what's wrong with you?! You won't tell me that you have a crush on someone at school?!" Hugo joked in a happy mood.

"No, it's like this, you know I went back to Cameroon this Christmas! During this time, I met someone, Thomas Nkono!" Kameni thought Hugo knew the legendary goalkeeper of Cameroon.

But from the back seat, Hugo had no reaction, and seemed to be at a loss. Hugo turned his face to Victor, meaning who is this person? ! It sounds like he is very good.

"Ahem, he used to be the national goalkeeper of Cameroon! He used to play for Espanyol, the rival of Barcelona! He is very famous!" Victor explained. He also watched the World Cup when he was a child, and he also knew Nkono from the World Cup.

"Then what?!" Hugo asked Kameni.

"He retired two years ago, but he has returned to Espanyol and is the goalkeeper coach of the team! I met him when I went back. He heard about my situation and persuaded... persuaded me to leave Trapani!" Kameni said at the end as if he had gathered up a lot of courage.

Hugo was shocked, and his hands holding the steering wheel were shaking. Alas, how could he say this!

I don't know what to say! They have been together for so long, and there is still affection even if there is no affection. In the past, he thought that anyone who betrayed him would make him look bad, but Kameni, Toni, and Allegri were not only his players, but also his friends. Kameni spent more time with him. He once taught him his lessons and treated him as a younger brother. How could he do it!

The more I get involved in football club management, the more I know that there is no betrayal in the football world. Betrayal is just an excuse. Everyone has the right to pursue their dreams, whether it is money or honor. Hugo feels that he has no reason to blame those who leave. If he blames them, what about those who are asked to leave by the club? ! How to say? ! Did the club betray them!

Hugo remained silent, but Victor exploded!

"You black man! You want to leave, right?! What you get here is not enough for you?! What a disgusting guy! I will fucking destroy you!" Victor immediately turned his head and yelled and cursed loudly.

Hugo didn't say anything all the time. After Victor's scolding, Hugo parked the car not far from home and turned his head to talk to Kameni seriously.

The night was dark, but Hugo heard sobbing, and Kameni cried sadly!

Victor got out of the car, slammed the door shut, and walked home without looking back. He was really angry. He thought the brothers had paid a lot for Kameni. For example, Hugo didn't find him a place to stay outside like he did with Allegri and Toni because he was young. Instead, he arranged for him to stay at home, which convinced Aisha of her disgust!

For example, he didn't speak the language, and Hugo taught him from time to time!

For example, Kameni got a salary that didn't match his age at all, and it would make many other kids envious and jealous!

There are so many things in life, no wonder Victor couldn't get rid of his hatred. Niggers are really unreliable guys!

Hugo patted Kameni's head and asked gently: "Carlos, tell me, what do you think?!"

"I, I don't know! He said that Trapani has no professional coach to guide you. You need not only game experience but also correct guidance. He said that I can become a top goalkeeper and he is willing to help me, but he works at the Espanyol Club, which requires a transfer to them! I don't know, I don't want to leave here! Mr. Colemani, you and Victor are very good to me. I am not an ungrateful person. I don't want to betray you! But my family members all advised me to leave here. In order to grow up, they are even willing to go back to their previous life!" Kameni said everything.

Poor parents in the world, his parents are also willing to give up, and they don't even want money and hope that their son will be more promising.

Nkono is right. One of the starting points for Allegri's opposition to Hugo's introduction of young players is that he thinks Hugo is destroying people tirelessly.

But Hugo really doesn't want to let go. According to the plan, Kameni will be his main goalkeeper for a long time in the future. That's why he cares so much and builds a deep relationship with Kameni.

"Have you asked Mr. Lambert?! What did he say?!" Hugo continued to ask. Lambert was his agent. Hugo guessed that Kameni asked Lambert.

"Him?! I asked! He said he would let me stay until the end of the season and then asked to leave!" Kameni asked and answered truthfully.

"Son of a bitch! Damn it! He really doesn't know who I am?!" Hugo hammered the steering wheel several times, he was angry, this damn Adrian Lambert, this damn Adrian Lambert The French guy wants to make a fool of himself!

Kameni was very frightened when he saw Hugo, who had been so peaceful just now, suddenly getting angry. Even though he was about the same size as Hugo, he was still a child after all. Hugo's outburst this time was similar to what he had done before on the court and in the training ground. There was obviously a difference, and he even felt that if his agent Adrian Lambert were in front of Hugo now, Hugo would definitely beat him to the ground!

Kameni lowered his head!

Hugo vented and calmed down, "Carlos, don't rush to make a decision! In fact, I am already looking for a coach, and we will soon enrich the team's coaching team! This also includes the goalkeeper coach! You know that in Italy, there are many excellent local goalkeepers, because we have many excellent goalkeeper coaches, and I guarantee that our training here will not be worse than Mr. Nkono! But no matter what you decide, I will! Everyone respects you, I want to tell you, you are not just a player, you are still my brother in my heart! I will not hurt you, I will only respect you!"

Kameni's crying that he had just stopped started to grow louder again. He was too young and honest, so this choice really made him very embarrassed.

"Why are you crying! Didn't you say you are a man?! No matter what the problem is, you have to face it!" Hugo reprimanded in a fake voice.

Kameni stopped crying, Hugo started the car and drove home!

They said goodbye, but Hugo did not go to bed, but sat in the study. What he was thinking about now was not Kameni's problem, but Adrian Lambert's problem. He must give him a profound thought. A lesson to let him know that having bad intentions behind his back will not lead to good results.

Generally speaking, the relationship between agents and players is of course much closer than that between clubs and players. That’s why Adrian Lambert did this. It was inappropriate to leave after half a year, but after one year Adrian Lambert. Bert seemed to have the courage to take Kameni away.

But he never expected that the relationship between Kameni and Hugo would become very good in just half a year, and that Kameni would reveal his words to Hugo exactly as they were.

"Leo, I have something to ask you! How is Kameni's agent Adrian Lambert doing in France?!" Hugo dialed Selly's cell phone.

"Him?! He's not very famous! He doesn't have a good reputation in France either. He's just a small agent with a few players under him, none of whom are stars. It seems that Kameni is his biggest card now!" Seeley said of Lambert's situation, "Why do you ask that?!"

"Nothing! I just want to know something! I suspect he is playing dirty tricks on me behind my back!" Hugo laughed.

"It shouldn't be possible?! Is it true that Kameni is leaving?! If that's the case, he's too unkind. In just one year, he has earned 80,000 US dollars!" Selly said.

"Forget it, it's not this!" Hugo asked Selly to stop guessing. Since he wanted to punish Lambert, Hugo didn't want too many people to know.

When asking Celi Hugo, I just want to know one thing. Is Lambert a very big agent? A very famous agent. The strategy for dealing with small agents is relatively simple and violent. To deal with big agents, you have to take a long-term approach. In short Hugo must be punished. This guy made Hugo really angry.

Hugo and the others came back very late, and the house was quiet. After Hugo asked Selly, he called Victor and asked him to come to his study.

Victor didn't sleep either. He had no sleepiness. Kameni's betrayal made him furious!

"What are you going to do?!" Victor asked the first thing he said.

"What should I do?!"

"What's wrong with Carlos? This nigger has no conscience. He betrayed us. Doesn't he know the consequences of betraying us?!..." Victor began to scold Kameni again.

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