My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 138 Taiheng Mountain's Shock

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Taiheng Mountain is a large mountain in the southwest of China. It is connected to the Shiwan Mountain in the south, and the mountains are majestic and steep.

In the past, the name of Taiheng Mountain was unknown, because compared with the 100,000 mountains, the area of ​​Taiheng Mountain was really nothing.

However, since the strange beast broke into Taiheng Mountain, it has gradually become famous.

A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude.

I don't know who came up with the idea, but someone actually set up a holy place for online celebrities to check in on the battlefield where the beasts were suppressed.

For a time, countless tourists flocked to this new holy place for punching cards, and many people organized groups to travel to Taiheng Mountain.

No matter when, businesses are always shrewd, and they can always find business opportunities in a crisis.

No, the merchant made full use of people's worship of the ancestors of the ancient martial arts, and set up an experience project for the ancestors to suppress beasts in Taiheng Mountain.

The advertisement had already been published, and the slogan was loudly shouted:

[The ancestors experienced the beast suppression first hand, if you don't go to the battlefield, you are not a hero! 】

[This is the sacred place where the ancestor of ancient martial arts suppressed beasts. It was here that the ancestor killed millions of strange beasts. 】

[Come to the Taihengshan battlefield and experience the close-up soul collision with the ancestor of Guwu. 】

It has to be said that advertisers know how to brag. There were only sixty strange beasts that broke into Taiheng Mountain back then, and it became a million when they came to them.

Of course, everyone doesn't mind about it. Regarding the matter of Gu Wu Patriarch, of course, the louder the whistle, the better.

In the depths of Taiheng Mountain, near the once Chu Ming beast suppression battlefield, a huge container appeared in the forest, which seemed a bit out of harmony.

The developer, Chen Wobin, is smoking a cigarette, looking at the busy construction workers in front of him.

He spent huge sums of money to find a large transport plane to transport this container, which was filled with various entertainment facilities, large tents, and many other supplies such as beverages and food.

This project cost Chen Wobin a lot of money, but he is not worried, because he has already expected that this project will make a profit without losing money.

Tomorrow is the opening day of the internet celebrity check-in place. Before it gets dark today, he must arrange all the entertainment facilities.

In the past, this kind of work intensity would definitely not be possible.

But it's different now. The workers all have at least the strength of a seventh-rank warrior. The goods that used to be moved by cranes and forklifts can now be lifted by the workers.

"Xiao Wang, let me tell you about speeding up the progress. We will use tents to form a circle here, and we will make all the decorations, so that tourists will willingly pay us."

Chen Wobin pointed to the workers working in front and shouted loudly.

Xiao Wang immediately walked over nodding and bowing, his chest slapped loudly, indicating that he would be able to complete the task perfectly.

Xiao Wang is the foreman hired by Chen Wobin, who is responsible for the construction of the entire project.

He has about thirty people under his command, and the work is quite good.

Suddenly, the workers who were working stopped.

Chen Wobin frowned suddenly, and said in displeasure, "Why did you stop? Didn't you promise to complete the task?"

Xiao Wang's complexion also changed, he took two steps forward, and shouted loudly: "What the hell are you doing, hurry up, isn't it stupid to have money and not make money?"

A middle-aged man who was pitching a tent took two steps back subconsciously, and said in a trembling voice, "Brother Wang, what do you think is that?"

Hearing these words, Xiao Chao, the foreman, looked in the direction pointed by the other party, and found a thick pillar appeared in the distance.

Because the trees are too lush, some of them can't be seen clearly.

"What is that? Who built a chimney here? Did someone develop this place before us?"

Foreman Xiao Wang frowned.

Everyone looked up at the sky, looking at the looming dark red pillar, full of surprise in their hearts.

"Move, move!"

Suddenly, someone exclaimed and pointed to the sky.

Foreman Xiao Wang, Chen Wobin and others all showed shock.

They clearly saw that the huge dark red pillar was tipping over in the direction of everyone.

At this moment, a strong fishy smell rushed towards the face, a huge pillar in the sky suddenly fell down, and a terrifying bloody mouth shocked everyone.



Super huge python!


Everyone exclaimed, that huge pillar turned out to be the body of a giant python.

It wasn't until the opponent swooped down that they saw the true face of this giant python clearly.

The dark red scales are as huge as a cover, dryly spread on the surface of the body, looking from a distance like a city wall made of red bricks, vicissitudes and simplicity.

The giant python is very big, the diameter of its head is five meters, and the length of its body exceeds two hundred meters.

This giant python is the Tongtian Blood Python that swallowed the blood of the alien beast.

With a loud hissing sound, the Tongtian Blood Python descended from the sky, and slammed down on the crowd below with its bloody mouth.

Everyone turned pale with shock, turned around and fled in all directions.

Fortunately, everyone is a seventh-rank warrior, and their reaction speed and action ability have been improved many times.

Panicked, everyone exploded with unprecedented potential, and the speed reached the extreme.


The moment everyone moved away, the Tongtian Blood Python slammed down, directly smashing the container to pieces, and all the supplies were scattered in the distance.

The foreman Xiao Wang's face turned pale with fright, and he shouted in horror: "What the hell is this, why is it so big?"

The developer, Chen Wobin, was also screaming in fright. After living for so long, this was the first time he saw such a terrifying thing.

However, no one answered his question, and everyone was frantically fleeing towards the distance. At this moment, they only hated their parents for losing two legs, and wished they could step out of Taiheng Mountain in one step.


Suddenly, there was a dense sound of flapping wings, and mutant cockroaches the size of a fist appeared, bombarding everyone with precision like cannonballs.

The sharp wings were like sharp knives, easily cutting through people's skin, and directly penetrated into people's bodies.


Amid bursts of screams, more than a dozen workers fell in a pool of blood.

When the others saw it, they were so frightened that their souls froze. At this time, they didn't care what direction to go, and fled crazily in the mountains and forests.

Suddenly, huge locusts appeared all the time.

It hid behind a giant tree, and its yellowed body seemed to be wearing golden armor, making it look majestic.

"call out!"

The giant locust kicked its hind legs suddenly, and a piercing aura burst out like a sword light.

The worker who passed by here paused, and then slid down to the sides without a sound.

Blood poured down like a waterfall, and the man's body was cut in half by the locust kick.

Just when everyone was attacked, a gray shadow wandered back and forth between the mountains and forests, its speed was as fast as lightning, and its shadow could not be seen clearly at all.

With every pounce, a worker falls.

In the blink of an eye, the remaining dozen or so workers were all thrown to the ground by this gray shadow. People had already lost their lives before they could clearly see what the attacker was.

It wasn't until the gray shadow stopped to eat that the figure became clear.

It turned out that this was an extremely large stray cat.

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