While performing healing moves on Squirtle, Tyrannosaurus asked, "What happened to Snorlax? Why would he attack Chaoyang Valley? And he would not be like this for no reason, given his good character..."

Turtle couldn't find the right words for a moment.

Squirtle said solemnly, "I'm not sure. I was patrolling with Scyther at the time, and he suddenly appeared and attacked us."

Scyther leaned against the mountain wall with his arms crossed, and said coldly, "Snorlax is not right."

"And," he looked at the wound on Squirtle's body. "I don't think he can hurt you so badly with his usual strength, even if you are not paying attention."

"Snorlax's condition is indeed not right. Both his strength and the power of his moves are much stronger than before."

The elves at the scene fell into silence for a moment.

Finally, it was the Squirtle boss who made the decision: "Anyway, let's carry out our previous plan and investigate what happened in the forest."

"The investigation can't be delayed any longer. This time, you will investigate, Armstrong. You are experienced and know a lot of knowledge. See if you can find anything." Armstrong nodded slightly.

"Also, I want you to go with me to investigate. Are you willing?" Squirtle boss suddenly asked Leo who was hiding behind him.

Leo was startled: "Me?"

Spy Mantis frowned: "What role can a low-level Pokémon like him play?"

Squirtle boss smiled: "I have a feeling that this little guy will bring us a surprise."

Spy Mantis pouted, with a noncommittal look on his face.

"What do you think?"

Squirtle boss looked straight at Leo.

Leo struggled a little in his heart. Although he knew that this investigation would be accompanied by a lot of danger, his nature of loving adventure made him nod.

After living a dull life in the valley for too long, the restless adventurous factor in his heart has begun to stir. Otherwise, why did he abandon his stable life in his previous life and devote himself to the passionate fighting career.

Boss Squirtle continued to make arrangements.

"Ahua, you go back to the valley to comfort your companions, Scyther, you continue to guard the valley, I will go out to see other places. If the worst comes to the worst," he hesitated, but still made up his mind and said: "We will move to other places and give up this valley."

"Why?" Arm Strength and Queen Flower asked in shock.

"Last time when we went out to find those naughty little guys, we met the Pidgeot and Pidgeot tribes under Pidgeot. Their state is exactly the same as Kirby's state today. They are all full of that kind of fierce and ominous energy, and they are all like they have lost their minds. They attack the elves unreasonably when they see them."

Boss Squirtle looked at the elves in Chaoyang Valley who were chatting enthusiastically not far away.

"I'm worried that this phenomenon will spread and make my friends fall into this frenzy."

"If there are signs of this..."

After hearing the decision of the Squirtle boss, Tyrannosaurus seemed to want to say something, but finally remained silent.

"That's it."

The Squirtle boss stopped Tyrannosaurus from continuing the treatment, stood up and moved his hands and feet, indicating that Tyrannosaurus should lead the Pokémon back to the valley, while Leo and Armstrong stayed.

Scyther flashed and disappeared in front of the Pokémon.

When there were only three Pokémon left outside the valley, the Squirtle boss said seriously: "Little guy, in addition to Snorlax and the group of Pidgeots and Pidgeots we met last time, I'm not sure which other Pokémon are in this state now, so I want you and Armstrong to investigate together."

Armstrong cleared his throat and told the investigation plan.

Leo listened carefully.

"There are two purposes for this investigation."

"First, investigate the reason why the Pokémon fell into this strange state. It is known that Snorlax and Pidgeot have been infected."

"Second, survey the scope of the Pokémon infected in the Crescent Forest. If it is found that it is a large-scale abnormality, we'd better find the root cause of the problem."

"So, go back and pack up, and we'll set off immediately."

After Armstrong finished speaking, Squirtle Boss added.

"If allowed, I hope to find a way to treat this state."

Squirtle Boss hesitated: "Although everyone often quarrels and conflicts in the forest, I don't want them to stay in this abnormal state for no reason. Please."


After coming to this Pokémon world, I finally have the opportunity toThe fire of adventure in Leo's heart was burning.

Boss Squirtle watched the scholar-like arm force pulling Leo, who was eager to try, to discuss the investigation plan, and the scene in his dream flashed in his mind:

In the vague fog, various black shadows were lying in all directions, and the dazzling pink and purple light was everywhere. The trembling energy suddenly exploded, bringing a devastating energy frenzy. However, in this frenzy, a motionless figure emitted a blue light that went straight to the sky, protecting the back from being eroded by the violent energy, and that firm figure had a cloak with a blue light flashing behind him...


Leo squatted in front of the entrance of Chaoyang Valley, waiting for the arm force to come while checking his attributes.

"Alas, I didn't have a chance to attack in the battle with Snorlax, and I didn't get any experience."

"I'm still Lv13 now, with an attack attribute of 37, a speed attribute of 32, and other attributes in the 20s. I'm destined to go for high-speed physical attack. Fortunately, [Lightning Flash], [See Through] and [Metal Claws] have been upgraded to Lv1. The only thing left is [Double Payback], which I haven't had much time to practice, so I'll keep it at the initial level of Lv0. There's also the move I learned from the Geodudes..."

"I'm ready, let's go."

The wrist force that walked out of the valley interrupted Leo's thoughts.

I saw a humanoid elf with three tile-like things on his head and covered in gray skin, carrying a bulging backpack behind him.

Leo stared at the backpack of the Arm Power and asked curiously: "I've always been curious about where the sunglasses of the Squirtle boss and your backpack came from?"

"My backpack is what I brought with me when I went on an expedition with the doctor before." Arm Power lifted up the slightly heavy backpack. "There are many treasures in it, you will know when the time comes."

"As for the sunglasses of the Squirtle boss, well, how should I put it, have you noticed the scar on the right eye of the Squirtle boss?"

Leo was startled when he heard this, and recalled the scar that he saw when the Squirtle boss took off his sunglasses from top to bottom.

"The boss had the sunglasses a long time ago. To be honest, I don't know where they came from. We asked him before, but he was unwilling to tell us."

Wrist Power sighed: "But every time we mentioned this, the boss would always be in a bad mood. Over time, we stopped talking about it."

A level 36 Squirtle that has not evolved yet. It seems that the boss has a lot of stories.

"Your things have been, uh, put in your [backpack], right?"

After being in the valley for a long time, and Leo did not deliberately hide it, many elves knew that Leo had a very magical [backpack].

"I brought all my belongings with me. Sister Hua also organized the elves to pick a lot of tree fruits. There should be no problem with food supply."

"Okay, let's go!"

Leo patted the grass clippings on his body and followed the pace of wrist power.


Just after wrist power and Leo set off, a group of elves stood at the entrance of the valley and watched them leave.

"Will things really get so serious?"

Violet finally couldn't help asking.

"We finally found this place, and it's the only place these little guys can survive..."

Violet couldn't continue, turned her head, and shed tears with some sadness.

"Humph, no matter who comes, I won't allow them to destroy this place!"

Spy Mantis' words were as cold as ever, but in his slender eyes, a trace of sharp anger flashed from time to time.

At this time, Squirtle boss comforted the two elves: "Things may not get so bad. What we can do now is to be prepared and do our best."

At this time, a wrist rushed out of the valley, shouting: "Boss, Sister Hua, come quickly, Mosquito Repellent Tadpole and Caterpillar are fighting again."

"These little brats are still making trouble at this time." Violet was laughed at by anger, and walked into the valley with angry steps.

Scyther didn't like to deal with such things. After thinking for a moment, he disappeared in front of Squirtle Boss and went to patrol the valley.

Squirtle Boss smiled and shook his head, and followed behind Tyrannosaurus and Armstrong back to the valley.

But before passing by the spacious and neatly trimmed cave entrance in the valley, he silently said: "Protecting this place is not only for these children, but also for the children.My son and my friends, or for..."

"...my belief in life..."

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