Hinata was not allowed to participate in the battle before, because in the face of Shiro in her heyday, even if she entered the Magic Mirror Ice Crystal, she could not catch up with Shiro's movements.

Now let Hinata join the battle, not only because Shiro has plummeted in combat power after consuming a lot of physical strength and chakra.

With Shino and the three of them in their first battle, Hinata, who has white eyes, has been able to keep up with the opponent's high-speed movements after enough observation.

Although Shiro's overall strength is still stronger than Hinata at this moment, it has finally fallen to the range of the girl's sniping, and the person still has no killing intent.

Naruto naturally wanted to take advantage of this great opportunity to let Hinata play to increase some combat experience, and also to satisfy the girl's fighting wishes.


Suddenly, "Pray", who had been sitting quietly on the head of "Wish" silently watching the battle ahead, stood up, and a small jump stood on the bridge railing, looking down.

Naruto's original cat ears are being transformed by the cat mother-in-law, and at the moment he can't understand the meaning of the "prayer" for the time being.

However, the large number of samurai who appeared under the bridge did not hide his perception.

"Boom!" The sudden appearance of two shadow doppelgangers interrupts the two-sided battle between Akai and Zaibao, Hinata and Shiro.

"What, what's wrong?" Tiantian saw a doppelganger Naruto walking in his direction, and suddenly the deer in his heart bumped, and his tone became a little flustered.

The doppelganger Naruto glanced at Tenten, not understanding what she blushed about, "Standing behind me, there are some uninvited guests again." "

This word is very concise.

Ning Ci looked at it and did not cut it, and Xiao Li, who was carrying Dazna on his back, and Tiantian who was so ashamed that his cheeks were red obediently stood behind Identity Naruto.

Another doppelganger, Naruto, dropped Tooth, Akamaru, and Shino on the back of "Wish", gently picked up Sunset Red, and returned to the body.

"Uninvited guest?" Without gasping for breath, he withdrew the decapitation knife behind his back with a trembling and somewhat detached hand.

After calming down, he quickly sensed the group of people under the bridge from the mist that had not dispersed.

Shiro jumped back with the reverse thrust of the palm opposite Hinata, and returned to Zaibu Chop, with speculation in his tone, "Kado's people, are you?" "

If you are from the Land of Waves, the direction you should come from the other side of the completed part of the bridge, not the direction that has not yet been completed.

"Oh, I knew that guy was going to be a little careful." No matter how much he didn't cut it, he seemed to have expected that the other party would turn against the water, and he didn't laugh out loud at all.

Expect the underworld guy to talk about credit, and he has no disease in his brain.

Originally, I thought about swallowing the other party's liquidity backhand after finishing this vote, but now it seems that I have thought a little too much.

If the other party dares to stand up today, his money will be all pocketed by the guys in Konoha.

No longer looked at the dwarf winter melon Kado who climbed the bridge with the help of his subordinates, "Damn, this ticket is a bit of a loss." "

If you offend the ninja of Konoha, you can't eat black and kill Kado.

It seems that he can't even get the share of the employment payment that originally belongs to him.

"It seems that there is no reason to fight between us." Without looking at Naruto behind Akai, his tone was a little relaxed.

The good news is that there is a sense of proportion.

As far as the other party's action of protecting the three people who fell to the ground, it can be inferred that the three people are not dead at all, then there is no hatred between the two sides at all.

As for injuries or something, if you care about this, don't be a ninja!

Moreover, with the combat effectiveness of most people on the opposite side being damaged, did he have a chance to see the picture of the little brother who made him unable to understand?

"Cardo, give some strength."

Shiro turned his head and looked at Zai Wu in surprise, not knowing what he was talking about.

Tapping on crutches, Cardo was very proud under the crowd of little brothers, "Ah, ah, I am relieved to see that I don't cut you so hard to fight." "

The seriously injured Konoha ninja will not behead the imps around him again.

Looking at the ninjas in front of him, Kado's wide eyes flashed with a light called ambition.

He seems to have seen the image of no one in the Land of Waves in his iron-blooded rule who no longer dares to squeak and resist after he kills them all.

"Don't worry?" After another glance at Naruto, seeing that the other party's face was still a relaxed and casual smile, he also chuckled, "What are you relieved about?" "

"Of course, rest assured, send all of you to death!"

Cardo stretched out his palm and stopped in midair, palmed his palm at Akai and all of them, and shook it, "As long as all of you die here, then the entire country of waves will be mine!" "

"Idiot!" Naruto shifted his gaze and completely lost interest in this person.

I thought that the self-made underworld boss would be a little different, and in the end, he still couldn't escape the set of intending to rule a country by force, and he still relied on the group of useless wandering warriors behind the other party!

If you don't do it, you still have the possibility of success.

Cardo, who does not have a little power in itself, this kind of aerial pavilion-like approach is really ...

"Idiot!" Looking at Cardo again, he made the same evaluation as Naruto.

This is why he chose to take on Cardo's task on the black market.

There is a lot of money, people are stupid, what better employer than this!

If he hadn't kicked the iron plate of Konoha, he would have completed the task and took off Cardo's head with his backhand, sweeping away the cash in the opponent's hand.

Cardo didn't know what Naruto said about him.

With the number forty or fifty wandering warriors behind him, he suddenly came to the peak of his life, his whole body trembled with excitement, and the crutches in his hand were heavily focused on the ground, "Kill them for me!" "

"Hey, it's really troublesome!"

Akai, who closed the three doors, gasped and looked at the group of samurai rushing towards him, and spat on the side.

In his heyday, this group of guys can clean up in three minutes.

I have done it before and again, although I have fun, but the wear and tear of physical strength is a little big.

Akai took two steps back and stood next to Naruto, the doppelganger who was protecting Ninji, "Naruto, aren't you going to strike yet?" "

Because I didn't think that it would be my turn to fight, when I came out, all the equipment on my body was pinned to the outside of my thigh.

The doppelganger Naruto glanced at the body behind him, and in the other party's "I believe in you" eyes, he took out two handfuls of kunai lovelessly, turned them around twice, and held them in his palm.

"These days, there really are no human rights in doppelgangers."

Spitting grudges from the doppelgängers, the doppelganger Naruto staggered in front of him holding two kunai, flashing a spark at the same time, and red mist ignited from him.

Ghost humanization, open!

Leaning forward, Naruto, the doppelganger who chose the blessing of speed, took a step forward.

In the blink of an eye, his running frequency changed from light wind and rain to fierce and violent, and his body turned into a black phantom and pulled out a long trace, like a straight flying lightning bolt against the ground, colliding head-on with the group of samurai rushing ahead.

The picture and sound of that person colliding with a group of people in a high-speed charge made all the spectators in the surrounding circle only feel that their eyes seemed to have been stabbed sharply by something, and their pupils suddenly contracted.

The dull-eyed Akai, the newly awakened Sunset Red, took Sasuke and Sakura and Sakura and happened to arrive here Kakashi...

The heart is contracting, the heartbeat is racing, and the blood rushes to the brain like a stalled race car.

The moment the samurai group collided with Naruto, a shocking empty area was cleared.

Naruto who rushed into the crowd was like a quake that smashed into the pile of flour, and in the air, a large area of blood flowers shot out.

In an instant, the dozen wandering samurai fell to the ground, and the figure of the doppelganger Naruto was still like a streamer shuttling between the crowd.

"This is, what is it!" Tiantian covered his small mouth and looked at the samurai who kept falling in front of him with some incredulity.

This is not a close battle at all, but a one-sided killing!

Although she had also seen Naruto slashing down elite samurai before.

But compared to the pivotal swing of the knife this time, there was hardly much blood, and this time the picture was really bloody, which made her a little unacceptable.

"Everyday, don't make a noise." Ning Ci stared intently and whispered.

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