Fighting-type has always been a good choice for dealing with Pokémon with hard shells, not to mention that the Steel-type Magnetron is restrained by the Fighting-type.

"@_@", under Leo's continuous attacks, Magnetron finally couldn't bear it and fell into a state of being unable to fight.

"Huh——", Leo let out a long breath and turned to look at the girl.

The girl smiled brightly through the protective suit.

Leo also smiled, then he jumped up lightly and clapped his raised hand with Asuka Teru.


"Yeah!" The trainer and the Pokémon cheered together.

Uncle Tiexuan also laughed happily on the side: "Great cooperation, and a very exciting battle."

"By the way." Uncle Tiexuan pointed to Magnetron who fainted on the ground. "Take out your Poké Ball to capture it. After all, Magnetron is a very rare Pokémon."

"Ah, right, right!"

Asuki, who was busy celebrating with Leo, also reacted and quickly took out the Poké Ball from his backpack. After struggling with the protective suit, he took the Poké Ball in his hand with protective gloves.


With a strong throw, the Poké Ball drew a graceful arc in the air.

Just when everyone and the Pokémon thought that Magnetron could be captured successfully, a Poké Ball also flew out from a shadow in the power plant.

"Bang", "Beep", this suddenly appeared Poké Ball contacted Magnetron faster than Asumi's Poké Ball, and the latter turned into white light and was collected in the ball, and then with a slight shake, it showed that it was captured successfully.

Asumi's Poké Ball could only fall alone on the empty ground.

"Who is it???"

Uncle Tiexuan, who always smiles, is also very angry at this moment. This behavior of seizing the defeated Pokémon of others to capture is despised and despised by all Pokémon trainers. No wonder the good-tempered Master Tiexuan is so angry.

"Hehe." With a chuckle, a tall figure also walked out from the shadows.

Looking at the graceful figure, it is clear that it is a woman, but the woman is also wearing a protective suit at this moment, and it is impossible to see her appearance through the thick mask.

The woman walked leisurely to the Poké Ball that captured Magnetron, then picked up the Poké Ball and threw the empty Poké Ball back to Asuka.

"Who am I? I can't tell you now." The woman took out another Poké Ball. "But you will know later."

"Iron Claw Lobster, destroy the wall, and let's go."

A white light flashed, and a lobster elf with two huge iron claws appeared. He laughed "hehehe", then raised his hard giant claws and smashed the wall of the power plant. The hard iron claws soon smashed a hole about the height of a person.

"Don't even think about escaping!"

Uncle Iron Spin, who realized that the high-intensity magnetic field surrounding the power plant had disappeared since Magneto was captured, immediately summoned his elf.

"Chuchu", a fat electric mouse with erect ears and a tail like a lightning symbol appeared.

"Raichu, [100,000 volts]!"

"Chuchu, (elf language) OK!"

Raichu's mouth bulged, and two electric bags on his cheeks emitted strong currents!

"Now is not the time to fight you, old man." The mysterious woman shook her head and ordered the lobster. "Ironclaw Lobster, use [Hold]!"

The [100,000 volts] current hit the [Hold] of the emerald green mesh barrier, and except for a puff of smoke, it did not cause any damage to the woman and the Ironclaw Lobster.

As the smoke dissipated, the mysterious woman had already disappeared.

"Damn it!"

Uncle Tiexuan put away Raichu in anger, and then expressed his apology to Asuka.

"Little girl, I'm sorry that I can't let you subdue Magneto."

"It's okay." Asuka was also quite open-minded. "Your guidance has already made me gain a lot."

Leo rubbed his wrist that was hurt by the beating, and walked to the two of them, communicating with them using waveguide induction.

"Uncle Tiexuan, do you know who this person who suddenly appeared is?"

Although Magneto's strength and qualifications are not very good, Leo was a little angry about being picked up like this. You know, no matter which dimension, human-headed dogs are extremely disgusting.

Uncle Tiexuan was a little surprised that this strange elf could actually communicate with humans, but since there were many magical things in the elf world, he didn't take it too seriously. After hearing Leo's question, he scratched his head and said that he had no idea.

"I don't know, I guess he is from an unknown organization.Sneak into the guards and do this kind of thing secretly. After all, this protective suit is only for the members of the guards. "

"But at least we figured out one thing."

Uncle Tiexuan smiled again.

"The previous power outage and the high magnetic field of the power plant should be caused by the self-destructing Magneto. Now that the self-destructing Magneto has been defeated, the power in the city can be restored to normal."

"Thanks to your help."

Uncle Tiexuan solemnly thanked Asuka, Leo and Lalulas.

Asuka also took off her protective suit at this time. She breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed because it was too hot to wear the protective suit!

The girl pointed to the electric rabbit hiding behind the machine and watching everyone quietly: "That actually has nothing to do with this little guy?"

"It should have nothing to do with him. This little guy sneaked in from somewhere. If you like him, go and subdue him. "Uncle Tiexuan waved his hand indifferently.

Amorizhao thought about it and shook his head: "Forget it, I have Lulu and Leo now, and I don't have too much energy to train other elves for the time being."

Then the girl slowly walked to the side of Negative Electric Pat, squatted down, smiled and touched Negative Electric Pat's furry head.

"Little guy, you go quickly."

Negative Electric Pat did not resist Asumizhao's touch, but there was a hint of pleading in his big round eyes.

"Wait, he seems to want to say something."

Liao frowned and walked up to communicate with Negative Electric Pat.

"(Elf language) What's wrong with you?"

Hearing Leo's words, Negative Electric Pat's eyes lit up.

"Woo, (Elf language) Please, help us."

"(Elf language) Help you? What kind of help do you need? "

Leo switched to Elvish for the first time in a long time to communicate with Negative Electricity Papa. Asuka, who could understand Elvish, also had a curious expression.

"(Elvish) My companion needs a lot of electricity and needs treatment."

"(Elvish) Your companion? Where is he?"

Negative Electricity Papa didn't say much, turned around and ran out of the power plant immediately.

"Xiao Zhao, follow him."

Leo couldn't explain much, just said something to Asuka, and then ran out behind Negative Electricity Papa.

"Hey, wait..." Asuka picked up Lalulas and took Uncle Tiexuan with him.

The group and the elves followed Negative Electricity Papa around the power plant park, and finally came to a corner full of weeds.

"Gugu, (Elf) I'm back. "

Negatively charged Papa carefully pushed aside the grass, and everyone and the elves gathered around to take a look. They saw a rabbit that looked similar to Negatively charged Papa, but with red hair on the tips of its ears, tail and the front of its hands, and a positive sign on its cheeks and tail behind its back.

It was the Positively charged Papa that paired up with Negatively charged Papa.

The Positively charged Papa lay very weakly on the ground, while Negatively charged Papa walked forward gently, connected the electric bag on its cheek with the electric bag on the cheek of Positively charged Papa, and a burst of electricity came out, flowing between the two electric rabbits.

And Positively charged Papa, who received the electric current from Negatively charged Papa, seemed to be more energetic.

"What a serious injury."

Amorizhao looked carefully and saw that Positively charged Papa was covered with scars of varying sizes, and the blood from some of the scars even dyed the hair of the electric rabbit red.

"No, we must send this Positively charged Papa to the elf center as soon as possible. "

Uncle Tiexuan's face was serious. As an electrical expert, he was very fond of electric elves. Seeing the miserable state of Positive Electric Papa, he could not help but took out his mobile phone and ordered his subordinates to come over, while he took out several bottles of medicine to give Positive Electric Papa emergency treatment.


Negative Electric Papa's face was full of worry.

Larras was like an older sister, gently touching Negative Electric Papa's head to comfort him.

Leo was thinking about other things.

"What is the huge elf that caused Positive Electric Papa's injury?"

When they were on the road just now, Negative Electric Papa also revealed some things to Leo.

"(Elf language) Not long ago, Positive Electric Papa and I were resting in the wild. Suddenly one day, the earth shook violently. A huge elf broke out from the ground and had a very fierce battle with some humans who came. Positive Electric Papa was injured by their battle. Then I brought the positive electric PaPa here to see if I could find some electricity to treat the positive electric PaPa. It was not easy to find this place, but there were a lot of hard guys in this place, and one of them became as big as the one just now.They are very fierce, I can only get a little electricity each time..."

Negative Electric Pat said with some stumbling, neither the wording nor the logic was particularly clear.

"It seems that the elves in the Crescent Forest have a higher level of culture..."

Leo's mind was distracted for a while.


On the other side, in the ocean north of the Middel area.

In a strait dozens of kilometers away from the Sky Tower, a group of people wearing sea-blue sailor suits stood or sat on some reefs protruding from the sea. Everyone looked solemn, as if waiting for something.


One of the men with a headband took out a ringing mobile phone from his pocket.

"Hello, it's me, how's the matter?"

A woman's laughter came from the other side of the phone.

"Live up to everyone's expectations, one of the three-in-one Magnets you released finally evolved into a self-destructing Magnet. I have conquered it and am now rushing to the destination. ”

The man was overjoyed, and his hand holding the phone tightened.

“Very good, very good. Now we have the engine we need most.”

“Nothing else, I’ll hang up first.”

“Well, let’s meet at the destination.”

The man hung up the phone, and then glanced at the others who were sitting upright with hawk-like eyes.

“Brothers, our plan has been successful for more than half. The next step is to salvage the thing that sank that year, and we can make that person reappear in this ocean!”

The others also had an ecstatic expression, and shouted loudly: “May the ocean last forever! "

Then, they took out their Poké Balls.

"Bang, bang, bang", many white lights flashed, and huge sharks with sharp teeth and fins appeared on the sea - Megalodons. Everyone turned over and rode on their own Megalodons, and then swam somewhere.


[Main Mission]

Dark Scourge: Insufficient information, cannot be fully displayed. (Status: Incomplete) (Progress: 1/10) (Reward: Free Attribute Points x 10)

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