With the efforts of Leo and a group of elves, the hole they dug as a trap using the [Dig Hole] move was 6-7 meters deep, which could basically trap all the elves in the poisonous swamp and make it difficult for them to escape.

However, Leo forgot to consider that if their group of fighting elves could master the ground-based [Dig Hole] move, then how could the group of ground-based elves not know it?

In addition to digging downwards, the [Dig Hole] move can also be used to dig upwards.

As the sound rang out, Leo and the Squirtle boss looked back.

"Where do you want to escape to?"

The elves in the poisonous swamp spread out in a straight line, staring at the group of "prey" in their eyes. The Nidoking Overlord standing in the middle had a sullen look on his face, and the remaining mud on his body kept falling with his steps.

The ferocious elves, with a fierce momentum, were full of oppression.

"Come on, Squirtle, let me see what tricks you have..."

Looking at the approaching Nidoking Overlord, Squirtle Boss took a deep breath.

"Nidoking, we don't have any hatred in normal times. The places where we live and the areas where we live can be regarded as well-watered. Now my purpose is very simple, that is, to bring my companions back. Can we each take a step back and let us go back, and then I will make sure that my companions will never interfere with you, like this?"

Nidoking Overlord stopped, staring at Squirtle Boss with scarlet eyes, and grinned: "Yes, you can let your subordinates go back..."

Before Squirtle Boss and other elves were happy, Nidoking Overlord immediately added: "However, as a price, you have to stay."


To be honest, Squirtle Boss didn't know why Nidoking Overlord would capture the elves.

"Your strength can be used by our master. You are the first one who can fight me back and forth without evolution."

Then, Nidoking Overlord made an attractive proposal.

"Besides, aren't you unable to evolve? As long as you submit to our master, with the power of the gods that our master controls, it's no problem to solve your problem of not being able to evolve."

As one of the most powerful elves in the Crescent Forest, the problem that Squirtle Boss cannot evolve has long been known to the elves. Now facing the words of Overlord Nidoking, Squirtle Boss's calm heart still moved.

"Don't, be careful, this is a trap..."

Vampire Flower nervously grabbed Squirtle Boss's hand.

The scene suddenly fell into a silent atmosphere.

"How is it?"

Overlord Nidoking asked impatiently.


Squirtle Boss hesitated to speak.

"I don't think this is a good idea!"

At this time, Leo walked out of the elves and interrupted the conversation between the two.

Nidoking Overlord looked at the elf that was only as tall as his thigh: "Who are you?"

"If Squirtle is captured by you, then the top combat power of the entire Crescent Forest will be completely yours. In this way, when you want to capture the remaining elves, we will have no room to resist." Leo said loudly, seemingly refuting Nidoking Overlord, but actually intending to remind Squirtle Boss. "If that's the case, then what's the difference between letting us go now and not letting us go?"

"Besides, I don't think I can beat you now."

Before Nidoking Overlord spoke, the Sandslash beside him couldn't help but laugh and said: "Depend on you? A little kid who is not as strong as me, or do you want to rely on these guys?"

The Sandslash pointed at the elves such as the Queen of Flowers with his claws, and a sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

After the captured elves experienced the destruction of the venom, even though they had just eaten the fruit to restore a lot of physical strength and energy, they were still not in full state. They supported each other and showed an extremely weak look.

"Yeah, you don't believe it?"

"Hahahaha... I would believe it if you were all in full condition. In your current state, my subordinates can beat you all without us... Hahaha..."

Sandal King continued to laugh, and a group of ground-type elves around him also laughed in a weird way.

Ignoring the ridicule of Sandal King and others, Leo looked at Squirtle Boss: "Boss, what do you think?"

The agitated look on Squirtle Boss's face has disappeared, replaced by a calmness like the sea.

"That's right, if I get caught, then no one can protect you."

"In that case, then..."

"Let's fight!"

Squirtle Boss took off the sunglasses on his face, revealing his eyes,The scar beside his eye became deeper under the sunlight.

At this moment, his face was no longer cautious, no longer hesitant, and there was no trace of hidden deep fear and resentment. Only the fighting spirit like a raging fire and the unwavering determination remained.

"Bullshit, what do you mean you come to protect us? It's as if I can't beat you."

Wrist Strength spit, staggered slightly to the side of the Squirtle boss, but his weak body straightened up at this time.

"You are showing off again."

Roblox chuckled behind the two elves.

"Humph, I don't know who was the first to be defeated last time."

Scyther glanced at wrist strength coldly, and the latter was embarrassed.


Ordinary wrist strength, small rock, monkey monster, stinky flower, giant beedrill and other elves in Chaoyang Valley scattered with laughter and formed their usual battle formation in an orderly manner.

Mosquito and Laplace looked at each other.

"There is no way to retreat, let's fight together."

Mosquito's voice was as steady as ever.

Laplace nodded. She still understood the principle of "lips and teeth are cold". If the elves in Chaoyang Valley were defeated or captured now, they would be the next to fall into such a predicament.

Elves that can fight on land, such as Psyduck, Mosquito, and Starfish, followed the elves in Chaoyang Valley to set up their formations, while water elves such as Agate Jellyfish and Horned Goldfish jumped into the river beside them and waited for battle.

"Although the leader-level combat power is still the same as before, only the Squirtle boss, but..."

"The elite-level combat power includes Armstrong, Queen of the Moon, Scyther, Mosquito, Lapras, and me who is not inferior to the elite-level combat power, facing Arbok, Sandslash, and Nidoqueen. This time is different from the last time, we have a full advantage."

"The rest of us still have the combat power of water-type and grass-type Pokémons. Facing the opposite ground-type and poison-type Pokémons, we can form an advantage in attributes..."

Leo was encouraging the Pokémons, and suddenly many large and small figures jumped out of the bushes on the side.

"Bub, Butterfree? Didn't I ask you to protect the valley?"

The Squirtle boss was stunned.

"And you, why are you here to join in the fun?"

This was said to the brothers and sisters of the Walking Grass.

The Pokémons that jumped out of the bushes were Butterfree, who had agreed to stay to protect the valley, and the younger Pokémons such as Walking Grass, Mosquito, Tadpole, Caterpillar, and Unicorn.

"What's the point of guarding a valley without everyone?"

Butterfree said to the Squirtle boss seriously.

"We have practiced teamwork for so long. Without us, how can we show the strength of Chaoyang Valley?"

Big Brother Walking Grass yelled.

"Pa", Tyrannosaurus went up and slapped Big Brother Walking Grass, saying unhappily: "You are really reckless. You dare to participate in such a battle? I will deal with you when I go back."

Big Brother Walking Grass, who was beaten, dared not say anything. He could only touch the place where he was beaten with the grass leaves on his head and curled his lips: "I have defeated Leo before, how can he participate in the battle..."

Leo: "... Brat, I lost that time because I didn't know how to use the moves... Damn, a lifetime of shame..."

Leo remembered that when he first arrived in Chaoyang Valley, he wanted to practice with Walking Grass but was hung up and beaten by the latter.

"Let's fight together, Boss."

The tadpoles in Chaoyang Valley opened their big round eyes and looked at Boss Squirtle cutely.

"Ah, you guys..."

Boss Squirtle sighed, helpless but relieved, "Come on, get into your positions, let's all fight together this time."

So, the lineups of both sides were arranged as follows:

The joint battle formation of Chaoyang Valley and Crescent Lake:

Front row: Boss Squirtle, Elite Arm, Leo, Mosquito, Geodude, mainly relying on strong frontal combat capabilities to face the opponent head-on.

Flanker: Scyther, Monkey King, Normal Arm, Beedrill, Butterfree, mainly using strong mobility to harass the enemy formation.

Mid-section: Tyrannosaurus, Smelly, Walker, Lapras, Caterpillar, Unicorn, mainly using auxiliary moves to support the front and back rows.

Long-range: Starfish, Tadpoles, Psyduck on land, Horned Goldfish, Agate Jellyfish in the river, mainly use water-based moves to attack from a distance.

The individual strength of the elves in Chaoyang Valley and Crescent Lake is not particularly strong, so in the battle formation, the specialties of each elf are refined to participate in different positions to exert their strongest abilities.

Formation of the Toxic Swamp:

Front: Nidoking Overlord, Nidoqueen, Rhino, Sandslash, Sandshrew, Diglett.

Flanks and back row: Gas bombs, Arbok, Arbok Snake, Nidoran, Nidoran, Nidorino, Nidorina.

The Poison Swamp Pokémon only have ground-type Pokémon that are strong in frontal combat, and poison-type Pokémon whose every move has an abnormal state, so their battle formation is extremely simple, with ground-type Pokémon attacking head-on and poison-type Pokémon harassing from the side.

The battle - no, this is already a small war - is about to begin.

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