My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 150: Infrastructure Madness Shows His Power in Another World

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On the dilapidated golden grassland, Chu Ming chased the group of strange beasts for a full three hundred miles.

Along the way, blood flowed like a river, leaving behind a large number of corpses of alien beasts.

Unfortunately, in this battle, Chu Ming only killed more than 3,000 real-veined alien beasts, and he was still about 7,000 short of his goal of killing 10,000 alien beasts.

Fortunately, this is only the first day after the mission started, and there is still a long time before the mission ends, so there is no need to worry too much.

Standing on the vast prairie, Chu Ming felt quite comfortable.

Especially when he received the system prompt of merit income, it made him feel relaxed and happy.

At this moment, Chu Ming felt that the mechanical system prompt sound was simply the most beautiful sound in the world.

[Congratulations to the host for killing 3322 real beasts, merit +332200. 】

[Current task completion progress: 332210000. 】

[Task remaining time: 9 days, 20 hours and 47 minutes. 】

From the start of the mission to the present, only more than three hours have passed.

If calculated accurately, there was not even two hours between the appearance of the alien beast and its complete retreat.

For the rest of the time, Chu Ming was chasing and killing him.

These strange beasts are also smart, they even know how to disperse and run away.

If not, the killing effect this time will be even greater.

After this battle, the members of the Shuguang Legion have completely returned to Chu Ming. They really can't find a suitable word to describe Chu Ming's position in their hearts.

God is nothing more than that, right?

Of course, everyone was not idle. There were a lot of dead beasts left on the battlefield, and they needed to clean up the battlefield.

The temperature in the Golden Grassland is very high during the day. If they are not dealt with in time, these corpses will soon stink and rot, and it may even cause a plague.

Many corpses of strange beasts were already shapeless, some were turned into meat paste by Chu Ming's Tathagata palm, and some were turned into blood mist by the shock wave.

For this part of the body, the soldiers buried it directly on the spot.

In addition, there were many strange beasts who were shocked to death by Chu Ming's powerful momentum.

These strange beasts all kept their bodies, and the soldiers collected them all and prepared to transport them back to Earth.

For the people on earth, almost all of the strange beasts are treasures, with multiple uses and values.

The tentacles of the alien beast can be made into a new type of communicator,

Teeth and claws can be made into sharp weapons or jewelry,

Meat can be made into delicious dishes,

Fur can be made into beautiful clothes,

Scales can be made into strong armor,

Fat meat can be refined into edible oil,

Lean meat can be made into jerky and canned,

Animal offal can nourish yin,

The animal whip can strengthen the yang,


In short, before meeting humans, the strange beast didn't know how much value it had.

Thinking about it carefully, it is really not a wise choice for alien beasts to invade the earth.

When encountering the human species, it is really unknown whether the alien beast will become a cherished animal.

The soldiers talked and laughed happily while collecting the corpses of the alien beasts.

All the worry and depression I had felt before were gone.

With so many dead beasts, the soldiers alone would definitely not be able to eat them all.

The remaining carcasses of alien beasts can be sold to the outside world. Presumably, people on earth are willing to pay a high price to buy a few catties of alien beast meat to taste.

This world has extremely sufficient resources of exotic animals. If feasible, it can be developed into a regular business in the future.

As the Dawn Legion won the first battle, the entire Dawn organization suddenly became busy.

The first person to rush here upon receiving the notice was Zhou Zhihao from the logistics department.

With the help of the Huaxia Corps, the Suguang Organization's logistics department obtained a hundred transport trucks converted from armored vehicles.

These transport trucks all have tank tracks, which can shuttle at high speed between the alien battlefield with complex terrain and the golden grassland.

This time, Zhou Zhihao directly sent all the transport trucks to the Golden Grassland,

Load the corpses of the alien beasts collected by the soldiers onto the transport truck.

Because the corpses of the alien beasts were so huge, each transport vehicle could only hold five at most, and one hundred vehicles could only hold five hundred at most.

The dead beasts at the scene had piled up like a mountain, at least seven or eight thousand.

With so many strange beasts, they can only be transported a few more times.

On the grassland, motors roared, and a hundred transport vehicles shuttled back and forth, rolling out a flat road on the grassland.

There are no roads on the prairie, but if there are too many cars, it will become a road.

It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Infrastructure is speeding up the construction of the railway. When the railway is laid on the golden grassland, it will be convenient to transport goods in the future.

Pang Quanyong from the Ministry of Infrastructure was the second minister to come to the Golden Grassland. With the victory of the Shuguang First Army, the Ministry of Infrastructure will also start project deployment ahead of schedule.

At noon, members of the infrastructure department pulled a cable and solved the communication problem of the Golden Grassland.

Although the Earth and the Golden Grassland are only separated by a passage, they belong to two completely different worlds.

Whether it is a new type of communicator or a mobile phone, it cannot communicate directly.

In this case, pulling a cable over solved the problem perfectly.

Telephone lines, network cables, signal towers, etc. are all under construction.

Under the premise of ensuring safety, more and more construction workers came here, and large-scale engineering vehicles and equipment were also transported in one after another.

At the beginning, the Hongmeng organization planned to build a defensive fort first.

However, after the battle just now, all the alien beasts were scared away, and the Golden Grassland was safe for a short time.

So we can take a bigger step and recruit more people.

As long as the fortress is built fast enough, humans can quickly gain a foothold in the foreign world.

The Chinese people are worthy of the title of infrastructure madman. In just one afternoon, the defensive fortress has taken shape, and the construction speed will only get faster and faster.

In addition to the transport trucks transporting the corpses of alien beasts, there are also more and more trucks filled with construction materials. The entire golden grassland is in full swing, and it has become a large-scale construction site for humans.

Along with the defensive fortress, a railway station and a signal tower were started.

As long as these three major buildings are completed, the first step of the Dawn Legion's sweep of the alien world will be considered stable.

At the same time, 80 kilometers away from the construction site, Chu Ming sat on a huge rock, staring at a strange beast opposite him with piercing eyes.

This is a strange beast of the true pulse state, with a sword wound on its body. At this time, it is crawling on the ground in fear, closing its eyes and pretending to be dead. It is so frightened that it dare not breathe.

"Don't pretend to be dead, I know you're fine, if you don't respond, I'm going to do it."

Chu Ming snorted coldly, and powerful spiritual power swept out, directing a strong sound transmission to this strange beast.

Hearing this voice, the strange animal suddenly raised its head, looked around in panic, and found that there was no one of its kind, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in its eyes.

In the end, the strange beast looked at Chu Ming, and asked with some doubts: "Is it you talking?"

Chu Ming chuckled, with a golden light shining between his brows, and responded, "Is there anyone else besides me?"

Now, this strange beast in the True Vessel Realm was really shocked.

The human being in front of him can speak the language of the orcs!

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