"What's the situation?"

With Lugia holding back Dark Lugia, everyone can relax and deal with the truly important events.

Daigo asked Metagross to approach Dantei. Since both of them had served as champions of the Pokémon League (mainly Daigo), they had also crossed paths in many activities and battles, so they were familiar with each other. Furong, as one of the four kings of the league, was no stranger to Dantei.

As for the remaining Mikoli and Akin, Daigo briefly introduced them to Dantei, and then hurriedly asked about the current situation.

Dantei raised two fingers and spoke concisely.

"We are now facing two situations: first, we need to deal with the Pokémons that are rioting on the ground and protect the citizens who have not yet retreated; second, we need to guide Groudon, attract his attention through attacks or other methods, let him go to Kyle City with all his strength, and then enter the sea to reach Jingshui City. The most important thing is to prevent him from moving inland and affecting other cities or even other areas."

After a pause, Dantei continued.

"As for the first thing, I have sent other Pokémons to protect the citizens in Springfield, but we still need help to repel those wild Pokémons and let them return to their habitats. The second thing is, I'm sorry, because Dark Lugia has been involving me, Groudon has left Springfield."

Dawu realized that the situation was urgent, and he could not hesitate any more. He immediately turned back to ask for other people's opinions.

"I'll help drive away the runaway Pokémon. After all, I think my Pokémons are useless for such a big Groudon. Besides, I have a lot of experience in how to appease Pokémons."

Ajin was the first to raise his hand. The Pokémons he held were all small-sized Pokémons: such as Tail Taro Long Tail Monster Hand, Mosquito Taro Mosquito Frog King, and Tyrant Blaze Beast. If they were allowed to participate in ordinary Pokémon battles, there would be no problem, but to stop the giant beast that had grown to more than ten meters tall, Ajin asked himself if he was willing but unable.

"I'll go with Ajin, and I can also call for support from the alliance."

Furong also chose to protect the citizens. She knew that Good City, which was not far from Kyle City, had just experienced a tragic disaster. If it was attacked by a large number of elves at this time, I'm afraid that this devastated ancient city would fall into a more tragic situation.

A king-level trainer, plus a master-level trainer, and a large number of elite trainers supported by the alliance, this force is enough to deal with those wild and uncommanded elves.

"Okay, let's go!"

Dawu, Mikoli and Dandi all boarded their own elves, waved goodbye to Ajin and Furong, and chased in the direction of Groudon.


Since Springfield Town is the northernmost town in the Central Continent, the distance to the nearest neighboring Kyle City is also quite far.

The highest point of the entire Central Continent is the "Spine of the World" mountain range that stretches across the center, and then the terrain decreases all the way. Therefore, the surrounding area of ​​Springfield Town is mainly plain terrain, which is why Springfield Town can cultivate a large amount of farmland to plant crops.

However, the farmland that should have been full of golden grain crops in the autumn season in the past was ruthlessly trampled by the giant beast at this time. The muddy land was turned up, leaving broken crops scattered all over the ground, and dark red magma continued to erupt from the cracks in the soil. The hot fire even ignited the surrounding agricultural and forestry trees, causing fires one after another

Everything was caused by this huge beast that kept moving forward.

The whole body was wrapped in red flaky skin, the dark side of the outer body was black and gray, and large spikes extended from the head, torso and tail, making the giant beast look hideous and terrifying. The broad hands with sharp claws can blow up a strong wind even if they are swung casually. Four bulldozer-like saw teeth were raised at the end of its tail, and wherever it passed, it dug deep gullies in the ground. Its sturdy legs stomped the ground into a depression, and the ground where it landed was cracked everywhere. The body, which was originally only 4 meters high, was now like a balloon that was inflated and continued to expand. At this time, it was nearly 20 meters high. It can truly be called a giant beast.

This is the incarnation of the earth, the god of the land, Groudon.

Perhaps those scholars who are familiar with ancient history or familiar with Groudon will be very confused. The records of Groudon in history will not reach such a huge body. But if Asuka or Leo saw the situation of Groudon at this time, they would find that the phenomenon of the giantization of this super ancient beast is exactly the same as what they encountered when they dealt with the Steel Pillar Regis Chilu in Yinye City before.

In other words, Groudon was also killed by the darkness.Influenced by the power, with the help of the evil power, he broke through the limits of his body and became what he is now.

But strangely, Groudon did not have obvious signs of dark power erosion like those elves controlled by dark power, and what was even stranger was where the group of Lava Team members who went to wake Groudon were now?

Many, many mysteries are still shrouded in darkness.

In the vicinity of Springfield Town, a Guran Weng and several big wolfhounds were confronting each other.

No, it was not so much a confrontation as it was actually Guran Weng standing there stupidly, letting the ferocious wolfhounds in front of him look up and down.


For Guran Weng, these big wolfhounds were not unfamiliar elves. As elves living in the wild, they had more or less met in various places, but the big wolfhounds were proud by nature and did not pay much attention to the stupid elves like Guran Weng. They would just see him when they met him, and never look at him directly.

So this Guoran Weng didn't know why the big wolfhound's eyes were red now, and he looked hungry when facing him.

After thinking for a while, Guoran Weng still squinted his eyes tightly as usual, then raised his right hand above his head and saluted as a greeting.

The big wolfhounds seemed to be unable to wait, and they ran towards Guoran Weng with their mouths wide open.

"Guoran Weng... Weng!"

Suddenly, a man came out of the bushes next to him, picked up Guoran Weng with force, and then ran away.

Guoran Weng recognized that it was the good human who often brought delicious food to him, so he wanted to raise his hand to salute him again: "Guoran~"

The man ran with his head down, and said with a smile: "Stupid guy, don't run away quickly, those elves are crazy now, you almost got eaten as lunch by them."

Seeing that the elf was still in a daze, the man couldn't help shaking his head.

He saw on the news that the legendary super ancient beast Groudon has revived and is coming from Springfield, causing great damage to the surrounding environment along the way. The man lives in a small wooden house outside Springfield. After a secret calculation, he was shocked to find that his residence was exactly on the route that Groudon must pass. He was so scared that he quickly packed the necessary luggage and escaped before Groudon arrived. Not long after escaping, he found that the elf he liked very much was in danger, so he mustered up the courage to rescue the elf, and the above scene happened.

"Should, should, should, not chase, caught up, huh... huhu."

Carrying a lot of things and holding an elf more than 1 meter tall, the man was exhausted. If he didn't exercise regularly when doing farm work, he didn't know if he could run under this load.

"Okay, sure, come down and walk by yourself."

The blue elf swayed forward.

If the man hadn't had a Poké Ball, he would have captured the Goran and taken him away.

"Let's see if there are any Poké Balls on the way to the next city. Anyway, this guy probably won't object to my company."

Scratching his head, the man tightened the straps of his backpack and hurried to catch up with the Goran.

In this way, one man and one Pokémon walked on the road to refuge.

"I say, you guys should at least recognize the current situation. You are always so stupid."


"By the way, you shouldn't be unwilling to be my Pokémon, right?"


"(Holding his forehead) Forget it, I feel like it's useless to ask. Fortunately, I am here to take care of you, otherwise you don't know what would happen to you... Wow!!!"

Before the man finished speaking, a violent vibration came from the ground.

The vibration was so strong that even the man and the Pokémon walking on the road were thrown half a meter high.

However, misfortunes never come singly. The trees on the roadside seemed to have been hit by multiple earthquakes. This time, the earthquake completely destroyed the ground where they were rooted, so one after another fell down heavily.


The man was unable to dodge and was trapped by the collapsed trees.

What's worse is that the trees seemed to be ignited by the hot fire, and the branches and leaves ignited with tiny flames. In just a moment, all the trees were burning together, and a raging fire was set.

"Damn it!!!"

While dodging the burning branches, the man was looking for a way to escape.

But what made people desperate was that the encirclement space formed by the collapsed trees did not even have a gap to escape.

"Sure enough!"

Sure enough, although Weng was frightened by the fire and retreated a few steps, he immediately rushed up again and even used his super power.He tried to help the man out.

After struggling hard, feeling the flames burning more and more fiercely and the air becoming thinner and thinner, the man dropped his hands in despair.

"At least, at least let Guoran Weng leave first."

He covered his mouth and nose, inhaled some of the thick smoke and his throat became a little hoarse, but he still shouted to Guoran Weng who was trying to save him: "Silly guy, don't, don't waste your energy, run away quickly, cough cough!"

I don't know if Guoran Weng heard the man's shout, he hesitated for a moment, then turned and ran.

The thick smoke and flames blurred the man's vision. Watching the blue figure going away, in the last moment before fainting, the man thought with relief: "Ha, at least that guy can escape..."

The human body fell to the ground, allowing the flames to continue to invade.

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