I don't know how long it has been, but the Shiny Magikarp is still stuck.

But Magikarp itself has no limbs such as hands or feet, so it can only fiddle with its fins to try to break free from the gap that is holding it.

At this moment, a noise sounded.

Fortunately, the two rocks that stuck the Shiny Magikarp were facing the center of the Crescent Lake, so from his perspective, he could see what was happening in the Crescent Lake.

"Snorlax, Pidgeot, what are you doing here?"

A calm and indifferent voice sounded, and the Shiny Magikarp remembered that it was the voice of their leader Golduck.

Looking from afar:

The elves of the Crescent Lake that were scattered all over the past gathered on the side facing the forest, forming a semicircle, and in the center was the leader Golduck floating on the water, as well as the elite elves in the tribe - Lapras, Gyarados and Mosquito.

In contrast to the elves in the Crescent Lake, there is a tall and fat elf - Snorlax, and a big bird with feathers on its head fluttering in the wind - Pidgeot, and a group of bird-shaped elves flying in the air. Their eyes emit a terrifying red light, and the fierce energy on their bodies is so strong that it almost forms a solid body.

Snorlax stood on the shore and took a step forward. His originally honest and amiable face was now full of ferocity and ferocity: "Gotha Duck, our master has taken a fancy to your ability to predict the future and wants you to contribute your strength to our master's hegemony."

The leader of the Gotha Duck sneered: "Although I don't know what you are talking about, you should put away your ridiculous ideas and get out of here."

It's no wonder that the leader of the Gotha Duck is so confident in facing two leader-level elves. After all, they are now in the Crescent Lake, the place with the most abundant water energy in the entire Crescent Forest. If a battle is started in such an environment, the endless water energy will become the biggest killer of the water elves.

How could the always hot-tempered Elite Gyarados hold back? He yelled, "Leader, stop talking nonsense with them. Just kill them all."

After saying that, without waiting for the order from the leader Golduck, he swung his dragon body and attacked the leader Snorlax in mid-air.

Although Elite Gyarados was reckless, he still had basic combat intelligence. He also knew that a Pokémon like Snorlax had thick skin and tough flesh, and it was estimated that physical attacks would not be effective. Therefore, he flew into the air, gathered energy from his mouth, and ejected a rolling water wave.

[Water Wave], an elemental water move, uses water waves to attack the opponent. The accompanying vibration wave sometimes disturbs the opponent's perception and puts the opponent into a state of confusion.

"Even if you don't get hurt by my [Water Wave], you will be confused for a while. At this time, I just need to use [Iron Tail], and any leader-level Pokémon will be vulnerable..."

Elite Gyarados looked at the leader Snorlax who seemed to be standing there without reacting, and felt proud in his heart.

The [Water Wave], which was amplified by the water environment of Crescent Lake, rolled up a three-fold thicker water flow, rolling in the air, and in the blink of an eye it invaded the front, but the leader Snorlax just raised his left hand, and with a "snap", the water wave hit the thick left hand of the leader Snorlax like hitting a huge rock, splashing and dissipating in the air.


Seeing that his confident move was caught so casually, Elite Gyarados was stunned.

The leader of Snorlax did not give him time to adjust. His fat body "tengtengteng" ran forward, and he clasped his hands tightly around the tail of Elite Gyarados, which had condensed steel energy, and smashed Gyarados to the ground.

"Bang", a long hole was smashed into the land by the lake. Fortunately, the soil by the lake was relatively soft, and the Elite Gyarados was only dazzled by the ground, and did not suffer much damage.

But for the Elite Gyarados who thought highly of himself, this was extremely embarrassing.

"Asshole, you dare to do this to me!"

The Elite Gyarados was furious, and for a moment, he ignored his dizzy head and raised his tail to hit the hateful guy in front of him.

Before he could turn over, a huge fist mixed with a biting fist wind came towards him.

"Pah", the leader of Snorlax's [Million Tons Punch] knocked the Elite Gyarados to the ground again.


The explosive punch even swollen the face of the elite Gyarados, and it could only lie on the ground and wail helplessly.


The Golduck leader seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and shouted in a low voice, while a pink and purple light wave emanated from his body.

The light wave spread outward in a ring shape, expanding at an extremely fast speed.

Before the leader Snorlax could react, he was touched by the light wave.It was as if it hit an invisible barrier, and the whole Pokémon was ejected, while other Pokémon that were in contact were completely fine.

It was the Psychic move [Psychic Power] of the Golduck leader, which was up to Lv4. This move was originally to attack the opponent invisibly with powerful telekinesis. The move performed by the Golduck leader not only skillfully selectively attacked the opponent, but also ejected the huge Snorlax leader, which showed the strength of the Golduck leader's telekinesis.

"Ang——", the Big Bird leader screamed, and cleverly tumbled in the air to avoid the sweep of [Psychic Power], and then opened its claws and grabbed the elite Gyarados.

"Hmph, get off!"

The Golduck leader snorted coldly, and the thoughts coming from his body changed from rings to beam-shaped energy waves, and "whoosh" directly hit the Big Bird leader.

The leader of Pidgeot wanted to dodge, but she didn't expect the speed of the thought beam to be so fast, so she could only take it hard. Pidgeot, a Pokémon like her, originally had weak spiritual defense. After taking this powerful thought attack, her mind was shaken, and she could no longer maintain her flying posture and fell to the ground.

"Too awesome!"

The Pokémon of Crescent Lake cheered as they watched the leader of their tribe show off his power.

The leaders of Snorlax and Pidgeot, who had fallen to the ground, slowly stood up, and the red light in their eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Pa pa", suddenly, a round of applause came from behind the two leader-level Pokémon.

After hearing the applause, the leaders of Snorlax and Pidgeot suddenly stiffened, and hurriedly bent down to make way for the aisle in the middle.

A human wearing a black cloak walked out from between the two elves, and praised: "You are worthy of being the king of superpowers in the Crescent Forest. You played [Psychic Power] beautifully."


The leader of the Golduck stared at the cloaked man coldly.

The cloaked man took off his hood, revealing a pale face.

"My name is Gerald, and I am the head of the East Region cadres of the Rocket Team. I also master the power of God. Golduck, your power makes me admire you very much. Now I give you a chance. Are you willing to follow me to spread the glory of God all over the world?"

The cloaked man, that is, Gerald, had an admiring tone, but in the ears of the leader of the Golduck, it was a speech of arrogance and ignorance.

The leader of the Golduck said disdainfully: "You are a tiny human, and you dare to claim to have the power of God? It's ridiculous."

Gerald was not angry, but shook his head with some regret, and took a pure black Poké Ball with only a white line in the middle from his waist with his right hand.

A wave of restless energy emanated from the Poké Ball.

In the eyes of the Shiny Magikarp, the following battle was like this:

The leader of Golduck mobilized the water of the Crescent Lake, and the waves several feet high surged up. However, from Gerald's hand, a purple figure flashed out like a phantom, crushing the powerful waves in an extremely short moment, and then knocked down all the strong men of the Crescent Lake with a light touch, and stood in the air. The human who called himself Gerald laughed wildly, waved his hand, and a large group of bird-shaped Pokémon swooped down and captured all the water Pokémon who gathered together and could not dodge in time. The leader of Golduck and the various elite Pokémon who were knocked unconscious by the heavy blow were captured by Snorlax and Pidgeot, and then this group of uninvited guests walked or flew back to the Crescent Forest.

No Pokémon noticed the Shiny Magikarp stuck in the crevice of the rock.

What made Shiny Magikarp panic was that among the elves captured by the bird-type elves, his good friend, Blue Psyduck, was among them.

After an unknown amount of time, Shiny Magikarp, who had been unable to break free from the cracks in the rocks, was already hungry and tired. In his blurred consciousness, he only felt the lake water surging up, and the flowing water actually made the cracks in the rocks slightly loose. Shiny Magikarp naturally would not give up this opportunity. Despite being scratched by the sharp edges of the rocks, he finally escaped from the predicament.

Looking at the Crescent Lake with no elves, Shiny Magikarp was at a loss: he wanted to save his friends, but he only knew the useless and powerful move of [Jumping], so how could he have the ability to face such a large group of enemies, not to mention the figure that made all the elves feel terrified...

At this time, he remembered the two elves who came to the Crescent Lake that time.

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