My name is Yuanshi

Chapter 88 Controlling Cause and Effect

Western Spirit Mountain.

"Bastard, that guy from Yuan Dynasty is so deceitful! Who in the ancient world didn't know that what you practice, brother, is the law of cause and effect, and he used it to become a saint in Yuanshi. Wouldn't that cut off your path to sainthood, brother? It's the bastard !" Taoist Zhunti cursed loudly, his tone full of anger.

In front of him, he led the Taoist, closed his eyes, clasped his hands together, and silently recited the Taoist scriptures without being moved.

"Brother, can you say something?" Zhunti said anxiously when he saw this.

Hearing this, Jie Yin opened his eyes, his face was dull, and there was no sign of any anger at all. He took a deep breath and said calmly to Zhunti:

"Junior brother, don't be anxious. This road is broken. Just build another road. I still have another road to walk. There are three thousand avenues, and each one can prove a saint."

"Senior brother, you have a good attitude, so you're not angry?" Taoist Zhunti asked in surprise.

"Junior brother, if your Taoist mind is unstable, you'd better calm down and recite the Huangting Sutra."

"Senior brother, you-" Zhunti was very anxious, and then said angrily: "Well, since you are not in a hurry, senior brother, then why should I be anxious?"

After saying this, Taoist Zhunti stopped talking and returned to the secret room to meditate in seclusion and strive to become a saint as soon as possible. The Three Pure Ones have become saints. If they stop working hard, wouldn't it be a joke?

After he left, the Taoist guide opened his eyes, glanced at Zhunti, and then turned his gaze to the eastern land, stunned, which was in the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

After a long time, he withdrew his gaze and said silently in his heart: "Yuanshi, Sanqing, are the cause and effect holy? The Eastern land is full of outstanding people, it is really enviable. I wonder when such people will appear in the West? Hey!"

No longer talking much, the Taoist closed his eyes. His body shone with mysterious light, golden light filled the air, and a strong sense of Buddha-nature and Zen spread around him. Deeper down, a strong sense of death is being conceived.

Obviously, the Taoist guide is preparing to become a saint through the way of annihilation. Speaking of which, the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty will also lead to the path of annihilation. However, the death of Yuanshi is different from the death of Jieyin.

The path of annihilation is the great road. Under annihilation, it is divided into several directions. No one can stipulate it. If you want to understand annihilation, you must start from one direction. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, we realized the great silence in the coldest cold. The cold was so cold that all things would perish. And the cessation that the Taoist realized is obviously not in the same direction as the beginning. What leads to enlightenment is the meaning of cessation of Buddhism. The Buddhist state of annihilation is somewhat similar to the Taoist state of purity.

In addition to these two, the path of annihilation also includes the annihilation of darkness, the annihilation of demons, the annihilation of holy light, etc. As the saying goes, all paths lead to the same destination, no matter which path they take, they will reach the same destination in the end.

Just like kendo is divided into cutting kendo, space kendo, time kendo, destruction kendo, etc. The same is true for the path of annihilation.

In the Wa Palace.

"Yuanshi, hum!" Nuwa looked coldly in the direction of Kunlun Mountain and shouted coldly.

Beside him, Fuxi smiled bitterly. He knew his sister very well. His sister is good at everything, but she is too competitive. Now Yuqing Yuanshi among the Three Pure Ones has become a saint. With her competitive spirit, she really doesn’t know what to do.

After a moment of silence, Fuxi said to Nuwa: "Sister, have you realized the opportunity to become a saint?"

"Brother, I seem to have some enlightenment recently, but for some reason, I just can't break through to the last step and realize the opportunity to become a saint?" After hesitating for a while, Nuwa said in a deep voice.

After thinking for a while, Fuxi said: "I don't know much about the matter of sanctification. Sister, you need to understand it yourself, and no one can help you. Why don't you, sister, go travel around in the wilderness, maybe you will have the opportunity. Will you be able to understand it once you arrive?”

"That's right." Nuwa's eyes lit up and she said, "Okay, I have no choice but to stay in the Wa Palace. I haven't been to the wilderness for a long time, so I will go out for a walk today."

"Let's go, brother."

Then, Nuwa took her brother and walked towards the ancient land.

In the Yuxu Palace, the Pangu flags on the original heads, the Yuxu glazed lamps and the Taishang Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun sank one after another and fell into the Niwan Palace. The surrounding strange phenomena gradually dissipated and returned to normal.

At this time, I stepped forward, cupped my hands and said with a smile:

"Congratulations to my brother for understanding the secret of heaven and becoming a saint."

"Haha! Congratulations, brother, for becoming a god and becoming a saint." Tongtian laughed and congratulated Yuan Yuan. However, they are particularly puzzled as to why today's eldest brother gives them a different feeling than in the past, and why is his hair white?

Yuan smiled and nodded: "You two brothers don't need to be polite, you will do the same sooner or later."

"Brother, why is there something different today?" Just ask if you don't understand. This is Tongtian's consistent temperament.

"You want to say why my hair has turned white? Really?" Yuan smiled.

"Yes, brother, why is this?" Tongtian asked.

"This is caused by my practicing Taoism, but it doesn't matter anymore." Yuan Yuan didn't explain too much, just said it casually.

"Oh." Tongtian didn't ask any more questions.

"Hey! Interesting!" Yuan Yuan suddenly said in surprise.

Since he became a saint, his soul has merged with the Hongmeng purple energy, and his soul has become the Hongmeng soul. Hongmeng Yuanshen is the place that carries the foundation of the holy way and is very important. At this time, the Hongmeng Yuan Shen deep in his eyebrows suddenly flashed strangely, and then, an illusory vortex condensed in his Yuan Shen. Gradually, the vortex took shape, forming a black and white eyeball, and at the same time, there were streaks of silver light shining on it.

The karmic heaven punishes the eyes!

The combination of the power of heaven's cause and effect and the power of heaven's punishment is combined with the characteristics of Hongmeng Yuanshen and the combination of many factors to form the divine eye. This divine eye is already comparable to a weakened version of the Eye of Heaven.

The Eye of Heaven can monitor the world and issue divine punishment, and his divine eye can do the same.

At the same time, once he activates the God of Karma and Punishment, he can see the power of Karma in everyone in the wild. He can also deduce what happened through the cause and effect on them.

If his divine eye evolves to the end in the future, it can completely replace the eye of heaven.

After this eye is completely condensed and formed, he can monitor the world's cause and effect and control the world's cause and effect. The past life, present life and next life, the cause and effect of the three lives, cannot escape his control.

Skynet is restored, cause and effect reincarnate, retribution is unpleasant!

"Haha! Die! I will use your soul to light the lamp, and your body to sacrifice the flag." At this time, an arrogant voice came to mind in the original mind.

As soon as the original thought moved, the picture in the voice instantly appeared in my mind.

It was a demon full of murderous intent, grabbing a man's spirit in his hands, and he was laughing crazily. In an instant, a picture of what that man had done in his life appeared in his original mind, which was actually the killing of living beings. At the same time, the retribution that the man deserved also appeared in his mind.

As soon as his original thoughts moved, the laughing demon was instantly struck to death by a thunderbolt falling from the nine heavens. At the same time, his soul was continuously burned by the fire of the sun falling from the nine heavens until it was turned into ashes forever. Not allowed to be reincarnated.

Another piece of information came, and with a thought in his original mind, another picture suddenly appeared.

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