Chapter 43: The disadvantages of the Ma Xian from the Northeast! Take complete control of the Immortal Family!

"If he gets slapped in the face again this time, I really have nothing to teach him!"

Uncle Jiu is very confident that he can definitely stump Gu Changsheng this time, because he doesn't even know the meaning of the story he is telling, so how can the younger brother understand it.

However, Uncle Jiu always has an unknown premonition in his heart. This time The premonition was stronger than the previous times.

Looking at Gu Changsheng again, he was completely immersed in the story of Chuma Xian, constantly comprehending it, hoping to understand the magical power that suits him.

"The horse fairy from the Northeast is, to put it bluntly, a sect similar to a shaman."

"Worshiping the Five Immortals is equivalent to increasing your goodwill with the Five Immortals. When your goodwill reaches a certain level, you can command the Five Immortals to a certain extent to achieve the effect of taking action."

"In addition, in addition to the belief in animal fairies, human ghosts and fairies appear in the belief system. Moreover, in these beliefs, there are rituals for inviting gods and possessing gods. This is the Chuma Fairy culture derived from shamanism."

Gu Changsheng has a keen eye for fire and quickly analyzed the nature of Chuma Immortal.

He has modern knowledge and can see Chuma Immortal very thoroughly, and he can see it better than Jiu Shu.

And the reason why the five immortals in the Northeast are all weird It is also because the spirits and monsters are easier to get along with than humans.

What is an immortal?

People on the mountain are called immortals!

People who can cultivate to the Tao will become true immortals.

Animals have less greed and troubles, and there are fewer obstacles to practicing magic, and people are addicted In the midst of drunkenness, sex, wealth, love, hatred, and hatred, it is often not as fast as an animal to cultivate.

No matter which category it is, cultivate well, help the world and benefit the people, and save people conveniently to accumulate merit. If you dare to harm others......The sky thunder destroyed it.

Therefore, the Ma Immortals from the Northeast will be controlled by others and are willing to transfer their power to the Ma family.

Because, as long as the Chuma family doesn't use their power to do bad things, they are willing to lend it out.

If the Chuma family uses their power to do good deeds, the five immortals can also gain merit, which is even more helpful for the five immortals' practice.

However, if the Northeast Chuma Immortal is so powerful, why can't it be as large as the Dao Sect?

Without him, just because Chuma Xian can borrow the power of the Xian family, there are also many inevitable disadvantages.

First of all, the power of the Chuma Family comes from the Five Immortals, or some mysterious being who is summoned by them and brings power to them.

In the final analysis, it is still a kind of power that comes from the soul, blessing the soul of Chuma Xian.

This kind can be called a spirit, and it has the same purpose as a ghost!

The Chuma family's own strength is not very strong, most of the strength comes from the summoned existence.

But what if the existence they summoned is not strong enough?

This is the first drawback of Chumajia.

The power summoned does not belong to you after all, and the strength of the power cannot be controlled by the summoner.

"When facing a powerful enemy, if you can summon a powerful immortal family, you can naturally fight back and defeat the strong with the weak."

"If the summoned immortal family is not even as strong as myself, then what is the meaning of summoning it, to make myself die faster?"

"This is also the reason why the Chuma Family only worships the Five Immortals all year round. Because the Five Immortals are powerful and can enable the Chuma Family to face most of the enemies. The disciples of the Chuma Family can only summon the Five Immortals and cannot summon other Immortals."

Gu Changsheng's heart moved slightly, and he saw it very clearly.

The uneven strength is the first drawback.

The second drawback is that all the strength of the Chuma family comes from the Five Immortals. Without the Five Immortals, they can only compete with each other. Ordinary people are just stronger.

But what if one day, the Five Immortals are unwilling to lend their power to them, or the Five Immortals cannot protect themselves?

At that time, the Chuma Immortals can only wait for death.

The uncontrollable strength, this The second drawback of Chu Ma Xian is the second disadvantage of Chu Ma Xian.

Imagine if a Chu Ma Xian offended the Xian family for some trivial matter and caused the Xian family's dissatisfaction.

When the enemy is fighting, the Xian family suddenly takes back its power, or simply does not lend it to you. , then how should you deal with yourself. Are you waiting to die?

Therefore, whether Chumaxian can borrow the power of the immortal family depends entirely on the mood of the immortal family. If you are in a good mood, it is okay to lend you the power. If you are in a bad mood, you will die or not. What does it have to do with me?

Of course, the Five Immortals are well-known in the Northeast region for being easy to talk to, and their relationship with the Chuma family is also very deep, which can be traced back to thousands of years ago.

The disciples of the Chuma family are also very respectful to the Five Immortals, and they are always respectful to the Five Immortals. Worship the Five Immortals.

The Five Immortals will also send Ma family disciples to their own families and often lend them their power.

However, there are always accidents in everything.

If the Immortal family is in a bad mood one day, or the Immortal family is busy with something, the Immortal will not be helped. I overslept at home.

If I met the enemy at that time and died in the hands of the enemy, there would really be no place to cry.

Moreover, I don’t have the habit of offering others up.

I still ask my grandfather to tell me the truth when dealing with an enemy. Grandma, if you don’t respond, you will die. This is not what you want, and it is not really powerful.

Only when you are strong can you be truly powerful. After all, the borrowed power does not belong to you, and you will always have to give it back. One day.

At that time, where should I go?

The power of life and death should be in my own hands, no one can control it.

My destiny is up to me and I can’t help it!

However, Chuma Xian can become the largest sect in the Northeast, which naturally has its significance. place.

Although Chuma Xian is the power of others, there is no doubt that Chuma Xian is powerful.

"If there is any way to make the so-called Immortal Family completely obey my orders and have no desire to resist, then the power of the Immortal Family can still be used."

"Moreover, it is not only necessary to rely on the immortal family's own strength, but also to improve the strength of oneself and the immortal family. This is the secret of Ma Xian."

"So what can we do to achieve this step?!"

Gu Changsheng was puzzled and began to feel a little irritable.

Suddenly, a gust of breeze blew by.

Gu Changsheng, I understand!

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