The figure descended from the sky and landed steadily on the ground.

This was a young man with short brown hair, wearing a red jacket and black shorts, with a wristband-like instrument on his right wrist. A ray of light extended from the front of the instrument to connect to the "gyroscope" that was thrown out.

There was also a blue and white elf that looked like a little squirrel lying on the young man's shoulder.

Looking at the familiar clothes and equipment, as well as the elf lying on the ground, Leo blurted out in surprise: "Elf Ranger? And this is, Pachirisu?"

Pachirisu, known as the "White Devil", was excitedly raising his fist and shouting: "(Elf language) Soichi, come on!"

The young man called "Soichi" stretched out his right hand, stared at the huge beast in front of him - the leader of Snorlax with a serious face, and shouted: "(Human language) Hunting disc, move out."

The "gyro"-like hunting disc dragged a C-shaped trajectory on the ground, and then under Soichi's control, it drew a circle of light around the leader of Snorlax.


The leader of Snorlax would naturally not be trapped like this. He stretched out his palm as big as a palm fan and slapped the hunting disc that was circling on the ground, interrupting the circle of light. At the same time, he stared at the human in front of him with scarlet eyes and strode towards Soichi.

"(Human language) Armorbird!"

Souichi called out to Armorbird.

The hovering Armorbird dashed forward and let Soichi grab its feet, and with its powerful wings, it brought Soichi back into the air.

Soichi used the hunting cursor to retrieve the hunting disc in the air.

"(Human language) Armorbird, lend me your power!"


As if to say yes, the crisp bird cry sounded again, and a cyan light shone on the Armorbird, and then the light rotated and merged into the center of the hunting cursor, making the entire hunting cursor also attached with a faint cyan light.

"(Human language) Go!"

Souichi grabbed the Armorbird's leg with his left hand, and with a flick of his right hand, the gyroscope placed at the front of the hunting cursor flew towards the leader of Snorlax again, but this time the arc in the air was accompanied by a wisp of cyan light, and a faint breeze suddenly rose.

"(Elf language) It's useless to use the same trick again!"

Snorlax roared, opened his hands and tried to use the same trick to hit the hunting disc.

But the hunting disc seemed to have predicted Snorlax's move in advance, and suddenly turned and flexibly avoided Snorlax's attack, landing not far away and drawing a circle of light again.

The circle of light surrounded Snorlax layer by layer, and at the same time, a tornado from weak to strong rose in the center of the circle of light, wrapping around Snorlax and making it unable to move easily.

"Roar, roar, roar..."

Snorlax was furious, but the angry roar gradually weakened under the superposition of layers of light circles, and the originally violent demeanor gradually became calm.

"Is Snorlax slowly regaining consciousness?"

Leo keenly noticed that the red light in Snorlax's eyes was gradually fading, and his inner surprise was even greater. You know, apart from Leo using the power of the bell to restore the leader of Pidgeot, this is the first time that other powers have been seen to restore the "mad" Pokémon to their senses.

"Pokémon Ranger, what a magical profession."

Unlike the Pokémon trainers that can be seen everywhere in the Pokémon games of the previous life, Pokémon Rangers have only appeared in a few spin-off works. And unlike ordinary Pokémon trainers, Pokémon Rangers focus on the harmonious coexistence of people, Pokémon and nature. They do not capture Pokémon, but use the hunting cursor as a tool to communicate with Pokémon and borrow the power of Pokémon. After the borrowing is over, they will let the Pokémon return to nature. It is a rare profession with the purpose of protecting Pokémon and natural ecology.

And the mind of the leader of Snorlax was obviously awakened by the spiritual communication of the Pokémon Ranger, so he went from desperate resistance at the beginning to slowly docile and tamed.

The Armored Bird, which completed the task, continued to hover in the air for a while, then made a bird cry and turned back in the direction of travel.

However, the still "frenzied" Pidgeot leader was unwilling to give up the attack. He flipped in the air and rushed towards the elves again with wings of steel energy.

Blastoise boss pointed the barrel of the cannon extended from his shell at the rushing Pidgeot leader. Just as he was preparing to meet the attack of [Steel Wing], a cry came from behind the elves: "(Human language) Windy Dog, [Spray Fire]!"

Of course, since it was a human language, only Leo, who was wearing a language translator, could hear what was being shouted. The other elves only heard a grunting shout, and a fierce flame burst out from the elves' brains.It passed through the bag and hit the iron wings of the Pidgeot leader.

"Sizzle", no matter how hard the steel is, it cannot avoid the melting of the fire. When the steel-type [Steel Wings] met the fire-type [Jet Flame], the result was that the wings of the Pidgeot leader were directly charred and fell to the ground with a miserable howl.

"This familiar feeling..."

Leo watched the Pidgeot leader fall to the ground again (hmm? Why again?), and there was always a sense of déjà vu.


A brave and handsome big dog jumped out, carrying a human woman with long blue hair and wearing a police uniform on its back.

At the same time, familiar shouts rang from far to near.

"Leo, and everyone else, are you all right?"

Leo squinted and saw several police motorcycles coming "puff puff puff". On the trailer of the leading motorcycle sat Takuma, who was waving excitedly. Next to him sat a golden Magikarp, who was scratching the side of the trailer with his fins.

Since Takuma was speaking in translated Elven language, many elves understood.


Many elves who were familiar with Takuma also shouted excitedly.


The blue Psyduck soaking in the river saw his friend Shiny Magikarp at a glance, and also greeted him excitedly.

"This is really an unexpected helper."

Leo thought.

Elf ranger Soichi and his partner Pokémon, the police officer of the Elf World Miss Junsha and her signature Elf Windy Dog.

It's not over yet. Following several police motorcycles, there are several elf rangers wearing similar clothes to Soichi, flying in the air with Pidgeots or Toucans.

"Are these bird elves the elves of Sky Nest... The elf rangers have tamed them all..."

Leo was still thinking, and Takuma, who had come to his side, patted him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Leo, am I not late?"

"No, on the contrary, you came at the right time." Leo smiled, pointed at the large group of reinforcements, and whispered: "When did you find such a group of humans to help?"

Takuma laughed and said, "Didn't I find out from the surveillance that my parents were suspected of being taken away by unknown people? So before I went out that day, I called Miss Joey and asked her to help contact the police. As a result, in addition to Miss Junsha, my parents' friend Soichi and his companions also came to help."

"But how did you find this place?"

"Your equipment is equipped with Positioning device, when I saw that your position had not moved for a long time, I thought you might be in trouble, so I immediately contacted sister Junsha and brother Souichi, and brought them to help you. Also, on the way, I met Shiny Magikarp and Squirtle who were chased by a large group of Pidgeots, so I rescued them and rushed over together. "

Leo looked at Takuma deeply. Such a mature way of thinking and clever way of coping appeared in a 10-year-old child, which made him sigh, the Federation... Bah, the 10-year-old children in the elf world are all "monsters".

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