
"Evolve! Believe in yourself!"

Leo shouted at Squirtle Boss with all his might.

"Boss, evolve!" This was a shout from the walking grass.

"We believe you can evolve!" Pokémon such as Armstrong and Monkey Monster shouted loudly.

"!" Some seriously injured Pokémon could not speak, and could only encourage with expectant eyes.



All the Pokémon in Chaoyang Valley shouted in unison.

What else in this world is more precious than the trust of companions, and at the same time more powerful?

No, nothing!

This is the best encouragement, the best power!

"Ah ... "Shh", Nidoking Overlord felt like he was holding a hot source, so hot that he couldn't help but loosen his claws holding the turtle shell.

Squirtle Boss fell to the ground with his fists and lowered his head slightly. The ground under his feet trembled. Suddenly, a strong stream of water emerged violently from the ground. When it hit the blazing light on Squirtle Boss, it spread directly, forming a series of surging waves rushing in all directions.

Under the expectation of the elves, the light of Squirtle Boss flickered and twisted, and an illusion with ears like wings and tail like waves seemed to be formed.

But only Leo saw that the black hole in Squirtle Boss's body was stimulated to surge more frequently, and the extremely powerful energy was constantly absorbed, like an abyss that never satisfied. The light on Squirtle Boss slowly dimmed after being extremely bright, and the illusion that was formed with great difficulty gradually dissipated in the air like snowflakes melting.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it..."

The Squirtle boss felt the familiar feeling of powerlessness, and he was extremely unwilling and resentful in his heart, hating himself for being powerless and for failing to live up to expectations.

"A black hole that absorbs energy crazily... a light spot in an explosion... a dominant aura... energy... energy!!!"

"I know!!!"

Leo suddenly had an epiphany.

He raised his right hand and barely carried Nidoqueen's [Heavy Stomp], and took the opportunity to quickly tap his chest with his left hand.

"Swish", the jet port behind the armor ejected a strong airflow to eject Leo, avoiding Nidoqueen's tireless stomping.

"Ahem, if you don't have enough energy, use this to replenish it!"

Leo ignored the blood coughed up from his injury, and groped in the void with his hand, pulling out two clear blue stones that seemed to be rippling with endless water vapor.

It was the Water Stone that he had been rewarded by the system a long time ago.

"Boss, take it!"

Leo threw the two water stones in his hand with all his strength, and the Squirtle boss caught them with both hands in a daze.

"Crush these two stones!"

Although he didn't know why, the Squirtle boss subconsciously exerted force and crushed the two water stones directly.

"Bang", "Bang".

Accompanied by two crisp cracking sounds, the crystal clear water stone broke directly.

"Hua La La -", "Hua La La -".

The elves seemed to hear the sound of waves, and the hairy elves even felt a layer of wet and sticky water vapor attached to their bodies, and the air began to become humid.

Instantly, countless energy points flashing with azure light escaped from the two broken water stones, and then seemed to rush into the body of the Squirtle boss impatiently.

"Come on, evolve! "

Leo stared at the Squirtle Boss.

Absorb! Endlessly absorb! Absorb like crazy with no end!

Finally, this black hole that seemed as deep as the abyss seemed to have absorbed to its limit. At the critical moment, it turned from dark to bright, and a more dazzling light burst out in an instant!


The Squirtle Boss raised his head and roared. Even if his voice was hoarse, he had to roar out his unwillingness and resentment.

His figure became brighter and brighter, and the light he bloomed became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, the blue light completely spread out, breaking the red and black light that enveloped everything. The two different colors of light competed with each other and refused to give in.

The extremely bright light made the elves, including the Overlord Nidoking, squint their eyes, and the attack that was originally underway could not help but stop.

"This energy fluctuation..."

The Overlord Nidoking felt the suffocating energy with a sullen face.speed, and the heart that was originally full of cruelty began to feel a little bit of fear.


The waves surrounding the Squirtle Boss surged more wildly. As the waves rolled, the blue light enveloped the Squirtle Boss. The Squirtle Boss gradually transformed into a pair of snow-white ears like wings, and two tails shaped like waves emerged from the turtle shell. The skin of the whole elf changed from sky blue to indigo, and the body became much taller than before.

"Crumb Squirtle! The evolved form of Squirtle!"

Leo said excitedly. As he expected, the reason why Squirtle couldn't evolve was that every time he evolved, the evolutionary energy generated was absorbed by the black hole. Without enough energy, he couldn't evolve smoothly. And the black hole looked like...

"Not enough, not enough..."

Feeling the power in his body that was several times stronger than before, Squirtle was not satisfied. He knew that even if he evolved into the form of Crumb Squirtle, he was still inferior to the Nidoking Overlord who inexplicably possessed powerful power.

He wanted stronger, more powerful power, and a more powerful form.

"Power, I want stronger power to protect everyone!!!!"


Because of the long-term regret of not being able to evolve, the grief of being ruthlessly abandoned by his trainer, the hardship of sweating and training day after day, and the determination to protect his companions, all kinds of emotions accompanied his roar and were vented without reservation.

A wide, heavy light and shadow suddenly enlarged.

"Boom boom boom"!

The violently surging waves surrounding the stubborn figure rushed straight to the sky, then scattered heavily on the ground, breaking into countless water splashes, revealing the figure of the Squirtle boss.

No, it was no longer Squirtle at this time.

A burly turtle-shaped Pokémon with two terrifying cannons emerging from its shell stood in the waves.

Final evolution!

A heavy gunner like a wave - Blastoise!

"Is this the Blastoise, the final evolution of the first generation of the three great families? This is too domineering..."

Leo stared at the heavy back in a daze.

Compared to the final evolutions of the other two elves in the first generation of the Big Three - Bulbasaur of the Grass and Poison type and Charizard of the Fire and Flying type, Blastoise is not very popular, because Blastoise does not have the strong offensive ability and extremely handsome appearance like Charizard, nor does it have various abnormal moves to assist like Bulbasaur. The only outstanding thing may be that it has a pretty good defensive ability, but if you want to use defensive tactics, there are more elves with better attributes or more suitable characteristics to choose from. In addition, the seemingly bloated and solid appearance in the game is not as handsome as other elves. Therefore, in the previous life game, Leo rarely chose the elves of the Squirtle lineage as his main elves to play the game.

But in the current real world, look at the strong and powerful limbs, the wide and thick turtle shell, and the two cannons with wisps of white smoke coming out of the muzzles. All of this makes up the domineering elf like Blastoise.


A roar reawakened the elves around.

"Even if you evolve, so what!"

Nidoking Overlord roared, raised his arms and attacked Blastoise.

"Snap", "Snap", Blastoise caught Nidoking Overlord's claws with both hands, and the two Pokémons were tied together like bullfighting.


Nidoking Overlord used both arms to push hard, and his two strong thighs stepped hard on the ground, trying to use brute force to push Blastoise to the ground.

But even if he used all his strength, he could only feel that he was pushing a rock that was hard to move, and he couldn't push it at all.

And the Blastoise in front of him still had a calm expression on his face, as if he didn't use any strength at all.

It is no wonder that Nidoking Overlord cannot push Blastoise. The weight of Blastoise after ordinary evolution is nearly 90 kg, while Nidoking weighs only about 62 kg, which is a difference of 1/3. Under the premise that weight determines core strength, it is a fantasy for Nidoking Overlord to defeat Blastoise purely by strength.

The leaders of both sides are in a stalemate. After being awakened by Nidoking Overlord's roar, the remaining elves returned to their respective battles.

However, the elves in the poisonous swamp, blessed by Nidoking Overlord's domineering aura, are still in an advantageous state, suppressing the elves in Chaoyang Valley and Crescent Lake.


In a corner of the battlefield, the moles with red light in their eyes worked together to condense a huge stone in the air and smashed it towards the walking grass brother and sister.

BoulderFalling down with a whistling sound.

Looking at this huge rock that is several times bigger than itself, the walking grass brother below turned pale and could only desperately use the grass leaves on its head to surround its brothers and sisters, trying to protect them like a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

Danger is imminent!

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