Mewtwo, floating in the air, not only laid down the telekinetic barrier, but also did not wait for Leo's attack. Instead, he gathered dark ghost energy between his hands and rotated to form an energy sphere.

He was very confident that his telekinetic barrier could not be broken by anything.

But the next second, Mewtwo's confidence was hit hard.

Leo's [Metal Claw] pierced straight into the bottom of the telekinetic barrier, as easy as piercing a piece of tofu.


Mewtwo only felt a very slight dizziness in his head. After all, the telekinetic barrier he laid down used Mewtwo's own super telekinesis. If it was broken by the opponent, it would still have a certain impact on his own mental thoughts.

But even the slightest dizziness was an unprecedented feeling for Mewtwo.

Leo didn't care whether Mewtwo was affected or not. After the [Metal Claw] completely pierced into the telekinetic barrier, he used all his strength to move the claw diagonally upward.

"Tear, tear, tear", just like using a knife to cut through cloth, the entire telekinetic barrier was cut by Leo diagonally.


Leo was overjoyed, and then immediately came to his senses, and rushed over when the telekinetic barrier was cut.

Suddenly, wrist strength flashed in his mind, or the moves that Brother Haoli often used.


"Put your hand up, yes, like a knife."

Brother Arm Strength, who had not yet evolved into Haoli, stood beside Leo and corrected Leo's posture.

"If you want to use this move, you must have a kind of momentum. What kind of momentum? It's the kind that no matter what is in front of you, you will hit it with one palm and split it all, without hesitation or delay."

"Just like this!"


Brother Arm Strength faced a rock that was bigger than him, jumped up, turned his palm up like a knife, and directly split the rock in half.

Leo also tried to chop down with his palm like Armstrong, and it hurt his hand.

"Shout it out, why do we shout loudly when we use moves? It's to raise our momentum and burn our energy."

"So when you use this move, remember to shout out the name of this move!"



"Oh oh oh oh oh, [Break the Tile]!!!!!!"

Unconsciously, Leo subconsciously imitated Armstrong's posture at that time, jumped up, turned his palm into a knife, and chopped down with great momentum as he shouted.

In a trance, Mewtwo seemed to see a sharp and unparalleled big knife chopping down at his head. The sharpness was so strong that He, who had never known fear or fear, couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"[Reflection Wall]!"

"Thump, thump, thump, thump", Mewtwo retreated quickly, and with his conscious mind, dozens of square mysterious energy walls flashing with starlight appeared in front of Him one after another.

[Reflection Wall], this move will build an energy-type protective wall to protect the performer. Unlike another similar move [Light Wall], the protective wall built by [Protection Wall] uses the hardness of the protective wall to weaken the opponent's physical attack, thereby achieving a protective effect. [Light Wall], on the other hand, will fill the constructed protective wall with energy fluctuations, thereby weakening the opponent's energy attack.

At this time, there are dozens of [Reflection Walls] between Leo and Mewtwo.

"As expected of an elf with divine power, it has laid down so many [Reflection Walls] in such a short time. Its strength is really terrifying."

The elves who watched silently on the side and cheered for Leo in their hearts could not help but feel terrified by Mewtwo's terrifying strength.

Leo in the battle did not have so many distractions.

When his hand knife was blocked by the hard wall of [Reflection Wall].

"Don't care what is in front of you, concentrate your energy and spirit, use your full strength, and chop it down!"

The nagging of wrist force vaguely appeared in my ears.

The blue waveguide suddenly ignited, rolling up the brown-red fighting energy, and turned into a giant blade phantom on Leo's hand knife, slashing down with one knife.

"Bang", the first [Reflection Wall] was split.

Leo continued to move forward, and the giant blade roared and slashed at the second [Reflection Wall].

"Bang", "Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang——"

The second side shattered, the third side shattered... Dozens of [Reflection Walls] were all shattered!

Leo, with his high momentum, was now very close to Mewtwo!

Then, the giant blade was raised high and slashed at Mewtwo fiercely!

"Good, good, good, just in time!"

Mewtwo trembled all over, not because of fear, but a spontaneous excitement, a kind of madness born for fighting began to tremble in Him's heart.

"【Spirit, Spirit, Sharp, Blade】!"

Mewtwo also roared, and the powerful mental power made a bursting sound in the air. The dark pink super-power gathered rapidly, forming a mental blade that was no less in size and power than Leo's giant hand blade.


Not only did the mental blade fly out, but Mewtwo itself also turned into an aurora and headed towards Leo.

"Boom——", the two blades met, and there was nothing but explosion.

The ceiling of the base, which was broken by the previous collapse, was directly blown open, revealing the bare top, and the walls on all sides were blown into countless cracks in the explosion. Some pillars fell down, and some pillars were shaky. Fortunately, the original structure of the base was relatively solid, and it barely maintained the overall structure in this explosion, so it did not collapse directly. Otherwise, the elves and humans lying on the ground would probably be buried and difficult to escape.

But even so, the elves and humans couldn't help but cover their ears with their hands. The explosion caused by the collision of energy and energy made their heads roar, and the strong tinnitus made them sob.

Even Gerald hurriedly asked the Golduck beside him to protect him from the aftermath of the explosion.

When the smoke of the explosion dissipated, a scene that made them desperate appeared in front of Miss Junsha and others and the elves such as Blastoise.

"Come on, show me what moves you have, don't let me down."

Mewtwo stood in the air, raised his right hand diagonally, lifted Leo out of thin air, and used the palm shadow formed by telekinesis to make a fist and pinch Leo in his palm.

His eyes were full of fighting spirit that could not be concealed.


Mewtwo pinched Leo tighter and tighter, making it impossible for the latter to breathe smoothly.

"Woo... [Lightning flash]..."

The lightning that was about to rise on Leo was extinguished by Mewtwo.

"... [Metal Claw]... [Break the Tile]..."

The metal claws, or the sharp hand knife, were all blocked by Mewtwo's dense and undispersed telekinesis, and were useless.

"That's it, that's it, that's it..."

Mewtwo's expression became impatient, and his violent expression gradually became stronger, and disappointment flashed across his face.

The telekinesis suddenly intensified.

"Crack, crack", the black armor wrapped around his body could not withstand the pressure and broke, followed by the armor on his hands and knee pads, all of which broke into pieces and scattered all over the ground.

Without the protection of the armor, Leo was directly grasped by telekinesis, and his little face, which seemed to be wearing a black eye mask, turned red, making him feel that his body was about to be crushed.

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