My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 110 Beast Riding the Wind and Waves

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Qin Mingcheng led the rescue team to the scene of the crime soon, but no one needed rescue.

Xu Mingliang ate the three-point Guiyuan fruit given by Chu Ming. Now that his injury has recovered, not only his strength has returned to the peak, but he also has a tendency to improve.

Zhou Zhihao was not injured in the first place, everything was faked, and there was no need for rescue.

The only troublesome thing is Shen Lang's body.

No one has dealt with this kind of thing before, and it feels very tricky for a while.

On the contrary, it was the disciples of Wuyue Sword Sect who were captured who gave them a lot of coups.

For example, Han Fangkun reminded everyone that there is a thing in the ancient martial arts world called corpse water, which can be poured on the corpse to turn the corpse into water.

Everyone just wanted to refute, this f*cking TV thing, where do we have it?

As a result, Shen Lang himself carried quite a few with him.

Everyone directly used his corpse water to melt himself, which is considered to be the best use of everything.

The four disciples from the Five Mountains Sword Sect squatted on the ground weakly. Although their bodies were not under control, they had no strength at all.

Just now, Chu Ming tied the four of them here with the dragon-capturing skill, and directly used the star-absorbing method to suck up all their skills.

Now, the four of them have no skills at all, and because they haven't adapted yet, they are much weaker than ordinary people at this time.

Walking is not stable.

At Qin Mingcheng's call, the four were pushed into the car and pulled back to Chu Ming's factory.

At Chu Ming's request, the four of them notified the Zongmen of their encounters by phone, and asked the major leaders to come and redeem them.

Chu Ming's request is very simple: "Before twelve o'clock tonight, all five masters must be present, and if they cannot be present, they will tear up their tickets."

When the news came, the major masters of the Wuyue Sword Sect were still in a meeting of the Huashan Sword Sect. When they learned that their beloved disciple had been captured, they immediately became restless.

So, the five got up in a hurry, arranged everything in the sect, and then quickly went down the mountain.

As the night falls, the cool breeze comes.

In the vast and endless Taiheng Mountain, a terrifying scream shook the sky.

Under the tall trees, the backlog of thick leaves slowly turned, and a bucket of thick and thick colorful pythons swam quickly past.

On top of the green piebald spots, a hint of blood was faintly revealed.

Once, Chu Ming killed more than 60 strange beasts here, including a true pulse state beast king.

Countless blood gathered into streams and quietly seeped into the ground.

In the cracks in the ground, a giant colorful python greedily devoured the blood of these strange beasts, causing its body to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The blood of the strange beast stimulated the awakening of the giant python's own blood, and the dragon's blood hidden in the deepest part of the blood showed signs of recovery.

Tonight, the giant colorful python transformed successfully, becoming a colorful blood python in the true vein state.

The huge body of the colorful blood python swam extremely fast, and it quickly climbed up a tree that reached to the sky, and opened its mouth to neigh at the bright moon in the night sky.


A wave of berserk energy turned into an invisible shock wave and crazily surged in all directions.

It is announcing to the whole world that from now on, the blood python will be king!

As the king's voice erupted, the entire Taiheng Mountain was shaken.

Countless beasts prostrated themselves on the ground, overwhelmed by this powerful aura of kingship.

They bowed devoutly to the place where the colorful blood python neighed, expressing their willingness to submit to the Beast King's feet.

This colorful blood python has become the first beast king on earth.

At the same time, the site of the original Hongmeng training camp was in a mess of ruins.

This is the dormitory building of the Hongmeng training camp. Chu Ming once lived here for a few days.

With the banning of the Hongmeng organization, the post-disaster reconstruction work of the training camp has also stopped, and the ruins of the dormitory area remain the same.

At this moment, the soil and rocks vibrated, the rubble rolled, and fist-sized black beetles emerged from the ground.

Under the moonlight, the beetle looks very hideous,

They have a hard shell and a flat body, but they move very quickly.

If some girls see this scene, they will be scared to scream.

These fist-sized scary beetles turned out to be cockroaches!

And it's a cockroach that has undergone evolutionary mutation!

Once, in order to complete the system task, Chu Ming caught a cockroach here and recited the ancient martial arts body training technique to it.

Chu Ming was worried about unnecessary accidents, so he slapped the cockroach to death after it was over.

But Chu Ming didn't know that the cockroach still had a bunch of eggs that survived.

Now, the pile of cockroach eggs has achieved the transformation from egg to adult, and a strange evolution has taken place.

Cockroaches are the oldest and most successful group of insects in the world.

They lived in the same era as ancient creatures such as dinosaurs, trilobites, and Dunkleosteus, and were even more than 100 million years earlier than the birth of the first dinosaur on land.

A cockroach whose head is decapitated by humans can survive for 9 days, and the cause of death after 9 days is excessive hunger and thirst.

Its vitality is so powerful that it is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

This group of mutated cockroaches seemed to have been summoned. After emerging from the ruins, they took advantage of the night to fly with wings.

It turned out to be in the direction of Taiheng Mountain!

At the same time, in a luxury hotel in Lizhiwan, Pearl City.

The moonlight was hazy, and the intoxicating fragrance spread throughout the room, and a young man and woman were wandering in love.

Suddenly, there was a violent impact, and the huge TV hanging on the wall fell to the ground with a bang.

On the comfortable big bed, the bodies of the young men and women were all shaken, and the repetitive movements they were doing suddenly stopped.

what's the situation?

Is it that intense? The TV fell off?

The two showed incredible expressions at the same time, this was the first time they had encountered such a thing.

The man smiled gracefully, as if to say: "You see, we are so domineering!"

The woman shrank shyly, and really wanted to say: "I didn't feel that violent, why did the TV fall down?"

Just when the two were about to start the next round of battle, the mural on the wall suddenly vibrated and fell off.

At the same time, the lamp on the table was overturned, and the wine cups and tea bowls fell to the ground.

At this moment, the young men and women suddenly turned pale with shock.

Damn, there was an earthquake!

The two of them didn't care about getting dressed, each wrapped in a sheet, rushed out of the room, ran all the way, and rushed out of the hotel.

However, the outside of the hotel was empty, and there were no other escapees.

The waiter in the lobby looked at the two curiously, thinking they were doing some kind of performance art.

What's going on here?

The two looked at each other, both showing a confused look.

Wasn't there an earthquake just now?

At the same time, in that spacious room, an exquisite fish tank was humming and vibrating.

Among them, the water splashed, as if it wanted to spurt out.

In the clear water, a long-tailed goldfish with big eyes was swimming restlessly.

Not long ago, the goldfish heard a special call and became restless.

It really wanted to go to the place where the call came from, but it was trapped in a fish tank and couldn't do so.

At the same time, in the garden outside the mommy's hut in a certain factory in Mingzhu City.

Under the moonlight, the grasshopper, which has been green and yellow all over, quietly revealed its figure.

This grasshopper was extremely huge, half a meter long. At this moment, it fluttered its wings in vain, its thick hind legs hit the ground suddenly, and its body soared into the sky like a big bird.

In the other direction, there was a stray cat with an extremely exaggerated size, whooshed across the street and disappeared into the vast night.

Under the leaves, a fat cabbage caterpillar arched its body hard, and fell to the ground with a thud.

It also wants to go to the summoning place, but its strength does not allow it.

I'm afraid Chu Ming would never have imagined in his dreams that the objects he completed the task at will have undergone radical changes now.

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