My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 135 Crazy Decision

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The first Shuguang Conference was held in a warm and peaceful atmosphere. According to the meeting procedure formulated in advance, everyone took turns to speak.

The Dawn Organization has just been established, and there are many things that need to be discussed at the meeting.

Chu Ming had limited time and did not discuss the details with everyone one by one. He only needed to grasp the general direction of the Shuguang organization.

Therefore, the first item of the meeting became Chu Ming's speech by name.

"Murongxue, first report the recruitment situation of the Shuguang Organization."

Chu Ming said in a calm voice.

Before entering the foreign world, Chu Ming was not so eager to build his own combat team.

When he learned that there was a large territory in the foreign world waiting for him to conquer, he couldn't wait.

Taking advantage of the gap between the killing of the Golden Beastmaster, quickly drive the human army over, and first gain a firm foothold in the Golden Grassland.

In the future, we will fight steadily and gradually expand to achieve real hegemony.

Hearing Chu Ming's words, Murong Xue stood up immediately.

She was wearing the latest uniform of the Dawn Organization. She was very well dressed, and her perfect figure was set off by the bumps, making her look extremely capable.

She cleared her throat, took out the materials she had prepared, and said in a clear voice:

"The recruiting process of the Dawn Organization went very smoothly. Although there were only seven days to sign up, there were more than ten million participants. In the end, one million people passed the screening and have now been successfully recruited.

These one million Dawn fighters have been assembled in the alien battlefield, and each hundred people is a combat unit, which is guided and trained by the original Hongmeng fighters. "

Having said that, Murong Xue's voice paused, and she explained to Chu Ming: "These Hongmeng warriors are real braves. I have already kicked out those who ran away on the battlefield."

Chu Ming nodded silently, motioning for the other party to continue talking.

Seeing that Chu Ming didn't care about this moment, Murong Xue immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the Suguang Organization rose up to replace Hongmeng. She thought that Chu Ming would reject the former Hongmeng people, but she didn't expect that Chu Ming didn't mind at all.

Sure enough, he is a broad-minded person with leadership style.

Murong Xue was secretly happy, feeling that she followed the right person.

According to the materials prepared before, she continued to introduce the current status of the Suguang Organization.

After she finished speaking, she asked with some uncertainty: "The Shuguang Organization has just been established, and we directly recruited one million soldiers. Is it too fast?"

Hearing this question, Qiu Zhipeng also looked at Chu Ming curiously, not knowing why the other party recruited so many soldiers.

You must know that the former Hongmeng Legion had no more than 100,000 people when it was the largest. As soon as Chu Ming took office, he created an army of one million, which was directly ten times that of Hongmeng.

In fact, 100,000 people are more than enough to defend the alien battlefield. After all, the size of the space portal is limited, and there are too many people to arrange it.

Raising such a huge team would cost a lot of military expenses.

Hearing Murong Xue's question, Chu Ming responded solemnly: "One million is still too little, and we will continue to recruit soldiers, at least five million."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but their eyelids twitched wildly.

Five million, good guy, everyone can only say "good guy."

Qiu Zhipeng's expression was extremely solemn, and he was full of doubts.

You know, five million troops already exceeds the number of Huaxia Corps.

With so many conscripts, what exactly does Chu Ming want to do?

However, he knew that his identity was not suitable for asking questions at this time, so he could only keep this question in his heart.

In any case, the Huaxia Corps cannot interfere with the internal meetings of the Suguang Organization.

In Qiu Zhipeng's view, one million recruits for the Shuguang Legion is already the limit. If they want to continue to expand the size of the legion, the Huaxia Federation will not allow it.

After all, this force has seriously threatened the security of the China Federation.

If Chu Ming has any evil intentions, it will definitely be quite a big trouble.

Unless he has enough reasons to convince the members of the Chinese Federation Parliament,

Otherwise, the five million conscription can only be a joke.

Chu Ming did not explain too much at this time. The purpose of his conscription is to expand the territory in other worlds, where there is a vast land waiting for him to conquer, and he will not waste too much time on the earth.

After Murong Xue's report was completed, Chu Ming found Qin Mingcheng and Liao Bo again.

"Qin Mingcheng, have you got any results from the ancient martial arts research recently? How is the progress of the things I gave you last time?"

Hearing the boss roll call, Qin Mingcheng suddenly stood up and responded:

"We have analyzed the tentacles of the Golden Beastmaster through spectral technology, and the data has been sent to Liao Bo's ancient weapon manufacturing department."

Liao Bo got up in a hurry and responded: "There is no problem with the data analysis, but there is no good substitute for the material."

Liao Bo took out the samples he had prepared and responded:

"Look at this material, this is the nerve meridian in the tentacles of the alien beast, with an extremely special neuron sensing system that can send powerful radio waves.

However, this kind of material is not available on our earth. Even if several special metals are found as substitutes, the effect is not very good, and the range and clarity of communication will be greatly affected.

Due to the lack of tentacles of alien beasts, this kind of communicator cannot be mass-produced. Only some of the tentacles of alien beasts captured before can be made into communicators. "

Hearing Liao Bo's words, Chu Ming's eyes lit up.

Couldn't be mass-produced because of the lack of beast tentacles?

There are plenty of alien beasts, how could they not be mass-produced!

Thinking of this, Chu Ming smiled knowingly, and a plan was gradually taking shape in his heart.

Alien tentacles?


He finally found the selling point of the strange beast.

Next, Liao Bo sent Chu Ming a pair of new communicators, which looked like a Bluetooth headset with half of the tentacles sticking out.

"These are the pair of tentacles of the Golden Beastmaster, made into two communicators, which should have the best signal among all the communicators."

While introducing, Liao Bo gave a demonstration to Chu Ming.

Electronic chips are installed in this communicator, and each chip has an independent number, which can be used for remote contact after mutual input.

The principle is similar to that of a mobile phone, but it has more powerful communication functions than a mobile phone.

For example, there is a hierarchy of this new type of communicator. Chu Ming's pair of communicators have the highest level of authority and can directly connect to all communicators at the same time.

To give a simple example, this communicator is equivalent to the highest terminal, which can directly call everyone and issue orders at the same time.

Looking at the small and exquisite communicator in his hand, Chu Ming nodded in satisfaction.

He is about to fight in another world, where there is no mobile phone signal, and he is worried that he cannot solve the communication problem.

No, it's a perfect solution.

Next, Chu Ming looked at Xu Mingliang solemnly, and asked, "How is your Yiyang finger training? How is the effect of the first thousand-man team I asked you to train?"

Xu Mingliang got up suddenly, his eyes shone brightly, and he responded loudly:

"Fortunately, my Yiyang finger has been practiced in another world, and the first thousand-member team has also completed the last three levels of ancient martial arts training.

Now everyone is a True Vein Realm fighter, with soaring combat power, and can be qualified for the mission of the vanguard. "

Chu Ming nodded silently, and said: "Okay, let me know immediately, the first batch of communicators are all allocated to this thousand-man team, and the weapons and equipment are ready, and I will go to another world with me tomorrow!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

The Dawn Legion is going to attack another world?

Do you want to be so crazy!

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