My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 141 Lightning 5 consecutive whips

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Overnight, the flames of the Heavenly Demon Sect burned all over the land of China, and all the ancient martial arts sects were bloodbathed, like a catastrophe.

During the whole process, Devil Zhou only made three shots.

The first time was when we subdued the Ansoupai faction.

Wu Duxiu, the capable general newly trained by Demon Zhou, is no match for Wu Yazi, the head of the Wuyou sect.

The two fought fiercely for thirty rounds without a winner, Zhou Motou got impatient and blasted Wu Yazi's head with a punch.

The second time was when he subdued the Seven Heroes Sword Sect.

Qi Shenglong, the leader of the Seven Heroes Sword Sect, is an old cunning man. On the surface, he looks very tough, but after fighting Wu Duxiu, he even resorted to tricks to escape.

Zhou Motou never left any hidden dangers in his work, he jumped up into the air and chased him, severely injured him with one palm, and finally Wu Duxiu beheaded him.

The third time was when he subdued the Chengfeng Sword Sect.

Zhou Demon had a great hatred for the Chengfeng Sword Sect. After he came, he didn't say a word, and the Heavenly Demon Divine Art was activated directly, and the black magic flames swept all directions, turning everything here into ashes.

After some actions, the Heavenly Demon Sect grew rapidly, and its number exceeded 10,000 people.

However, Devil Zhou wisely did not provoke the Wuyue Sword Sect and Binggang Mountain.

Because he learned that the Wuyue Sword Sect had submitted to the Shuguang Organization, and the Shuguang Organization was founded by Chu Ming.

Looking at the whole of China now, Chu Ming is the only one who can make Demon Zhou feel afraid.

Devil Zhou decided not to provoke Chu Ming for the time being, and it is best not to attract any attention from him.

Once he takes action against any of the Five Sacred Sword Sects, Chu Ming may receive news.

At that time, it may not end well.

For Devil Zhou, the current Heavenly Demon Sect is already big enough.

He just secretly controlled these ancient martial arts sects, and has no intention of bringing everyone together for the time being.

He wants to go back and continue to practice, and when the Heavenly Demon's magical skills go further, he will have the capital to compete with Chu Ming.

At that time, if everyone joins forces, an army composed of more than 10,000 ancient martial arts disciples will definitely form a terrifying force.

At that time, all Shuguang organizations will be chickens and dogs.

After the conquest was completed, Devil Zhou decided to take Wu Duxiu and others back to Shushan Sword Sect.

Perhaps the first sect to subdue, Demon Zhou feels that living in Shushan is more comfortable.

Moreover, Wu Duxiu, his right-hand assistant, is the current head of the Shushan Sword Sect, so it is more convenient to do things in Shushan.

On the way back, Zhou Motou and the others passed an unremarkable hill.

However, what surprised them was that there was a Taoist temple-like building on that hill, with lights on outside, making the desolate wilderness more ray of light.

Although the Taoist temple looks a little dilapidated, its architectural style is quite grand.

Especially in the dense night, it looks quite mysterious.

Devil Zhou was curious and winked at Wu Duxiu and the others.

Wu Duxiu immediately understood, and immediately led the crowd towards the Taoist temple.

"Mixed Yuan Xingyi Lightning Gate!"

When Wu Duxiu saw the plaque outside the Taoist temple, his eyes lit up.

There is actually a sect hidden here.

"Master, there is another sect here, let's accept it together!"

During this time, Wu Duxiu was in high spirits. After his strength soared, his self-confidence became extremely inflated, and he wanted to accept the sect when he saw it.

Motou Zhou frowned and looked at this dilapidated Taoist temple, and said with some distaste: "How many disciples can there be in this kind of place? It's useless to take it away, so smash it."

Wu Duxiu immediately nodded in response, his whole body shook, and he punched towards the mountain gate.

At this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly erupted from the mountain gate, and precisely bombarded Wu Duxiu's fist.


There was an explosion, Wu Duxiu let out a scream, and retreated violently.

He looked at his scorched right hand, his eyes filled with horror.

This was the first time he had suffered such a big loss in this period of time.

Zhou Motou frowned, his piercing eyes leisurely looked at the interior of the Taoist temple, and the magic flames in his pupils were surging.

There are weird!

At this moment, an old man in pajamas came out from the Taoist temple, followed by several disheveled disciples, looking at the uninvited visitor outside the mountain gate in surprise.

The old man looked about sixty or seventy years old, but he was in good spirits.

"Hi friends, I am the head of Hunyuan Xingyi Lightning Sect, so why don't you come to my Lightning Sect so late?"

Sect Leader Lightning asked calmly with a smile on his face.

It seemed that the head of Lightning had a good temper, and he was not angry at all because the other party wanted to smash his mountain gate.

On the opposite side, Wu Duxiu snorted coldly in his heart, the strong killing intent had condensed into substance.

He had never suffered such a big loss since he joined the Heavenly Demon Sect, and today he had to let the old guy opposite him know how powerful he was.

Thinking of this, Wu Duxiu's momentum was shaken, and the Heavenly Demon swordsmanship reappeared, stabbing away at an extremely fast speed.

At the gate of the mountain, the face of the Lightning Sect Master who had always had a pleasant face suddenly changed, his figure flashed, and two fingers clamped Wu Duxiu's long sword with a squeak.

Immediately afterwards, the head of Lightning took advantage of the situation, and suddenly exerted force with his arm, and instantly sent Wu Duxiu flying.

Wu Duxiu's heart trembled suddenly, knowing that he had met a master.

The head of Lightning looked at Wu Duxiu with an unfriendly expression, and said in a cold voice: "You young man doesn't talk about martial arts, and you even sneaked up on me, an old comrade. Is that okay? That's not good!"

While speaking, the head of Lightning looked back at his disciple and said softly:

"Did you guys see that?

I first used the two-finger Zen to catch the opponent's long sword attack, then took advantage of the trend to easily resolve it, and then used my strength to punch the opponent out.

This trick is what I usually tell you about hair extensions.

Very important, take a notebook and write it down. "

Outside the mountain gate, Zhou Motou's gaze was as gloomy as water, and his heart was full of murderous intent.

The other party dared to teach in front of his face?

When my demon leader does not exist?

court death!

Devil Zhou let out a cold snort, leaped out in a flash, and punched the head of Lightning with a violent punch.

The leader of Lightning who was talking suddenly trembled. He suddenly turned around, clasped his arms in his hands, and wanted to hold the fist that the other party hit, and prepared to perform another set of hair extensions for the apprentices.

However, this punch was fierce and domineering, far beyond the range of Lightning Master's tolerance.


The shadow of the fist hit Lightning's head firmly in the face, causing Lightning's head to retreat several steps one after another, and fell to the ground with a bang, the corners of his eyes instantly swelled up.

All the disciples were frightened and stepped forward one after another, wanting to help.

The head of Lightning stood up with a bang, and said to his apprentices: "It's okay, I was careless, there is no flash!"

The head of Lightning shook his hand, anger soaring in his heart.

"You two young men, you don't talk about martial arts, and you attacked one of my old comrades one after another, it seems that you have to show some color."

Before the words were finished, the head of Lightning rushed out suddenly, and the tyrannical skill in his body surged wildly, rising into the sky like a stormy sea.

The head of the Lightning was astonishing, and in the blink of an eye, the violent power was already overwhelming.

"Five whips in a row!"

With a loud roar, countless lightning burst out from his body, and the dense lightning formed five whip shadows, which were suddenly pulled out towards the front.

In an instant, the night was turned into day by this electric light, and the fierce and domineering power burst out in an instant.

Devil Zhou's face changed drastically in an instant, unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be a hermit expert!

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