My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 105: The Ancient Martial Ancestor Called

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Chu Ming was overwhelmed, and after hearing the system prompt, he immediately entered the system taskbar.

[Ding, it is detected that the host has completed the first layer of the body training technique of the gods and demons, and the system task is activated. 】

[Task: Please kill 1,000 True Vein Realm Alien Beasts within 7 days. 】

[Task remaining time: 6 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes]

[Current task completion progress: 01000. 】

[Completion reward: The second level of the body refining technique of gods and demons. 】

[Punishment for failure: Take back the body refining technique of gods and demons, and find a suitable host again. 】

[Reminder: When the system is released, the brain will be formatted. If the task fails, the host has a certain chance to become a martial lunatic. 】

Chu Ming: "???"

What kind of ghost system is this, why do you keep thinking about turning the host into a lunatic?

Also, the countdown is too tricky, it’s already late at night, and the time starts counting from the moment you accept the task?

Well, the next time you start a system task, you must choose a suitable time, otherwise, like now, with your eyes closed and opened, the night will pass.

I remember that the last system task was to kill 100 True Vein Realm Alien Beasts within 72 hours. Now the time has been relaxed, but the number has increased tenfold.

Chu Ming couldn't help wondering, with the ghost urine of the system, would it become killing 10,000 real beasts next time?

Then one hundred thousand, one million, ten million?

Where can I touch so many strange beasts!

Could it be that the system wants to force me into another world?


Chu Ming really couldn't imagine that besides entering the other world, where else could he find so many strange beasts.

The foreign world is not entered casually, no one has checked what is going on there, maybe it will be cold after entering.

It's best to find a few powerful bosses to form a team together, so that even if you encounter danger, you can have a backup.

But looking at the people around him, they are all a bunch of war scum, and they can't be counted on at all.

Things are a little tricky, and this task is not easy to complete.

7 days, time is too tight.

By the way, there seem to be many space portals abroad, why don't you go there and try?

Forget it, since the nuclear bomb exploded, I haven't heard the news of the alien beast invading again. Maybe the next time the alien beast comes again, it will give the earth a wave of ruthlessness.

In this way, it seems that the only way left is to enter another world.

Chu Ming checked the time, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

He was going to set off overnight, and arrived at the Xizhu Alien Battlefield tonight, stayed there for one night, and entered the alien world the next morning.

As long as you kill a thousand beasts at the true vein level, you will return to Earth immediately without any delay.

It's best to find some helpers. The girl from Binggang Mountain I met before is good. Not only is she beautiful, but the key is her strong fighting power.

Find a way to contact her later to see if the other party is willing to take an adventure in another world.

Chu Ming simply packed up his things, and prepared to hold a meeting with everyone to arrange his work during the time he was away.

Although the Dawning Organization has not yet officially announced, many jobs are already in motion.

At this moment, hurried footsteps sounded outside, and a figure was rushing towards Chu Ming's retreat.

Qin Mingcheng shouted while running: "Boss, it's not good, Xu Mingliang was taken away!"

Hearing this shout, Chu Ming couldn't help but frowned, and opened the door with a shock.

Qin Mingcheng was out of breath, with a frightened expression on his face, and said, "Boss, a stranger called just now, saying that Xu Mingliang was kidnapped."


Chu Ming narrowed his eyes, revealing a dangerous expression.

In a society ruled by law, kidnapping is rare.

I've only seen it on TV before, but I didn't expect to encounter it myself one day.

What is just puzzling is that Xu Mingliang is a young man, not a girl, so what's the use of kidnapping him?


And Zhou Zhihao, the two of them belonged to the same rescue team, and they were both tied up at this time. "

Qin Mingcheng explained anxiously.

"Do you know the reason? Why were the two of them kidnapped?"

Chu Ming frowned, feeling inexplicably agitated.

He has activated the system task, and now the countdown of the task has started, every minute and every second is precious, he did not expect such a thing to happen at a critical moment.

Qin Mingcheng responded hastily: "The other party left us a phone number and said they want to talk to our boss!"

Chu Ming nodded and asked Qin Mingcheng to dial the strange number.

At the same time, on a construction site more than ten kilometers away, Xu Mingliang and Zhou Zhihao fell to the ground with scars all over their bodies, looking extremely miserable.

Especially Xu Mingliang, who had a sword wound on his shoulder, the wound was deep enough to see the bone, and it was still bleeding.

Standing opposite were five figures, each of whom was powerful and powerful.

They are all dressed very smartly, with three-piece suits, ties and leather shoes. I don't know if they thought they were white-collar workers.

One of the short-haired men stood with his hands down, with a long sword behind his back, a hooked nose, and sharp eyes that were extremely aggressive.

This person's name is Shen Lang, a disciple of the Huashan Sword Sect, and a martial artist in the True Vein Realm.

The other four were from the Five Sacred Sword Sect. Looking at the two figures lying on the ground, they all frowned.

"Shen Lang, isn't it good for you to attack them like this? After all, we don't even know their footsteps."

Shao Chen, a disciple of the Songshan Sword Sect, asked in a calm voice. He felt that Shen Lang's attack was too ruthless, a bit too much.

Lu Zhiming, a disciple of the Hengshan Sword Sect, also showed an ugly look on his face. Looking at the two seriously injured and lying on the ground, he sighed and said, "Shen Lang, you may have caused a catastrophe."

Han Fangkun, a disciple of the Hengshan Sword Sect, echoed: "According to the information we have received, these two young warriors should belong to the ancestor of Guwu. Recently, the ancestor of Guwu has become famous. We really shouldn't provoke each other."

Yang Guangqiang, a disciple of Mount Tai Sword Sect, murmured: "The ancestor of Guwu has a special identity, and there may be a big person behind him. When I went down the mountain, my master once told me not to provoke this person."

Listening to everyone's words, Shen Lang's eyes were cold, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A group of cowardly fellows, what qualifications do they have to be with him?

Shen Lang snorted coldly, and said in a piercing voice: "I've heard that Patriarch Gu Wu was the last person to leave the battlefield in another world. If there is news there, he must be the first to know."

Hearing the words "Other World Battlefield", everyone couldn't help but froze, and didn't say anything to refute.

It has been a long time since everyone came out to inquire about the foreign battlefield and the new ancient martial arts forces, and until now they still found nothing.

Maybe the guy who is called the ancestor of Gu Wu really has news on him.

This matter is of great importance, and everyone must not let go of any clues.

Shen Lang sneered, his sharp eyes swept over everyone, and continued: "If you don't want to know the news of the foreign battlefield, then please leave here.

If you want to get news from there, please keep your mouth shut, don't be a whore and set up a memorial archway, understand? "

When everyone heard Shen Lang's sarcasm, their faces turned pale with anger.

However, Shen Lang was right, this might be the only clue.

Therefore, everyone could only endure it and acquiesced to his approach.

At this moment, Shen Lang's cell phone rang.

He smiled immediately, shook his phone at everyone, and said triumphantly: "Did you see, Patriarch Gu Wu is calling!"

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