My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 108 The Arrogant Wuyue Sword Sect

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On the abandoned construction site, a tyrannical pressure enveloped everyone.

As Chu Ming pointed out, a white light beam suddenly burst from Chu Ming's fingertips, like the most splendid streamer, blasting towards Shen Lang with a whistling sound.

Shen Lang tried his best to avoid it, but he was horrified to find that the opponent's aura had completely locked him up.

No matter where you hide, the opponent's attack will follow there.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Shen Lang had no choice but to resist. He drew his sword fiercely, and the sharp long sword stabbed at the white light beam emitted by Chu Ming.

He wanted to cut off the opponent's attack with the sword in his hand.


There was a shocking explosion, and the long sword in Shen Lang's hand broke in response, and was directly split into three pieces.

Chu Ming's skill is too powerful, even if he randomly points out a Yang finger, it is not something Shen Lang can compete with.


There was a scream, and as Shen Lang's long sword was broken, a Yang finger drove straight in, directly bombarding his arm.

Blood splattered, bones burst.

Chu Ming's casual blow directly shattered Shen Lang's entire arm.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Who is this person, and why is he so powerful?

Could it be that he is the Patriarch Gu Wu?

No, didn't Shen Lang tell the other party just now that the location is in Mingde Commercial Building?

How did he find it directly?

The speed is too fast!

Regarding the ancestor of Gu Wu, everyone has already seen it in the video, but the image in the video is a bit different from the reality, and everyone did not recognize it immediately after seeing it.

They didn't confirm Chu Ming's identity until the other party used a yang finger.

After all, Chu Ming's Yiyang finger was the only one in the entire network during the beast suppression operation in Taiheng Mountain. The sword light that bloomed from the finger made everyone fascinated by it.

It's just that everyone didn't expect that the ancestor of Guwu was already so powerful.

"Tengkong Realm?"

Everyone looked at Chu Ming silently, feeling the power emanating from the other party's body. While shocked in their hearts, they felt that this power did not seem to be in the sky.

Yes, the aura and coercion emanating from the other party is not as powerful as that of the head of the house.

The point is, if the head of his family has not reached the soaring state, then Chu Ming must not have reached the soaring state.

So here comes the question, since it is not a vacated state, why can it be vacated?

Everyone couldn't figure it out, but they were even more in awe of Chu Ming.

So mysterious!

Chu Ming blasted Shen Lang's arm with one blow, and instead of killing them all, he turned around and looked at Xu Mingliang who was seriously injured.

The other party was seriously injured, if he came a little later, he might die.

Suddenly, Chu Ming seemed to think of something, and immediately moved into the system mall.

He flipped the pages quickly, and soon found the item he wanted.

【Ding! The host selected the three-point Guiyuan fruit, do I need to exchange it? 】

Chu Ming reconfirmed the efficacy of the three-point Guiyuan fruit, and immediately responded from the bottom of his heart: "Exchange!"

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully exchanging the three-point Guiyuan fruit, which consumes 1000 reputation points. The item has been distributed, please get it as soon as possible. 】

Chu Ming's mind moved, and he immediately put his hand into his pocket pretendingly, and took out a red fruit.

"Eat it!"

Chu Ming said softly to Xu Mingliang.

This is the three-point Guiyuan fruit, which has a strong healing effect. Now that Xu Mingliang's breath is weak and he is seriously injured, it is very suitable to eat this fruit to heal his injuries.

When Xu Mingliang saw this attractive fruit, he didn't pretend to be flirtatious with Chu Ming, so he opened his mouth and took a bite.

Suddenly, a strong medicinal fragrance came, and the whole area burst into vitality.

The three-point Guiyuan fruit was tender and delicious, and Xu Mingliang swallowed it in a few bites, leaving the fragrance in his mouth and mouth for a while, with endless aftertaste.

It was at this time that he felt a majestic medicinal power explode in his body,

The warm current rushed to his body like a tide, nourishing his dry body.

Xu Mingliang was pleasantly surprised to find that his strength was recovering rapidly, and the wound on his body was also itchy, and the pain was relieved a lot.

His strength was recovering, his wounds were healing, and Xu Mingliang, who was originally weak, soon became stronger again.

On the ground, Zhou Zhihao noticed that Chu Ming had come here, and immediately got up, and said with a mournful face, "Boss, you're finally here, I thought I'd never see you again."

Chu Ming sized up Zhou Zhihao and couldn't help feeling curious.

It was also kidnapped, why didn't you get hurt at all?

Zhou Zhihao looked at the three-point Guiyuan fruit in Xu Mingliang's mouth, drooling greedily, and asked in a low voice, "Boss, do you still have that fruit?"

Chu Ming smiled, and said to him very politely: "Get lost!"

Zhou Zhihao sneered and grinned in embarrassment.

He knew that his covetous nature and fear of death made the boss unhappy.

But Mu's method, I was really scared to death just now, I couldn't even stand firmly, let alone resist.

Seeing that Xu Mingliang was recovering quickly, Chu Ming was finally relieved.

He turned around gently, looked directly at the five people opposite him, and said in a cold voice, "Who are you? Why did you kidnap them?"

Shen Lang's arm was broken, and at this moment, he was in a cold sweat from the pain, and he couldn't speak at all.

Shao Chen took a step forward, cupped his hands and said, "We are disciples of the Wuyue Sword Sect. We invited you over today because we have something to consult."

When he said this, Shao Chen felt guilty.

After all, it is really hard to explain why the person who directly tied up the other party made such a big commotion.

Hearing the other party's words, Chu Ming couldn't help sneering.

Well, I really admire the brains of these guys when I want to ask myself a question, but actually use the method of kidnapping.

It seems that this is a habit of arrogance!

Chu Ming said to Xu Mingliang who was beside him: "Did you see the trick just now? It doesn't matter if you didn't see it clearly, I will demonstrate it to you again."

While speaking, Chu Ming's combat power soared all over his body, and he was about to release Yiyang Finger again.

Seeing this scene, Shao Chen was frightened to the point of death, and hastily explained: "Old Ancestor, please don't get me wrong. I really just came to ask for news, and I didn't kidnap the two of them."

Hearing Shao Chen's words, Han Fangkun, Lu Zhiming, Yang Guangqiang and others next to him nodded, expressing that they were innocent and had never hurt them.

Only Shen Lang, whose arm was broken off, gritted his teeth. These bastards acted on the wind, so eager to put aside their relationship with him, they really deserve to die!

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and a golden light flashed in his godhead, causing a golden light to ripple in his eyes.

In an instant, the surrounding lights and shadows flickered, and in Chu Ming's eyes, different concentrations of karma appeared on the five people facing him.

Among them, Shen Lang has the deepest karma and has turned black.

Yang Guangqiang and Han Fangkun had similar karma, both of which were gray and not very strong.

Lu Zhiming's body is refreshed, and he has no karma.

On the contrary, Shao Chen, who was directly opposite Chu Ming, exuded bursts of golden merit.

Chu Ming stared at the five people opposite, and couldn't help but sneer secretly in his heart.

They are also disciples of the Five Sacred Sword Sect, how can there be such a big gap in life?

All right, since I offended myself today, I can only clean up the sect for the Wuyue Sword Sect.

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