My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 123 Young people don't talk about martial arts

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"Do you know Chu Jianghe?"

Hearing Chu Ming's words, Chu Tiankuo stopped immediately, turned around suddenly, and looked at Chu Ming with burning eyes.

Chu Ming was a little excited, he tried his best to keep calm, and said, "I am Chu Ming."

"Chu Ming? Are you Chu Ming? Are you Chu Jianghe's son Chu Ming?"

Chu Tiankuo left the two old brothers behind, strode up to Chu Ming, and looked at each other in shock.

Chu Ming nodded silently. Although he tried his best to restrain his emotions, there were still tears in his eyes.

I haven't seen him for more than ten years. It turns out that grandpa is really still alive.

Chu Tiankuo's lips trembled, and hot tears welled up in his eyes.

"They've grown so big!"

"Okay, okay, okay!"

After saying three good things in a row, Chu Tiankuo didn't know what words to use to describe it.

I remember the last time I saw Chu Ming, he was still a child.

Now, he has grown into a man of indomitable spirit.

I haven't seen him for more than ten years. Chu Ming has grown up, and he is indeed a little unrecognizable.

As for Chu Tiankuo, he doesn't even know himself with his appearance!

Chu Ming didn't dislike the oily dirt on Chu Tiankuo's body, and gave him a warm hug.

Chu Tiankuo laughed from ear to ear, feeling extremely happy.

I haven't seen him for more than ten years, and his grandson is so powerful.

The two chatted as they walked, and seemed to have endless topics to talk about.

Chu Tiankuo was talking about his various legendary deeds in the grasslands of other worlds over the years, describing himself as extremely heroic, and how embarrassing he was when he killed alien beasts.

Speaking of wonderful places, he winked at his two old buddies from time to time.

That means it's like saying: "In front of my grandson, save me some face, and don't expose the bragging part!"

Cheng Ergang and Yu Chengfu were powerless to complain.

In the few years when they first entered the foreign grassland, the three of them were worried all day long. He hid in Tibet, and then slowly stood up when his strength became stronger.

It's not like what the old bastard Chu Tiankuo said, he hates the sky and the air!

Then brag, anyway bragging forces no need to pay taxes.

Everyone in the Five Sacred Sword Sect was also a little confused.

I thought it was the first contact with an alien civilization, but I didn't expect it to become a large-scale confession scene.

So, the two sides followed Chu Ming and Chu Tiankuo, and walked quickly towards the direction of the space passage.

At the same time, in the middle of China, on the top of Shu Mountain.

A boy in a gray T-shirt kept walking along the plank road among the bluestone slabs.

He looked to be in his twenties, tall and tall, with a tall and straight waist, and a faint black light bloomed in his sharp eyes.

This is the dark pole demon, and only when the heavenly demon's magical skills are cultivated to the extreme can such changes occur in the pupils of the eyes.

He is Zhou Guoping, to be precise, he is the devil Zhou who has fully activated the sealing power.

Behind him, an old woman with gray hair followed closely.

Leaning on a crutch in her hand, she followed Zhou Motou step by step.

This person is none other than Zhou Guoping's grandmother, Hua Pozi.

After Demon Zhou regained his strength, the first thing he did was to revive the Heavenly Demon Sect!

What he has to do now is to subdue all the ancient martial arts sects in the world to his subordinates.

Before, he didn't have such confidence.

However, after breaking through the seal and returning, Devil Zhou's strength broke through the shackles, and he already possessed the power to conquer everything.

The first battle, Shushan!

As one of the oldest sects in China, the Shushan Sword Sect, of course Devil Zhou would not let them go easily.

He wanted the Shushan Sword School to be his first pawn, and then firmly nailed it to the Huaxia Ancient Martial Arts World.

After a while, the two saw the domineering gate plaque of the Shushan Sword Sect and the holy beast guarding the gate.

Uh, I'm sorry I misread it, it's a erha.

Wu Duxiu went down the mountain to collect information, but failed to collect the information, and instead picked up a Erha.

Wang Qiuyang, the head of the Shushan Sword School, was very disappointed with Wu Duxiu, so naturally he would not let Erha in.

So Wu Duxiu had no choice but to take the food outside the mountain gate and feed Erha here.

The Erha had something to eat, so he was too lazy to leave, so this scene appeared.

Today, Wu Duxiu came to feed Erha as usual, muttering while feeding: "Master is so narrow-minded. There is such a big open space on the mountain that it can't even accommodate a dog. I, Wu Duxiu, look down on him!"

Erha doesn't know what his little master is talking about, at this moment, he just keeps eating.

At this moment, Wu Duxiu suddenly raised his head and saw two figures coming down the mountain.

A young man in his twenties, and an old woman in her sixties or seventies.

"Master, someone has come to worship the mountain!"

Wu Duxiu held the dog bowl in one hand, and shouted loudly towards the inside of the mountain gate.

In the main hall of Shushan Sword School, Wang Qiuyang frowned when he heard Wu Duxiu's shout.

"Xiu'er is really getting more and more impetuous. Isn't it because someone came to worship the mountain? As for making such a fuss?"

Wang Qiuyang muttered, and immediately got up from the sofa cushion, stretching his muscles and bones.

The bottleneck of the Soaring Realm is too strong. Wang Qiuyang has been hitting it for five or six years without any movement.

As long as he can't break through the bottleneck of the Soaring Realm, he is still just a warrior of the ninth rank of the true veins, and he will always be one step away from the real strong.

"Hey, I can't rush this matter, I can only let nature take its course!"

Wang Qiuyang groaned, went to wash his face first, and then walked out of the hall after looking in the mirror.

Since someone worships the mountain, one must maintain a good image.

In case a female benefactor wants to stay overnight, she can't be too sloppy.

"Master, come quickly, they are already here!"

Near the mountain gate, Wu Duxiu's shout came again, and there was an inexplicable panic in the voice.

Wang Qiuyang shook his head in disappointment, and pondered: "I have more than 300 disciples in Shushan, why did I choose Xiu'er as a closed disciple? It should be too late to return the goods now?"

While thinking in his heart, he accelerated his speed, and soon came to the front of the mountain gate.

At this time, not only Wu Duxiu was standing outside the mountain gate, but hundreds of disciples had come here one after another.

There was still a puddle of blood beside the mountain gate, and Erha, who had enjoyed the delicious food just now, had passed away.

Needless to say, Erha must have been killed by the young man opposite.

This is?

Seeing such a tense momentum, Wang Qiuyang was startled.

Someone come to kick the pavilion?

Wang Qiuyang's aura was shocked, and the powerful aura of the ninth grade of Zhenmai exploded, and he jumped out of the mountain gate in a flash, looking at the person with unfriendly eyes.

"Who are you, how dare you challenge my Shushan Sword Sect!"

Hearing Wang Qiuyang's domineering voice, Devil Zhou couldn't help showing a sneer.

"You are the head of Shushan Sword Sect, that's great!"

Before he finished speaking, Devil Zhou raised his hand suddenly, and a big black energy handprint appeared, and slapped Wang Qiuyang to the ground with a bang.


Everyone couldn't help but turn pale with shock, the opponent's strength is so strong?

Wang Qiuyang struggled a few times, trying to stand up.

However, the big black handprint of the other party was very domineering, and it actually suppressed him to the ground.

"Young people don't talk about martial arts, how can they shoot without saying hello? I'm not ready yet!"

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