My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 127: Chu Ming Arrives

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The battle became more and more fierce, and Demon Zhou took advantage of the victory to pursue.

Gu Yue's arm was cut off and her body was severely injured. At this moment, she was no longer able to fight against Demon Zhou.

Devil Zhou stepped forward suddenly, and a domineering fist struck Gu Yue's chest fiercely.


With a loud noise, Gu Yue was immediately sent flying by this terrifying force, and his body fell towards the distance like a kite with a broken string.


Gu Yue's body fell heavily on the hard and cold ground, with blood gushing from his mouth, it was obvious that he couldn't survive.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, from Gu Yue's preparation to rescue Wu Xi, to being cut in the arm by a knife, to falling to the ground, it only happened within a few breaths.

The speed was so fast that no one could react.


When Wu Xi saw her master was seriously injured and fell to the ground, her complexion changed drastically, and she immediately rushed towards the direction where her master fell.

At this moment, Wang Qiuyang also rushed up and stopped Wu Xi.

"Go away!"

Wu Xijiao drank, and the long sword in her hand suddenly burst into bright light, and an incomparable sense of fierceness suddenly bloomed.

If Wang Qiuyang hadn't taken the initiative to attack him, the master would not have been distracted.

Even if he lost to Demon Zhou, it would not be such a fate.

The soft bones that follow the wind, really damn it!

Wu Xi's long hair fluttered, her bright eyes were full of murderous intent.

The long sword flew across the sky, and the fierce sword energy had condensed into substance, like ice attached to the scabbard, and the sharp light shrouded all directions.

[Ling Yun Bing Gang, hidden front! 】

At this moment, the eight large characters on the scabbard underwent an astonishing change, and the character "Tibetan" dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As a result, the Binggang scabbard changed its appearance, and the terrifying sword intent was overwhelming.

Ling Yun Bing Gang, sharp edge!

The Binggang Sword suddenly unsheathed!

The sword intent that had been stored for many years and Wu Xi's anger erupted simultaneously at this moment, and the Bing Gang Sword showed an unprecedented edge.


Wu Xi slashed out with a sword, and the sword energy accumulated for a long time in the Binggang Sword was suddenly released, and the bright sword light angrily cut Wang Qiuyang.

Wang Qiuyang had been on guard for a long time, and just before the opponent's sword light slashed out, his figure suddenly retreated, and he dodged into the distance at a high speed.

Although Wu Xi's sword light is powerful, it only has one sword.

Once the sword intent is exhausted, her strength is only the fifth grade of Zhenmai, which is nothing to fear for Wang Qiuyang of the ninth grade of Zhenmai.

Wang Qiuyang rolled and crawled. Although he looked extremely embarrassed, he managed to avoid Wu Xi's sword light attack.

The sharp sword energy cut a huge gully on the ground, but it failed to hit Wang Qiuyang.

Wu Xi didn't care about the effect of this sword at all, she had already come to the master's side, kneeling in front of the master, at a loss for what to do.

She wanted to hug Master up.

However, the master's right arm was cut off, and there was a huge blood hole in his chest, and he was already very angry at this time.


Wu Xi grabbed the remaining left hand of her master, and tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

Gu Yue tried her best to open her eyes, looking at her most beloved disciple, feeling mixed feelings for a moment.

He wanted to say something comforting, but he couldn't.

Because he knew that after his death, Devil Zhou would never let his apprentice go.

So far, the inheritance of Binggang Mountain has been completely cut off.

Gu Yue felt desolate in her heart, and the inheritance of Binggang Mountain was finally severed in her own hands.

At this moment, Wang Qiuyang, who had dodged in embarrassment just now, came over again.

Seeing that Gu Yue was about to die, Wang Qiuyang no longer had any fear, and immediately gathered his skills and rushed towards Wu Xi angrily.

Now even if he killed Wu Xi, he didn't have to worry about Gu Yue seeking revenge on him.

Wu Xi looked lonely, a little disheartened.

"Master, let me accompany you for the last journey, when we arrive in the underworld, you and I will have a companion.


Before the words were finished, the Binggang Sword suddenly let out bursts of sword groans.

The next moment, the Bing Gang Sword shot up into the sky, and with a sharp sword light, it slashed down at the two of them angrily.

Wu Xi felt that even if she died, she would die by her own sword, and she couldn't let the enemy succeed.

"Wu Xi!"

Suddenly, there was a rapid sound of piercing through the air, and a young man stepped on a long sword to control the air.

His body was glowing, and there was a majestic skill gathering all over his body, which forced the air along the way to blow away, sending out bursts of ear-piercing air explosions.

Due to the high speed, the protective cover formed by the skill rubbed against the air at high speed, generating intense heat.

His skill was already burning, making him look like he was in a fireball, piercing the sky like a shooting star.

On the Binggang Mountain, Wu Xi suddenly raised her head, and when she saw the figure approaching at a high speed in the distance, she couldn't help showing apology from the corners of her eyes.

"Chu Ming, I'm sorry, I didn't know Demon Zhou was so powerful, I was the one who harmed you."

"In this life, my life has come to an end. If there is another life, I will repay today's kindness."

"I hope you leave as soon as you find out that I'm dead, so that you won't be targeted by Devil Zhou."

"It's all my fault. It really shouldn't hurt you."

"Goodbye, Chu Ming."

"Farewell, Binggang Mountain."

Wu Ximei's eyes were slightly closed, and the power in her body exploded, and she fully controlled the Binggang Sword to cut it down as soon as possible.

Only if he dies as soon as possible, will he not hurt Chu Ming who came from afar.

In the sky, Chu Ming was covered in heat waves, and there were golden flames beating in his eyes.

When he saw the Ice Sword falling from the sky, the godhead in the center of his eyebrows began to beat wildly.

At this moment, it seemed that an invisible big hand suddenly reached out, grabbing the Bing Gang Sword that fell at a high speed.

The tip of the sword stopped three inches above Wu Xi's head, and was firmly controlled by Chu Ming's mental power.

Wu Xixiu frowned slightly, and slowly opened her closed eyes, looking at the still Binggang Sword, her heart was filled with shock.

"This is?"

Wu Xi was shocked, who stopped the Binggang sword from falling?

Could it be Chu Ming?

How can this be!

Not only Wu Xi was shocked, but even Demon Zhou who had just won on the opposite side showed a look of shock.

As a strong man in the Soaring Realm, he can clearly feel the terrifying power carried by the comer.

It is no exaggeration to say that the body of the visitor is like an energy furnace, which contains endless energy, and once it explodes, it may have the power to destroy the world.

Chu Ming's speed was extremely fast. Amid the continuous sonic booms, his body was like a shooting star, and he appeared in front of Wu Xi in an instant.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

Chu Ming jumped down from the Youlong Qingguang Sword, the flames on his body gradually dissipated, and the fiery energy brought great warmth to the cold Wu Xi in his heart.

With tears on her face, Wu Xi said anxiously, "Chu Ming, hurry up, Devil Zhou is too powerful, you are no match for him, get out of here quickly."

Hearing this, Chu Ming smiled proudly, and said confidently: "Don't worry, in front of me, no matter what kind of monster it is, it's just a chicken and a dog!"

While speaking, Chu Ming came to Gu Yue who was seriously injured and dying, and lightly tried his breath.

"Great, I'm still angry!"

With a thought, Chu Ming went directly to the system mall and exchanged for a pack of sky-level golden sore medicine.

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