My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 248 The Fierce Confrontation

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The earth trembled and roared again and again.

Many soldiers of the dawn did not stand firmly on their feet, and fell to the ground after being shaken.

In the panic, everyone hurriedly stood up, looking forward in horror, feeling terrified in their hearts.


After the patriarch slapped, a big pit with a radius of about ten miles appeared in front of him, but it was too far away, and everyone couldn't see how deep the big pit was.

However, everyone could vaguely tell that the big pit was a five-finger palm print, and where it passed, strange beasts were killed one after another, and a large area was emptied in an instant.


A gust of wind hit, and many people could not stand still and fell to the ground again.

The energy generated by Chu Ming's slap was too strong, and the earth could not completely dissipate it. The remaining power turned into a strong wind and raged in all directions.

The gust of wind that can blow down a true pulse realm warrior must be at level 20 no matter what.

On Earth, winds of this magnitude would be completely devastating.

At this moment, everyone fell in awe of Chu Ming.

The power of one palm is earth-shattering, Yu Wei alone is so terrifying, so how strong is the ancestor?

Not far away, Chu Tiankuo was even more shocked. As a Soaring Realm fighter, he certainly knew how powerful Chu Ming's palm was just now.

Just relying on the energy fluctuations produced by this palm alone, it would take hundreds of years of skill to say the least.

Chu Ming is only nineteen years old this year, how can he get so much skill?

Chu Tiankuo was astonished, feeling very incredible.

He thinks that he is very talented in cultivation, and he has lived on the prairie for so many years. Until now, he has accumulated more than two hundred years of skill in his body.

Unexpectedly, the skill in Chu Ming's body has surpassed his own by several times, which is really unbelievable.

What's even more frightening is that Chu Ming doesn't seem to use his full strength yet.

He just slapped lightly just now, and he already has such power. If he hit with all his strength, he doesn't know how terrifying the attack power will be.

In fact, Chu Ming also wanted to show greater power, and it would be best to slap all the beasts to death with one slap.

However, Tathagata Divine Palm also has an upper limit.

According to Chu Ming's understanding of Tathagata palm, this palm can only carry five hundred years of skill at most.

No matter how much skill there is, the Tathagata Divine Palm can't bear it, and the palm can't last, and it may explode directly in the sky.

Of course, this level of palm technique is enough for Chu Ming to use.

Whether it is on Earth or in another world, there is nothing that cannot be solved with a slap.

If so, give it another slap.

On the opposite side, the extremely ferocious beast was also beaten by Chu Ming's palm.

The aggressive team just now disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The strong smell of blood stimulated the nerves of the beasts, making them terrified.

Especially those strange beasts located between the fingers of the Tathagata God, they were almost frightened out of their wits.

At this time, although they survived by chance, they all lost their fighting power.

Seeing the companions in the big pit of handprints turned into flesh, all the strange beasts were paralyzed there in fright.

Some alien beasts were even more unbearable. Under the pressure of that terrifying aura, they immediately poured out their excrement and urine, leaving a lot of fertilizer on this land.

There was a strong bloody smell in the air, mixed with a strong stench, which caused the air freshness index of the entire space to plummet.


The giant-tailed beast king roared angrily, and the energy in his body exploded like a raging flame.

It really didn't expect that its own dodge would cause such serious consequences.

The giant-tailed beast king sensed the powerful attack power of the opponent, and it felt that if it went all out, it should be able to block it.

If he didn't retreat, the opponent's palm wouldn't have such a great destructive power.

If he didn't retreat, it would be impossible for the other party to slap so many of his subordinates to death with one palm.

If you don't retreat, you will definitely not be so passive at this time.

Damn humans, this king will tear you all to shreds!

As the giant-tailed beast king roared wildly, the energy in its body continued to rise, and soon reached the limit, and the surrounding air molecules became restless.

At the same time, the giant tail behind the giant-tailed beast king began to swell rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it swelled a circle, and the terrifying energy surged wildly in his tail.

Immediately afterwards, the giant tail, which had swelled several times, flicked fiercely, and a black giant shadow appeared out of thin air. In an instant, it turned into a gigantic giant with an incomparable fierceness, rolling towards the human camp. .

Sensing this terrifying momentum, Chu Ming's expression changed involuntarily.

The opponent's attack power is extremely strong, at least with the blessing of more than a hundred years of skill.

If Chu Ming was the only one, of course he wouldn't care. He could easily dodge under Lingboweibu or Yujianshu.

However, there are soldiers from the First Dawn Legion behind him, and he must not abandon his subordinates like the giant-tailed beast king.

Therefore, this blow can only be resisted.

Obviously, this giant-tailed beast king is much stronger than the golden beast king encountered before. Judging from the attack power alone, it has far surpassed the golden beast king.

"Grandpa, you protect everyone, and I will block the opponent's attack!"

Chu Ming yelled loudly, and his figure rushed out immediately, the energy in his body rose wildly, and he coldly pointed his finger at the front.

The skill is rolling, turning into a torrent of energy, all of which are condensed towards Chu Ming's fingertips.

"The Great Desolation Prisoner Sky Finger!"

Immediately, a thick energy fingerprint appeared out of thin air, directly crossed the void, and slammed into the opponent's energy giant tail fiercely.


In an instant, two completely different energies collided together, crushing each other crazily, and exploded at the touch of a touch.

At the center of the explosion, a white light suddenly appeared, and it became blazing in an instant. The dazzling light made the world pale.

It seemed as if a second sun had appeared in the sky, and it exploded right now.

The terrifying energy shock wave spread crazily towards the surroundings at a speed that the naked eye could not capture without any pause.

The void trembled, the air was burned into a vacuum, and the entire space became distorted.

The place where the energy shock wave passed was devastated, and everything along the way was turned into ashes.

The turf on the ground was directly lifted, and the sky was filled with dust and dust, exposing the dry and hard deep land.

Many strange beasts that couldn't dodge were killed one after another, and exploded into a blood mist in this terrifying energy shock wave.

Chu Tiankuo's beard and hair were all stretched out, roaring crazily.

Chu Ming asked him to protect the Dawn Army, and he must go all out.

At this moment, Chu Tiankuo's beard and hair were all stretched out, and the aura of the Tengkong Realm had soared to the limit.

He stretched his palms forward, and a huge energy mask appeared, showing an oval shape in front of the Dawn Corps.

That is, at the same time as this energy mask appeared, that terrifying energy shock wave rushed over and hit the energy mask fiercely.


The energy mask sank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Chu Tiankuo's skill was being consumed rapidly.

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at the depression on the mask.

If the mask is blown, the fate of everyone must be extremely miserable.

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