Among the group of poachers, there was a real old man.

"This girl is too bold."

Leo rolled his eyes.

"She dared to do this with only a Lv10 Ralt... eh? Ralt?"

When he thought that Asuka's Ralt was only Lv10, but her telekinetic moves reached the highest level of her level limit, Leo suddenly came up with a plan.


Leo was a little entangled in his heart, but looking at the pure and flawless waveguide representing the essence of the soul in his field of vision, Leo decided to trust her for once.

"Zizi ... Asuka waved her hand silently, indicating that it was okay. The poachers stopped paying attention to her and continued to talk about how to eat, drink, gamble and whore after getting the reward.

"Ahem, I know you are surprised, but stay calm, otherwise it will be dangerous for both of you if you are exposed."

"...Who are you?"

Asuka tried to ask in her heart.

"Look to your right."

Asuka followed the instructions and looked to the right silently.

What came into view was a puppy Pokémon imprisoned in an iron cage with blue pupils.

"It's you! The handsome Pokémon from the cake shop!"

Asuka's eyes lit up, and Riolu's unique appearance made Asuka remember instantly. This Pokémon that she had never seen or heard of impressed her. If she hadn't been pressed by Ralts in the cake shop, she would have wanted to take out the Poké Ball and capture Rio and hug him... Ahem, just kidding, this Pokémon that looks strong at first glance can definitely become a good partner for her trainer.

"How did you communicate with me? Do you have super powers? That's amazing."

The girl's eyes almost had stars.

Leo had a headache. Why was this girl's brain circuit so different?

"Yes, it was me. Telepathic communication is a bit complicated. I'll explain it to you when I have a chance." Leo perfunctorily said something and then got to the point. "Let's not talk nonsense. You know the current situation, right?"

"Yeah, I just happened to sneak in and wanted to find a chance to rescue these captured elves. It's all because of these hateful poachers. Blah blah blah..."

Seeing that Asuka was about to become a chatterbox, Leo quickly interrupted her.

"You have your elves with you, right?"

"You mean Lulu? Yes."

"Well, do you see these chains that lock our limbs? Let Lalulas use superpowers to break them. With your Lalulas ability, it can be done. Then I will communicate with these elves. When I send a signal, we will resist together. The power of so many elves is believed to be enough to confront this group of people head-on. Can you do it?"

"Okay, no problem!"

After agreeing to Leo's plan, Asuka deliberately turned away from the poachers to cover up the light of summoning Lalulas. And because Lalulas is relatively petite, under the cover of Asuka's large coat disguised as a poacher, it was not discovered.

Leo concentrated on expanding his waveguide outward, connecting all the elves on the same truck, and then informed them of his plan one by one. After receiving the replies from all the elves, he waited quietly.

"Crack", not long after, Leo heard a slight cracking sound, the iron chain that bound his hands and feet had been broken without anyone noticing.

Leo quietly moved his hands and feet, squinting his eyes and watching the poachers who were still chatting happily without knowing the situation.

"Not repaying a favor is not bad, but not taking revenge is a scumbag..."

"...Do it!"

Receiving the psychological induction from Leo, all the elves on the truck, which had seemed unusually calm, suddenly rioted.


The Qixi Bluebird looked at her wings, which were fluffy like cotton but incredibly hard. She flapped her wings, and the iron cage made of cold steel exploded instantly, and flew into the sky with a high-spirited cry.


The rice spoon snake swallowed and spit out its snake tongue, and its tail like a blade drew a cold light in the dark night, not only the iron cage that trapped him, but also the iron cages that trapped other elves around him were simply cut off.

"Roar, roar!"

And Kodora was even more irritable. Relying on his steel armor, he used his hard head to knock open the iron cage and rushed wildly.

For a moment, the truck was in chaos.

"Damn it, how did these beasts escape!"

The poachers wanted to curse loudly, and hurriedly took out their guns andA shotgun with tranquilizer bullets was used to suppress the riot.

Just as a poacher raised his gun, a shadow suddenly flashed in his eyepiece.

"Oil-consuming heel (Rising Dragon Fist)!"

A small fist hit the poacher's chin from bottom to top, knocking the latter unconscious.

Another poacher wanted to come over to help, but he seemed to be tripped by something invisible and fell flat on his face.

"What's going on?"

The truck where Leo and his team were located was in the middle of the convoy. The chaos naturally alarmed the poacher captain sitting in the first truck.

"Report to the captain, it seems that there is something wrong with one of the trucks."

"These bastards... stop the car!"

The captain's face became gloomy, and he immediately signaled the drivers to stop the car, then he jumped out of the truck and walked towards the truck that caused the riot.

As he walked along, white lights flashed around the poacher captain, and three elves, the big wolfhound, the cunning tengu, and the explosive monster, appeared beside him.

"Prepare the electric net and tranquilizer gun to control these guys."

The poacher captain commanded with a sullen face.

The poachers who got off the other trucks picked up their equipment and were about to subdue the elves on the truck surrounded by them, when the roars of various elves came from the truck parked next to them again.

"Damn, who is the one who is making trouble?"

Seeing such a loud noise, the poacher captain knew that tonight's event was messed up.

His gloomy face was so dark that it seemed like ink was about to fall out.

"Quickly get back to the truck, let's leave here... Don't worry about these trapped beasts anymore, leave quickly."

It turned out that the poacher captain's decision was correct, because not far away, the sound of police cars and the movements of various humans and elves were approaching quickly.

"Want to leave?"

Just a puppy-shaped elf on the tree next to him sneered.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang".

The truck, which had started to move forward, seemed to be stuck in a deep hole and its speed was instantly reduced.

The poacher captain discovered with the help of the street lamp that a large number of potholes appeared on the road ahead of the truck. Although the truck could not force its way through, it would inevitably be caught up by the pursuers who were chasing closely behind.


The poacher captain was furious. He had encountered obstacles in his usual poaching operations, but there were no deliberate "accidents" like tonight.


Seeing that the truck could not move at a snail's pace, the poacher captain reluctantly let his team abandon the car and escape.

A large number of poachers in black got off the truck in a panic, not even caring about their "prey", and fled into the surrounding woods.

Only one "poacher" was left, clapping and cheering with Riolu.


This series of "farces" was naturally caused by Leo, Asuka and Lalulas: in the chaos, Asuka sneaked behind other stopped trucks with the disguise of the coat he was wearing, and then used Lalulas's telekinesis to release the trapped elves; while Leo, with some elves such as Kodora who could use the [Dig Hole] move, quickly ran to the front of the truck queue and dug a lot of holes with all his strength to slow down the trucks.

Although some of the elves in the trucks were freed, some elves were still bound. After cheering, Leo and Asuka were thinking about continuing to help these elves, when Leo's keen hearing seemed to hear a subtle sound of gnashing teeth.

"Even if I have to leave, I will make you pay the price!"

"Cunning Tengu, [Big Explosion]!"

An elf with white sideburns and three leaves on his palms strode towards Leo, and as he walked, the energy on his body fluctuated violently.

"Not good!"

Leo saw it with sharp eyes, and just when he wanted to run away quickly, the vibrating energy had exploded in an instant.


As the name of the move [Big Explosion] says, this move is to extremely concentrate the energy of an elf's body together, and then trigger a violent energy explosion outside the body!

"Boom boom boom--"

The roar of the explosion resounded in the ears, almost deafening the elves and Asuka Teru, and the ripples of the explosion also spread out with Cunning Tengu as the center, cracking the ground around and collapsing trees.

The vibration gradually weakened, and Leo, who closed his eyes tightly, found that he was protected in a warm embrace.


He opened his eyes and saw that his eyes were tightly closed, but stillThe girl was holding Leo and Lalulas tightly in her arms, and her body was protected by Lalulas's pink telekinesis.

Recalling the memory of the moment before the explosion, he realized that it was Asuka who rushed over without hesitation and held Leo, who was closest to the explosion, tightly in his arms.

"This girl is so reckless..."

In fact, with the strong body of Iliolu, he would not reach the point of death after taking this move [Big Explosion], but he still had to lie in the elf center for two or three months. On the contrary, Asuka, a human body of flesh and blood, although the physical fitness of humans in the elf world is much stronger than that of earth humans in the previous life, it is inevitable that accidents will occur when facing the high-intensity and extremely dangerous attacks of the elves.

Asuka slowly opened his eyes, looked at the two elves in his arms, and grinned foolishly on his gray face: "Haha, puppy, Lulu, are you okay?"

Lalulas, who was called "Lulu", was so angry that his face turned red.

"(Elf language) How many times have I told you not to do such dangerous things again, you didn't listen at all..."

"Okay, Lulu, I was wrong."

Amori admitted her mistake with a silly smile as usual.

"Really, I even suspect that Lalulas's powerful telekinesis was trained by protecting this girl..."

Leo shook his head helplessly, just looked around, feeling a little heavy.

The level of the cunning Tengu of the poacher captain must be not low, and the [Big Explosion] released by such a high-level elf with all its strength has seriously injured these elves with an average level of Lv20 to Lv30, and some elves with lower levels have even fallen to the ground.

"Hurry, hurry, the paramedics, hurry up and send the injured elves for treatment."

A large number of humans came out from the direction of Yinye City.

Among them, Miss Junsha, a police officer with a familiar outfit to Leo, and Miss Joy, a nurse at the Pokémon Center, were also there. Miss Joy was directing a large group of nurses and several Jigglypuffs in the same outfit to take the Pokémons that had fallen to the ground to the ambulances, and to provide emergency treatment to the Pokémons that were injured and groaning.

Miss Junsha led the police to investigate.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a red coat and a serious face walked out of the crowd and slowly came to Asuka Teru.

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