My name is Colani

Chapter 902: Battle with Bayern 4

"Okay! Why is it like this! It's not like we haven't irritated each other before, and it's not like we have become enemies before! There's no need to say harsh words in front of us. I didn't deal with you before, so you can't do anything to me. Now You can't do anything to me if you become an enemy! So we are all adults, we are both business people, and we are all people in the football circle, so why bother! Me and Victor are just asking, it does not mean that Trapa and I are provocative! Nido has no intention of challenging your dignity!" Hugo said calmly, but his words revealed his toughness in helping his brother.

"Haha, it's good that I didn't mean anything like that! I just said it casually, and I accept your explanation!" Hoeness laughed, turned the page over, and then said seriously: "I have no intention of selling Kroos. Get rid of him! At least he won’t leave Munich for a long time!”

"Oh, why don't you go to 1860!" Victor was still provoking.

Munich 1860 is the mortal enemy of Bayern Munich, and they have already moved to the Bundesliga 2.

Hoeness was about to have another attack, but Hugo quickly stopped him, "Okay, okay, Victor, stop saying a few words! Stop talking crazy!"

Hugo pushed Victor, and Victor walked away angrily.

"Okay, Uli! Why get angry over a few words! Is Cross really not selling for any money?! I'm very sincere!" Hugo was very serious.

"I don't understand you! There are so many good players in your team, which makes us envious. Why do you still want to sell them? It is said that your youth training is one of the best youth trainings in Italy. It is rented out to There are dozens of young talents in other teams, but you still want to sell, why? You have always said that you contribute to the development of Italian football, and I admit that you have always done so, but your first team has no How many Italian players?" Hoeness was really cool.

An unprecedented angle made Hugo speechless.

"He won't sell it if he doesn't want to sell it, and he talks so much rubbish! German faggot!" Hugo thought thoughtfully about Hoeness's words. The second half had already begun. When he returned to his seat, he talked to Hoeness about it. The general conversation between them told Victor, and Victor cursed unhappily.

"Don't you think he still has some truth?!" Hugo said: "Don't I always want to contribute to Italian football?! It sounds like what Hoeness said, everything is fake!"

"I think you are crazy, I don't care if it is true or not, our greatest goal is to make Trapani the greatest team in the 21st century, not Italy! I think you are really crazy, Italian football How much does it have to do with us? Isn’t your help just a matter of course! Brother, don’t forget your original intention! We are not the savior of Italian football. Putting all our wealth into it has changed too many things. Take your time. !" Victor seemed to want to scold Hugo.

"Don't you think that gay Hoeness can be so kind?! The youth training was not done well in the past few years. Italy has no talent, but they are different. Look at them. They have the best resources in Germany. It’s easy to catch people! But don’t you know that many young players come from all over the world and join us from Italy? Compared with Juventus and Milan, we have fewer people, okay? ! There is no comparison between us, why should you trust his words? ! I think he just wants us to go astray and lose our reputation in European football!" Victor chattered.

"How can you understand so much?! Brother, what you say makes more sense than him!" Hugo was quite surprised. He thought that Victor was probably a rough guy, but he actually knew so much!

"Aren't I waiting for you to abdicate in favor of someone else?! So do your homework and act like a chairman when you become chairman. I'm not like David, who plays football at the same time as chairman and doesn't do his job!" Victor teased Beckham seriously. , Victor was unwilling to be the chairman of Los Angeles City, and Beckham volunteered to take the position, but he actually still served as the jersey. He was not young at all. Victor at least thought that he should step down.

Abdicating in favor of someone else means that Hugo is stepping down as chairman, and Victor plans to take over as chairman. Their sister Alda doesn't care about anything at all and has very few shares, so there is no need to consider her feelings at all.

"Let me work for two days first. You tell me that I am the largest shareholder, but my butt is not hot every time I sit down. Now you want to drive me out of office?!" Hugo said with a smile.

"Oh!" There was an exclamation in the box, and the two stopped joking. What they didn't say was that Trapani was probably in danger.

In the 51st minute, Bayern Munich got a corner kick opportunity. Kroos and Ribery made a short corner kick and then passed in. Gomez outflanked him and hit the goal with a powerful header from the back. It was Storari who saved the ball. The crossbar saved Trapani's temporary score of 2:1.

"What are they trying to do?! Are they trying to make a comeback at Google Arena?!" Hugo cursed, "Let's attack! Let's attack! Let's all go forward and see who has the sharper knife! "

Originally Hugo thought that Trapani should choose a more conservative strategy in the second half, but now it seems that Bayern Munich is going to attack to the end and save everyone. Go ahead and attack!

Wenger is not a conservative person. Even if he was in the lead from the second half, Trapani's attitude forward was very positive. However, Bayern Munich's defense was well organized during this period, and Trapani found a The chances are not many.

Heynckes would not miss this opportunity. He loudly encouraged his players on the sidelines, calling on the attacking players in the front court to run more frequently, especially when Gomez could not find too many shooting opportunities, to play the role of a fulcrum.

Muller, the attacking midfielder in Bayern Munich's lineup, actually has a role similar to Kaka, but he is closer to a shadow striker.

Muller has distinct characteristics. He is tall, has excellent positioning ability, and has the header skills that German strikers are good at. However, his dribbling and breaking ability is obviously not as good as Kaka, and his speed is not as fast as Kaka. The main responsibility given to him by Heynckes is to use an opportunistic striker to make full use of his back row. Gomez is just a cover.

Muller and Gomez played relatively average in the first half. The best performance in the first half was the two wingers of Bayern Munich who were particularly capable of breaking through, Ribery and Robben, who formed the Ribero combination.

However, in the second half, Bayern Munich consciously strengthened the cross, and Muller's role was reflected. Wenger did not adopt a man-to-man tactic in the team, and Muller's position was relatively active, resulting in Muller almost seizing two opportunities to score.

Mascherano, Mertesacker and Boateng kept communicating on the field. Mascherano took the initiative to take on more protection tasks. His position moved, causing Trapani's formation to move slightly back, and Trapani had to fight a positional battle.

A strange scene appeared on the field. Trapani played slowly and the formation was recycled. Cazorla had more points to pass the ball. Bayern Munich's frontcourt pressing effect was not obvious, and their rushing caused a certain degree of gap in the back line, which gave Trapani's strikers a chance.

Heynckes just wanted to warn his players not to be too impatient, and Gustavo, who had a yellow card, not to be so excited, but before he could say anything, Trapani scored in the 61st minute, and this time the goal was scored by Messi.

In the 61st minute, Bayern Munich pressed too far forward. After Messi got the ball in the midfield, he started the purgatory mode. With Aguero's continuous running and containment, Messi shook off Alaba and Kroos, and finally added a Badstuber, like Robben's cut-in shot. Messi's shooting feels like a top-notch player. He basically grasps the angle and strength.

Neuer was not responsible this time. He could only watch the ball go into the dead corner in the lower right corner. He was also out of reach.

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