My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 16 Possessed by the Bar Essence (thanks to Black and White Wings)

In the conference room, everyone's eyes lit up when they saw Chu Ming's figure.

So young!

In the video, Chu Ming was wrapped so tightly that no one could see his true face and age.

I thought that the person who can spread such advanced exercises should be a middle-aged man with rich experience even if he is not an old man.

Unexpectedly, the visitor was so young, he looked like a high school student.

Chu Ming took a deep breath, sat down directly on the sofa at the door, and looked at everyone coldly.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, maintaining a cold expression, trying not to let others see that he was flustered.

All the people present were of extraordinary status, and their status should be similar to Mu Yuan's. With so many people staring at him together, to be honest, normal people would feel uncomfortable.

But Chu Ming knew his purpose of coming here, and he was going to negotiate next, so he must not lose his momentum.

Whether you can get more reputation points in the future depends on this wave.

Therefore, the tone must be high, never panic when things happen, and never be cowardly if you can fight.

So, the old god Chu Ming sat on the sofa, did not speak, and kept silent.

At this time, whoever speaks first will be weak.

In order to prevent his eyes from wandering, Chu Ming kept staring at a world map on the opposite wall, his eyes were firm and arrogant.

Finally, Ma Tianqi's laughter broke the embarrassment of the scene. He leaned back on the sofa and said with a smile, "You are Chu Ming. Nice to meet you."

"How happy?"

Chu Ming asked in a serious manner, and his words were astonishing.

Ma Tianqi: "..."

Sure enough, he came from an extraordinary background, and his speaking brain circuits are different.

Ma Tianqi smiled awkwardly, but she couldn't get angry, and continued to ask: "I heard that you posted the exercise of ancient martial arts training on the Internet, why do you have such an idea?"

Hearing this, Chu Ming regained his energy immediately. He brewed his emotions, tried to keep his expression deep, and responded:

"I have a dream, I want to become a generation of literary giants, and write a novel to testify to the Taoism.

However, just after publishing a chapter, it was eaten by the hateful crab beast, what a pity!

Therefore, I made adjustments in my life, and wanted to become a generation of Internet celebrity UP masters, and dominate the Internet celebrity world.

However, it was eaten by the hateful crab beast again.

Why is God so unfair?

Is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?

Who will give me an explanation? "

Speaking of excitement, Chu Ming slapped the table and stood up, then turned around pretending to be unintentional, and his eyes fell on the projector in front of him.

"Huh? Isn't this a video of me being eaten by a river crab beast? Why did it appear here?"

After finishing speaking, Chu Ming hurried forward two steps, snatched the encrypted file from one of them, and shouted hoarsely: "Isn't this the novel I posted on the Internet? Why did it appear here?"

"Could it be that you are that group of hateful crab beasts?"

Chu Ming looked sad, his eyes were cracked, and he cried out in pain.

Seeing Chu Ming's appearance, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

What the hell is this?

Xia Wei, who was always by Chu Ming's side, couldn't help but have black lines all over his head. He really wanted to shout: "Old iron, the show is over!"

Mu Yuan is also a little unclear, so, wasn't he quite honest yesterday? I feel like a person who communicates well, why did he become like this today!

Ma Tianqi laughed dryly, and said: "Don't get excited, there may be some misunderstanding here."

Chu Ming's face was dark, and he didn't continue to swear.

He knew that just now was just setting up the atmosphere, and the next step was the key point.

On the way here, Chu Ming had already analyzed it.

The other party mobilized the crowd to call him over,

It is nothing more than wanting to obtain the complete exercises of ancient martial arts training.

The opponents of the first level and the second level have already obtained it. After learning about the exquisiteness of the ancient martial arts, they will definitely try their best to obtain the following exercises.

And this is the basis for Chu Ming to negotiate with the other party.

Chu Ming was like a mirror in his heart, as long as he clings to the exercises behind, the other party has to offer him like a god.

If you hand over all the exercises to the other party, then you are really finished.

Rabbits are cooked to death, dogs are cooked, birds are hidden, bridges are demolished when crossing rivers, people leave for tea, donkeys are killed, men steal women and prostitutes...

Anyway, I can't give it.

Besides, Chu Ming only got the third-level exercises now, and to get the fourth-level exercises, he needs to complete the tasks given by the ancient martial arts system.

Ever since he had figured out the rules of the ancient martial arts system, Chu Ming did not intend to donate the remaining exercises for free.

If such a precious thing is given to others for free, wouldn't my own advantages be lost?

Ma Tianqi seemed to have a good temper, and said with a smile at this time: "Actually, there is a reason for us to do this, and you also know that if ancient martial arts spread, it will have a certain impact on social security, and if they are obtained by criminals, the consequences will be disastrous. "

Chu Ming nodded noncommittally, and said, "Although I understand your actions, it is undeniable that you have destroyed my dream."

Ma Tianqi couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, because of his relatively good temper, he really wanted to complain, why does this guy talk about dreams?

We are all grown-ups, so there are so many dreams.

Is it bad to accept reality?

However, Ma Tianqi still wanted to get the following exercises from Chu Ming, so she asked patiently: "I admit that our approach is a bit arbitrary, so how about we can compensate you accordingly, please make a price !"

Hearing this, Chu Ming's eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "That's it, since that's the case, then I won't be hypocritical. If you pay me 10 million yuan for a chapter of novels and a video, you won't refuse, right?"

Hearing this, everyone's complexion turned black.

Why don't you go grab it, you bastard?

Ma Tianqi also twitched the corner of his mouth, and his eyelids couldn't help but twitch wildly.

How dare this bastard open his mouth.

How much is the quarterly funding of the Guwu Research Institute? It costs 10 million to open your mouth, why don't you grab it?

Ma Tianqi took a deep breath, tried to suppress the anger in her heart, and said after pondering for a moment: "How about we pay you five million for the first two levels of exercises?"

"make a deal!"

Chu Ming slapped his thigh and stood up, gritted his teeth and said, "Hey, if you suffer a little, you will suffer a little, that's the deal."

Ma Tianqi: "???"

Well, that's too much.

It's all posted on the Internet, in fact, I shouldn't give a penny.

However, Ma Tianqi could only endure it for the sake of the following exercises.

He rubbed the center of his brows lightly, and asked, "So, what about the rest of the exercises?"

Chu Ming pretended to be stunned, and said, "The rest of the exercises? What exercises?"

Ma Tianqi's complexion changed, and he said, "Ancient martial art training, didn't you just reach the second floor? Where's the one behind?"

"It's gone? This exercise has only two levels." Chu Ming spoke nonsense in a serious manner.

Ma Tianqi: "..."

Ma Tianqi sat down clutching her heart, sitting on the sofa with a tired expression, feeling a little suffocated.

Seeing this scene, everyone was furious.

Director Ma is about to have a heart attack from this bastard!

A slender middle-aged man stood up suddenly, walked in front of Chu Ming angrily, patted the table and said, "Be careful what you say, do you know who the person in front of you is?"

Chu Ming narrowed his eyes immediately, and said in a cold voice: "What are you, do you know who I am?"

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