After watching the fierce battle between Lalulas's [Illusion Beam] and Thunderball's [Charge Beam] in the first match, the audience was still a little unsatisfied. Then they saw the signature Pokémon of Tiexuan, Raidenmon, and people began to cheer.

"Wow, it's the evolution of Thundermon, Thundermon!"

Due to the special urban style of Zidian City, many wild electric Pokémon also like this city that seems to have endless electricity. Therefore, it is easy to encounter many electric Pokémon in the suburbs of Zidian City. Therefore, whether it is the residents of Zidian City or the Pokémon trainers who come here for the reputation, they will more or less capture one or two electric Pokémon in Zidian City.

Among them, the Pokémon ... Over time, the people of Zidian City naturally love Thundermon and its evolved form, Raiden. It is worth mentioning that even the royal police dogs of Zidian City are Thundermon and Raiden. As for Growlithe and Windy Dog, they can only be ranked second.

"You have to become such a majestic Raiden."

Xiaoyu touched the head of her Thundermon.

Thundermon lay on the guardrail, looking at the mighty Raiden on the ring, with longing in his eyes.

However, the next Pokémon made the audience look forward to it even more.

Asuka Teru threw the Poké Ball gently with her right hand, and then caught it steadily.

She threw it hard.

"Come out, Riolu!"

A blue and black figure rushed out at a high speed.

"Wow! He's on stage!"

Amid the cheers of the audience, the slender and agile Riolu appeared on the stage!

He stood on the ring with great momentum, with a black belt wrapped around his waist, and the whole elf looked very energetic.

The light screen in front of him displayed the opponent's information.



Encounter progress: 86 / 100

Battle progress: 50 / 100

[Real-time analysis]

Pokemon: Leader - Thundermon (male)

Level: Lv29

Attribute: Electricity

Trainer: Ironspin

Feature: Static Electricity (Pokemon with this feature have a chance to paralyze the opponent when they are directly attacked by the opponent)

Leader: Thundermon (When Thundermon and Thundermon are present, the Pokemon's movements become faster, and the speed of releasing electric moves is accelerated)

Moves: Electric Shock Wave (Lv3), Electromagnetic Wave (Lv3), Flame Fang (Lv3), Thunder Fang (Lv3), 100,000 Volts (Lv2), Lightning Flash (Lv2), Stand (Lv1), Stare (Lv1), Howl (Lv1)


Leader-level title!

Since leaving Crescent Forest, Leo has never seen a leader-level title. He didn't expect to see the familiar words again in such an occasion.

But think about it. Among the electric-type Pokémon in Zidian City, Thunder Beast and Raidenmon occupy a large part of them. As the Pokémon of the Pokémon Gym Leader, Tiexuan's Raidenmon must have its unique features. Apart from other things, just looking at the long list of moves and the corresponding move levels, you can know that the Raidenmon in front of you really deserves the title of leader.

But compared to the moves, Leo is more concerned about the other two points.

"Xiao Zhao, there are two points to be careful about Raidenmon. The first is that his characteristic is static electricity. If you continue to fight him in close combat, there is a high probability that you will be paralyzed by the current on Raidenmon. Secondly, he has a special ability, that is, the speed of his move release will be enhanced. The movements of electric-type Pokémon are very fast. If it is enhanced, I guess I may not be able to keep up with his movements."

Leo's explanation came through telepathy.

Mingri Zhao understood it clearly. She looked at the electric sparks constantly popping out of Raidenmon's body and the tingling feeling in the air, and she vaguely guessed something.

Combined with the information Leo said, she had an idea in her mind.

The elves of both sides have appeared, and at this time, the loudspeaker of the gym sounded loudly.

"Battle, start!"

Tiexuan gave the order first.

"Raidenmon, [Long Howl]!"

The Raidenmon on the ring lowered its body slightly and howled loudly: "Awoo!"

As the high-pitched howl resounded throughout the gym, Raidenmon's body also glowed red at the same time.

[Long Howl] is a general-type move of the transformation type. It increases momentum by roaring loudly, so that its attack has more sufficient pressure and power.

"Be careful, it looks like the opponent wants to use melee attack. "

Asuki reminded briefly.

After all, [Long Howl] only improves the power of physical attack, but it just so happens that most of the skills that Raidenmon has learned are mainly physical attacks.

It is a standard start to apply the buff before the battle.

So Asuka and Leo do the same thing.

"Leo, [High-speed movement]."

Leo exhaled and made his body lighter.

You know, as a fighting Pokémon, it is very difficult to learn an auxiliary move. When Asuka and Leo were fighting with other trainers before, they always watched the opponent's Pokémon use one auxiliary move after another to enhance themselves, and they could only stare at the opponent's enhancement. Don't mention how envious they are.

Although Leo often relies on the speed advantage to interrupt the opponent's enhancement, not all auxiliary skills require a certain amount of time. Some auxiliary skills The amplification was completed in an instant, and Leo was helpless.

During the motorcycle duel, the [High-speed Movement] that was accidentally realized made Asuka and Leo very happy, and it was an increase in speed and dodge, which perfectly matched Leo's combat style.

Compared with the red light flashing on the body after the [Long Howl] of Thunder Beast, Leo's [High-speed Movement] changed more silently.

However, all the audience at the scene stopped the noise and held their breath, as if they also had a premonition of the situation that was about to explode.

"[Lightning Flash]! "

Ashira and Tiexuan chose the same move at the same time!

"Swish", "Swish".

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and two white lights flashed on the ring in an instant.

They are all [Lightning Flash], but they are different when they are displayed on different Pokémon.

Raidenmon's [Lightning Flash], perhaps because [Long Howl] increased his excitement, the [Lightning Flash] used at this time, as the name suggests, the lightning is booming, and the momentum is fierce.

And Leo's [Lightning Flash] is a graceful charge, and his light body made by [High-speed Movement] drags the white light at high speed.

Both Pokémon stared at their opponents.

The white light and the white light seemed to collide violently in the next moment.


"I won't be stupid enough to collide with you directly. After all, the characteristics of static electricity can easily paralyze Pokémon close to me. "Leo's eyes flashed with a cunning. "That's troublesome."

The elegant white light suddenly stagnated.

Raidenmon didn't have so many thoughts, and the momentum of the attack did not decrease at all.

At the moment of contact.

Leo took a step forward, stepped on the side of Raidenmon skillfully, and then used the foot he stepped out as the central axis, turned sideways very quickly, and forcibly made way for the front.

"Swish", the straight-forward Raidenmon rushed past Leo.

Sudden stop, brake, turn and drift, this trick has been tried and tested in Leo's battles. He used his keen observation and strong body control to force a sideways turn at this high speed, making the opponent He was caught off guard and was moved to the side or behind him, and then he could continue to chase him with other moves.

Of course, this kind of forced change of direction at high speed would also make him feel uncomfortable, but with the guarantee of strong physical fitness, this discomfort could be quickly overcome.

Speaking of which, the number of times Leo actually used [Lightning Flash] to deal damage was really few and far between. This move was often completed by his high-speed acceleration skill, which was really a bit unfair to [Lightning Flash].

At this time, Leo, who had already avoided the impact of Thunder Beast, looked at the back of his opponent and raised his hands.

"[Wave Missile]! "

The azure waveguide spun and gathered in Leo's palms, then erupted.

After releasing the [Lightning Flash] move, Raidenmon also turned quickly, facing the whistling waveguide energy bomb, and tried to dodge to the left tentatively.

However, Raidenmon moved slightly to the left, and the waveguide missile also swayed in the direction of his movement.

"It's useless, my [waveguide missile] has locked your waveguide, and the next attack is a sure hit!"

Leo said confidently.

"Aoao (elvish) What should I do?"

Raidenmon growled a few times, then looked at his trainer.

Iron Xuan laughed.

"A sure hit move? We have one too!"

"Raidenmon, use [Electric Shock Wave]."

Raidenmon roared, and the electric energy on his body flowed more actively, and the energy was fully charged in a breath.

"Zizi", extremely fast lightning meandered the electricWave missile.

Such a fast speed of performing the move surprised both Asuka and Leo.

"Is this the special ability of the leader-level Pokémon that Leo mentioned?" Asuka pondered, and then quickly looked around. "With so many Thunderbeasts in the audience, it's no wonder that the special ability of Thunderbeast can be activated."

A long time ago, Leo had told Asuka that he could see the opponent's Pokémon information as a special ability of Riolu. After all, there was only one Riolu left in the world, and there was not much information about this Pokémon in historical records, so people did not have a deep understanding of this Pokémon, so Leo shamelessly distorted the setting of his Pokémon race and explained all the abilities that belonged to the system as Riolu's talents, because it was not good to tell others the truth that he had a system.

Asuka-sama was not suspicious. After all, there were too many elves and humans with special abilities in this elf world. Not to mention the great power of traveling through time and distorting space, even she herself could understand the words of elves and communicate with them. Even the elf encyclopedia could check the strength and special talents of elves, so an elf with similar abilities was not so surprising.

However, this elf of hers had too many special abilities. It had an extra-dimensional backpack (Leo said it was his ability to manipulate space to store objects), could check the strength of the opponent (Leo said it was his ability to use waveguides to check other elves), and could even take out some strange things (Leo said it was, uh, that was, well, anyway, I didn't know how to explain the ability that came out of nowhere). Could an elf really have so many strange abilities?

Asuka-sama decided to find some libraries with complete information to check after the battle. It was impossible for her, as a trainer, not to be familiar with her own elves, right?

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