My name is Colani

Chapter 89 Life must go on

"The team is recruiting coaches now. I want to ask... can we recruit Mr. Nkono! Mr. Colemani is not only a world-renowned goalkeeper, but also an excellent goalkeeper coach!" Kameni still stammered and expressed his wish.

Damn you! Hugo kicked Kameni who was caught off guard!

"Damn it, why didn't you say it earlier?! Are you blind?! The first team already has Andrea Giampaolo!" Hugo was furious!

Why did you do it earlier? Can't you think about it that night? ! Why did you wait until I finished recruiting to say this? ! Now I go to recruit Nkono, and let Andrea Giampaolo be a decoration? !

This is the idea that Kameni came up with. It's the best of both worlds. He can get the personal guidance of the most awesome goalkeeper in Cameroon's history, and he doesn't have to go to Espanyol and continue to play in Trapani.

But he really said it too late! The first team already has a goalkeeper coach. Only someone with a mental disorder would think of finding another one. No, Hugo can't do this. He has to look at the face of the Buddha. Ulivieri worked hard and spent more than a month to find such a coach. If he is told to get out, not to mention the compensation, where will Ulivieri's face be? !

"I think this is a win-win solution! You don't know the position of Nkono in my mind now. I really hope to get his guidance!" Kameni said calmly.

"You still say?!" Hugo sprayed over, and kicked again. Kameni dodged flexibly and dodged!

"You have a pig brain?! Our recruitment work is over! To tell you the truth, Andrea Giampaolo was introduced by a big shot. I can't fire him! If you had told me about this earlier, I could not choose him, but now, what should I do now? Do I worship Andrea Giampaolo like Jesus in the church?!" Hugo cursed.

Kameni finally understood why Hugo was angry, because he said it too late!

"Also, your hero is working in the Espanyol team now, how can I poach him?! Will he come here?! What level is he?! Will he accept an annual salary of 20,000 US dollars?!" This is not the end, Hugo continued to complain about Kameni's unrealistic ideas.

"No, if I come forward, I think he can come! Salary is no problem! You can give him my salary, I really hope to get his personal guidance!" Kameni said loudly.

"Haha, your salary, how much do you have?! You want to support a coach who specializes in coaching you! Do you think you are a world-class star?!" Hugo was really angry and said coldly.

"I can use my future income to make up for it! Now you give him the salary he wants, it will be considered as a loan from me, and it will be deducted from my income slowly in the future!" Kameni stubbornly gave an idea that came to him.

"Hahaha!" Hugo laughed dryly twice, not knowing how to object. This guy was really determined to get Nkono's personal coaching. No ridicule would work. Strong refusal would not work. This guy might be very disappointed.

After laughing, Hugo had to say: "If you can invite him, he can come to the team to be your personal coach! I'm unlucky! I met a young man like you. If you hadn't been with me for a while, I would have kicked you into the Pacific Ocean!"

Kameni said excitedly, "Oh yeah! I promise I can handle him!"

Then he asked, "Why is it the Pacific Ocean, not the Mediterranean?!"

"Because the Pacific Ocean is farther from here!" Hugo said unhappily. This idiot is really hopeless!

"Uh! Okay! Then can we start the class?!" Kameni asked softly with a huh.

"Don't worry, I have to tell you one more thing. I just got the news and was planning to tell you today!" Hugo said in a confused manner.

"What's going on?!"

"Your agent, Adrian Lambert, is dead!"


"Ah what?!"

"This can't be true?! I've been in touch with him since Christmas!" Kameni's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Does it take that long for someone to die?! Calculate how long you haven't been in touch with him?! I heard that after he came back from here, he seemed to be addicted to gambling and lost a lot of money. Maybe he borrowed usury, so he was murdered!" Hugo told the story again and added, "To me, there's nothing wrong with this! This guy is a vampire. He got $80,000 from me and didn't give you a penny! And he kept instigating you to transfer, hoping to get benefits from it! If he was there, I really doubted whether I could keep you in the summer!"

"He's actually a good person!" Everyone has different views on the same person. The villain in Hugo's mind is not a villain for Kameni.

"Uh, I'm sorry! I'll arrange for you to see him when I have time!" Hugo comforted him.

"Oh, but he is gone, what should I do?!" Kameni said to himself in a daze. It was Lambert who brought him to Europe, but this man died like this. It was normal for him to be a little confused.

"What should we do?! People die every day in the world, and those who are alive should continue to live! You just have to continue to live and continue to play football! If you want, you can find another agent. If you don't want, you don't have to use an agent. Luca and Xiabi don't have agents, but they still play football!" Hugo said.

Yes, just do what you have to do! Hugo's words reminded Kameni that he still had to continue living and playing football, and he could only bury his thoughts about Adrian Lambert silently in his heart.

In early March, on March 5, Trapani welcomed Acireale at home. Acireale is a small town near the sea near Catania. Although they are from a small town, they are a professional team. Unlike Trapani, which is mainly composed of local players, if they can play to their strength, they should be able to compete for the championship. However, their performance this season is very bad. They are currently in the middle of the standings, far away from Trapani, which is at the top. Today is Trapani's home game. Acireale said that they are under great pressure as a guest at the leader's home game. Of course, they will not give up easily. After all, defeating the leader is one of the few opportunities to prove themselves this season.

Hugo of course continued his coaching career. The coaches introduced by Ulivieri thought that Hugo was directing the team's game, but they soon found out that it was not. In their eyes, this boss was careless. Not to mention being late for training and leaving early, he didn't care about the team's training and tactical arrangements at all. It was all arranged by a guy named Allegri. This man is the real coach.

This team let these two rookies lead the top position? ! Everyone was full of doubts at first, but then they stopped doubting. Although this team is mainly composed of local players, there are several good seedlings inside. Forward Tony is good and has a high level of cutting vegetables. The goalkeeper, the black kid Kameni, is also very good. At his age, they have never seen him in Italy. And Victor, who is said to be the second boss, also showed a level that is not like an amateur player in the central defender position.

The overall evaluation of several new coaches is not only that Allegri's tactics are appropriate, but the biggest reason is that this group of players is very powerful, and obviously their tactical discipline is much stronger, even stronger than many higher-level teams.

How can it not be strong? ! Hugo's power is not a joke. He has beaten players, scouts, and fans. Everyone is a local, and no one dares to mess around. Can you see this in other professional teams? No, so these players are obedient!

So it cannot be said that local players have no benefits. At least there is a leader who has a particularly strong cohesion.

It is not without reason that the Italian giants Juventus and Milan have spent a lot of energy to win over local players. Speaking of this, we have to mention the frustrated Inter Milan. There is an "international" in the name of Inter Milan, and in fact it is also very international, but in the early years they were not as international as they are now.

Inter Milan is now very international. There are no Italian players in the team. Why? ! Moratti is not stupid. The Eight-Nation Alliance is prone to conflicts. He can't help but see it!

But his team is still the Eight-Nation Alliance, because it is very difficult for him to introduce Italian players. Behind this is the holy alliance of Juventus and Milan. The current agency circle in Italy is basically controlled by GEA, which has won over a large number of talented Italian players.

But this agency is not pure. The background is basically a princeling enterprise established by the children of some Serie A club owners. Juventus's general manager Moggi's son Moggi is a key figure. He has strong business capabilities. Of course, some of their methods are very cruel. They can decide the destination of a player at will. Even some big-name stars have to follow their ideas. This is a freak agency born in Italy after the Bosman Act.

Given this background, it is conceivable how difficult it is for Inter Milan to buy local stars. Either endure the price increase of the Holy Alliance or give up. Even if Moratti does not want to be international, it is almost impossible to make the team have Italian roots. So Moratti is very frustrated, but he has no choice. He can only fight against the Holy Alliance through an international team of stars!

Of course, the three northern bears are not enemies everywhere. When fighting against teams below the north, such as Rome and Naples, they were as good as a pair of pants at that time.

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