Even Asuka clenched his fists secretly.

"This move is sure to hit, and as long as it hits, it is estimated that we can directly win the battle." The girl was full of confidence. "After all, this is the telekinetic fluctuation after Lulu has accumulated power, and the power is definitely not bad."

The telekinetic fluctuation with a wide range overwhelmed the sky and earth.

But to everyone's surprise, the duck-billed fire beast flexibly retreated, then lifted the coal turtle with both hands, and shrank into the shadow behind the coal turtle.

The telekinetic fluctuations pressed down with a bang!


The coal turtle directly bore all the telekinetic power head-on.

Taking such a blow without any cover, it only made the coal turtle tremble all over, with a look of pain on its face, and more white smoke coming out of its nose, without any other damage.


Seeing that the blow that was sure to win didn't work, Asuka couldn't calm down.

"Don't forget, my Cinderella has enhanced its special defense after [Momentary Amnesia]. Although its special defense racial value is not particularly strong, your Kirlia is actually not that good either."

Mi Village laughed arrogantly.

Lulu panted, with a little frustration on her face.

Indeed, before evolving into Gardevoir, whether it was Ralts or her evolved form Kirlia, the elf racial attribute values ​​were not high, and could even be said to be at a relatively weak level. So even though Lulu was better than many of its peers and had trained its psychic power to be very strong, it still could not get rid of its own elf limitations.

Lv28 Cinderella has a racial value of 470, while Lv21 Kirlia has a racial value of 278, which is much higher in level and has a crushing racial value.

Therefore, after enhancing its special defense, Cinderella can take on Lulu's powerful [Telekinesis].

"It's our turn to fight back, Infernape, [Flame Wheel]!"

Under the protection of the Coal Turtle, the Infernape stood in front again without any injuries, bursting with strong flames all over its body, and rushed forward fiercely.

Leo's eyes fixed.

With his speed, he could dodge the impact of the Infernape, but Lulu, who was a little weak after exerting his full strength behind him...

Feeling sorry for his hair for a second, Leo stepped forward resolutely.

"[Break the Tile]!"

He was not stupid, how could he directly fight this guy who was on fire with his bare hands? When the most suitable steel-type move [Metal Claw] was not useful (steel-type moves were very weak against fire-type elves), Leo chose the second familiar move.

The palm knife wrapped in fighting-type energy chopped down on the head of the Infernape.

"Gaga! (Elf language) Look at me, I'll burn you clean!"

The duck-billed fire beast quacked and clashed with Leo's palm blade with a blazing fire on its head.

"Boom", the flames suddenly became stronger under the blessing of the sunny day.

The brown-red fighting energy was gradually devoured by the increasingly fierce flames and slowly dissipated.

"You can't compete in strength for a long time."

Leo immediately clenched his other empty hand into a fist and punched quickly from bottom to top.

"【Break Rock】."

The duck-billed fire beast did the same thing.

"【Flame Fist】."

The two elves' fists collided again.

"Coal Turtle, 【Spray Smoke】."

From a distance, only the opponent's commanding voice could be heard.

"Is this a double attack?"

Leo thought to himself, but the expected thick smoke did not spray towards this side.

"Not good, Lulu!"

He was startled and woke up instantly.

"Get out of my way!"

Leo endured the pain of the flames, leaned over, and kicked his right leg from bottom to top, kicking the duck-billed fire beast that was entangled with him directly away, then turned into lightning, and when the thick smoke of the heat wave was about to cover Lulu, he held Kirlia and retreated quickly, returning to Asuka Teru.

After completing the above actions in just a few seconds, Riolu couldn't help but breathe in the air.

"Leo, are you okay?"

Asuka Teru saw that her elf's hands and body were obviously burned by the flames. The red skin and charred curly hair made her feel very distressed.

"It's okay... It's impossible to be okay, Xiaozhao, think of a way quickly."

Leo panted, looking at the opponent who had re-positioned his posture with a firm look in his eyes.

"Lulu, how are you now?"

Kirlia and Lulu also looked at Leo's burns with guilt, but in a blink of an eye, they also looked at the opponent with a firm look.

"Elu! (Elf language) The energy has been restored, let's do it again."

Asuki quickly reviewed the battle process in his mind.

"It is obvious that the opponent's two elves are specially used for elf doubles battles. The interference skills of the coal turtle and its ownPowerful skills completely abandon the powerful attack power of fire-type elves, and use themselves as a support and meat shield. Use your own "Sunny Day" characteristics to enhance the power of the other elf's fire moves, and use various auxiliary skills to absorb damage for your companions. Add those interference skills to make the battlefield lean towards your side. "

"And the partner, the Platypus, abandoned all non-offensive moves and devoted all its efforts to the powerful moves of the fire system, taking into account both long-range and close combat."

"So the key to the battle is whether you can attack the Platypus directly over the Coal Turtle."

Asuhiro, Rio, and Lulu cast their eyes on the Platypus hiding behind the Coal Turtle.

"Eel? (Elf language) Then should we use the move just now?"

Lulu hesitated.

"No, since the tactic of subduing two elves at once with a range attack is no longer effective, then the next step is to concentrate on a single attack. "

Asuhi Teru and the others were exchanging opinions quickly, but Yonemura was getting impatient.

"What's the point of thinking so much? You'd better be defeated by me quickly, and then put away your pitiful sense of justice and go home, little devils!"

The duck-billed fire beast shouted to cheer with a ferocious look on his face.

"Coal Turtle, first move [Muddy Mist]."

The dirty mist containing a lot of turbidity was blown over.

The poison-type move [Muddy Mist] will make the elves that accidentally touch it fall into a poisoned state!

"Leo, use [Dig Hole]."

A handful of mud was thrown out, and Leo pulled Lulu and quickly dived into the ground.

"Oh, [Dig Hole], right? Let me think, this is a physical attack move, right? Coal Turtle, use [Retract into Shell]. ”

Just like the most common action of ordinary turtles, the coal turtle retracted its limbs and head into the shell, leaving only the extremely hard shell outside.

The duck-billed fire beast jumped on the turtle shell and looked around vigilantly.

"No matter what, your [Dig Hole] will come out from the ground to attack." Micun looked like he was sure of victory. "Come on, you're welcome, just attack my coal turtle and let me see how powerful you are."

It's no wonder that Micun is fearless. Compared with special defense, the defense of the coal turtle is the most outstanding feature of his kind of elves. The turtle shell is hard and difficult to break. The duck-billed fire beast stood on the turtle shell, and the attack of [Dig Hole] jumping out seemed to be really ineffective.

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