Despite having a very bad feeling in his heart, Leo could only complete the previous plan step by step.

"This, is this where you make equipment?"

Following Takuma up to the second floor of the institute, Leo stared in amazement at the scene in front of him filled with various instruments and materials.

Takuma clapped his hands, and the lights on the second floor lit up with the sound.

A large workbench was lined up in the middle of the second floor, with several finely constructed mechanical arms hanging beside the table. The workbench was covered with design manuscripts and various semi-finished products, and there were screws of different sizes and various production tools scattered around.

"Welcome to my development room!"

Takuma said with some pride.

Sure enough, 10-year-old children in the elf world are all monsters! Leo reaffirmed this idea in his heart.

"You made so many things yourself?" Leo asked casually, and picked up a glove-like thing from the table, but he didn't notice that a lot of components fell out of the glove.


"Ahaha, this, this place is really nice."

Putting the things down quickly, Leo pretended that nothing had happened.

"Yes, these things on the table, as well as the collar gas mask and jet sneakers I showed you before, are all made by me."

While talking, Takuma climbed up and down to start various machines.


"Click, click", the mechanical arm next to the work table suddenly moved, startling Leo who was looking around.

"This damn thing! Ouch."

Leo angrily slapped the mechanical arm with his claws, but his claws were hurt by the hard shell of the mechanical arm.

The texture of this thing is really hard, I wonder if I can break it with the [Metal Claw]... Hmm?

Suddenly he had a bold idea.

"Takuma, in addition to making gas masks, can you help me make some equipment?"


Takuma's little head was full of question marks.

"Yes, you know that we elves can use moves, right?" Leo said excitedly, then stretched out his right claw and condensed steel energy. The silver-gray energy flowed on the right claw, forming several long and sharp claws that popped out.

"Look, if you just use moves like this, you can only rely on the power of energy to attack the opponent when fighting with the opponent. But if you can wear a weapon like fists and claws that is already very hard, you can add energy to the weapon and increase the lethality of the moves."

Leo gestured, and Takuma's eyes lit up.

"Oh, this is really a good idea!"

"And," Leo said excitedly, and his imagination began to run wild. "Look, I'm a fighting-type elf. When I face those flying-type elves later, my moves will be useless when they fly into the sky. If I can make a jet device, I can go up to the sky and beat them down."

"Or make some weapons that can fire energy cannons in the center of the palm, so that even long-range attacks are available."

The elf world version of Iron Man, it would be perfect if he could make an AI like Jarvis!

Regardless of Leo who was laughing foolishly on the side, Takuma was attracted by this bold idea. In the past, he only made some interesting gadgets in a small way, and never tried to design equipment for elves alone. At this time, the idea proposed by Leo made his inspirations keep coming out one after another, and all kinds of wonderful ideas emerged.

Takuma quickly wrote down the ideas he thought of with a pen, and pulled Leo over to discuss together.

"Come on, come on, see if this works..."


After a heated discussion, the design document of the equipment specially customized for Leo was officially released.

"Although I think there are still many areas that can be improved, but time is running out, let's get started."

Excited as he was, Takuma still remembered that his parents might still be coerced in the forest research institute, and he didn't bother to optimize the design documents anymore. He put on his work clothes and mask, and couldn't wait to start making them.

"Let me think, I remember making some similar parts before...ah, not this...(searching) not this either..."

He rummaged through the pile of various strange-shaped items on the side, and occasionally threw out objects that didn't suit his taste, such as a glowing helmet, a finger-sized sword, a swimming ring that sprays water, etc.

Finally, Takuma found a set of small armor that was covered with dust and a little old.

He brushed off the dust on the armor with some nostalgia: "Ah, I found it, this is when I was a childIt is a work made for playing hero games. It is said that a long time ago, there was a hero who calmed the war wearing such a set of armor... It is really nostalgic. "

Leo looked at the armor with some curiosity. The whole armor was silver-white. It was not the traditional one-piece armor, but a combination of parts. The chest armor, group armor, back armor, hand armor and other parts can be worn separately.

Takuma sighed for a while, and finally decided to put the armor into the machine and start making it.


In a building somewhere in the forest.

"You... this is... blasphemy... life..."

An old voice full of anger seemed to be suppressed by something, accusing intermittently.

"Hahahaha, blasphemy life? What a bullshit!"

The hooded man laughed wildly, looking very excited, and his hands were raised to the sky, with an intoxicated look on his face.

"That's it, this unparalleled power. "

Then he looked at the lonely and proud white-purple figure in front of him with fanatical eyes.

"Come on, use this power for my own benefit!"

The hooded man took out a spherical object shrouded in black smoke and threw it at the white-purple figure.

The white-purple figure didn't care, and flashed, as if to avoid the black sphere, but he didn't expect that the black sphere seemed to lock on to "Him", and would chase him wherever he dodged.

Then he got tired of dodging, and "Him" emitted a suffocating energy wave, trying to destroy the annoying object, but the black sphere found a flaw and hit him directly.

"Clang clang clang", the black sphere The body shook violently, and as it shook, more chilling black smoke screens overflowed.

Finally, the black sphere settled down.

In the desperate eyes of the middle-aged man and woman who were supporting an old man, the hooded man picked up the black sphere.

At the same time, endless energy fluctuations seemed to flow out of the black sphere and then covered the hooded man.



The crazy laughter seemed to penetrate the building, and the undisguised madness echoed in the air.

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