My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 174: Beastmaster Devouring Breakthrough

On the vast African prairie, a group of lions was besieged by strange beasts, stuck by a small river and unable to escape.

This is a huge group of fifteen adult lions, and it has always been the overlord of the grassland.

But now, they are surrounded by groups of strange beasts, weak and helpless like a flock of sheep.

"Is this the most powerful creature on Earth?"

A strange beast of the True Pulse Realm with its whole body darkened asked through a voice to its companion.

It is the Darkscale Beastmaster, and after the Crypt Beastmaster leaves, it will be in charge here.

The strange beast next to him said: "The creatures here are really too weak, and their strength is not even comparable to the lowest-level orc members of our Wanku Ancient Cave."

"Didn't the king say that the overlord here is human? But I feel that human is not strong."

"Yeah, when I ate those humans, their struggles seemed extremely weak. How did they dominate the world?"

"I heard that those humans have weapons, especially mushroom bombs, which are very powerful."

"Listen to them, and be sure of the reasons those defeated guys gave themselves. How could the mushrooms explode? A bunch of idiots."

"That's right, this time we'll take over the entire world, and let those idiots take a good look at it then."

Several of the Crypt Beastmaster's right-hand men were chatting one after another, silently waiting for the Crypt Beastmaster's return.

Until the Crypt Beastmaster returns, they will not act rashly.

Suddenly, a huge beast suddenly raised its head, and the tentacles on its forehead began to vibrate at high speed, as if it had received some signal.

At the same time, the quasi-beast king of Darkscale also raised his head, receiving the signal from afar.

"The most powerful people have appeared in the human camp. The Dry Mountain Beastmaster, Giant Tailed Beastmaster, and Crypt Beastmaster died in battle one after another. If you want to survive, quickly evacuate the earth and return to the Chihuang Continent!"

An extremely strong wave of energy swept across the entire African prairie, and all the tens of millions of strange beasts got the news.

Above that energy, the group of alien beasts sensed the breath of the Beastmaster, which was a warning from the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster.

While the darkscale quasi-beastmaster was shocked,

A signal was quickly sent to the north.

The tentacles above its forehead trembled at high speed, connecting to the Crypt Beast King in one direction.

Whether it is true or not, just ask.

However, the Crypt Beastmaster made no response.

"Could it be that the Crypt Beast King was really killed?"

The dark-scaled quasi-beastmaster was shocked, and panicked for a while.

As the right-hand man of the Crypt Beast King, it certainly knows what the Crypt Beast King is going to do.

When the Crypt Beastmaster left, he had said that it was going to the north to support the Hanshan Beastmaster, and together with the other three Beastmasters, they would kill the ancient martial ancestors of humans.

Now, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster has withdrawn urgently, and the other three Beastmasters have all lost contact.

Could it be that the three major beast kings were all killed?

This is too exaggerated, isn't the ancient martial ancestor of human beings so strong?

Next to it, the burly beast asked the dark-scaled quasi-beastmaster, "What should we do now?"

The dark-scaled quasi-beastmaster really wanted to scold the other party, how could I know what to do?

However, from the killing of the Crypt Beast King, it saw a special opportunity.

The dark-scale quasi-beastmaster has been stuck on the edge of the vacating realm for many years, and has never dared to break through.

Now that the Crypt Beast King is dead, can he break through to the Vault Realm openly?

When the time comes, he will no longer be a quasi-beastmaster, but a real beastmaster.

Thinking of this, the dark-scaled quasi-beastmaster thought a little, and a bold idea came to his mind.

The three major beast kings died in battle, leaving only the real beast king of the Southern Wilderness.

If they returned to their own world at this time, the other party might want to unify the entire frontier and not allow a new beast king to appear.

That being the case, then I will break through on the earth, and return to my own world after becoming the Beastmaster of the Soaring Realm.

At that time, even if the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster is angry, he can't help himself.

As a result, the dark-scaled quasi-beastmaster was shocked, and immediately let out a roar that shook the sky.

With a sudden pounce, it threw the burly beast beside it to the ground, and bit off the other's neck in one bite.

The strange beast didn't expect that its partner would suddenly attack him, and before he could react, it was already dead.

"Gudong Gudong!"

The dark-scaled quasi-beastmaster crazily devoured his companion's natal essence and blood, and absorbed abundant energy into its body, making its momentum rise steadily.

The dark scale quasi-beastmaster is devouring the energy of his companions!

However, to break through to the soaring realm, a strange beast does not have enough energy, and it has to continue hunting and devouring.

Next to it, many strange beasts showed terrified expressions when they saw the dark-scaled quasi-beastmaster's sudden attack.

When they saw the dark-scaled quasi-beast king devouring the blood essence of their companions, they were suddenly stunned.

It turns out that the darkscale quasi-beastmaster is breaking through!

Upon learning of this situation, all the different beasts fled the scene one after another, frantically fleeing into the distance.

The breakthrough of alien beasts is a very common thing. In addition to normal breakthroughs, more breakthroughs are devouring breakthroughs.

The companions devour each other, and the winner gets all the energy, thus improving his strength.

Under the pressure of the beast king, ordinary beasts dare not break through.

Because the beast king is worried that other beasts will threaten his status after breaking through, he will kill most of the quasi-beast kings in advance.

Like the dark-scale quasi-beast king, they are obedient enough and obedient enough, and the general beast king will keep them.

But now, as soon as the news of the death of the Crypt Beastmaster came, it couldn't wait to start its breakthrough.

The alien beasts who heard the news ran away one after another, trying to stay away from the dark-scaled quasi-beastmaster.

The appearance of every beast king will be accompanied by a bloodbath.

Wherever the Beastmaster passed, all that remained were shriveled bones.

Kill all the way, conquer all the way.

Before the darkscale quasi-beastmaster completes the breakthrough, it is very dangerous for any strange beast.

So, staying away from it is the best option.

At the same time, on a small passenger plane, Chu Ming has been paying attention to the dynamics of the strange beasts on the African continent, and his whole heart is tugged together.

After a flight of more than ten hours, by the time he reaches the African continent, all the strange beasts there may have disappeared.

However, according to the real-time dynamic data sent by Xiaoya, although the alien beasts on the African continent were in a mess, they did not leave through the space channel.

As long as it doesn't leave the earth, it's a good thing.

Something else should have happened that caused chaos among the alien beast herd there.

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, it doesn't matter to Chu Ming.

The important thing is, strange beast, don't run away!

There are still 666 alien beasts in the true vein state to complete the task. He really doesn't want to go deep into the alien world again for the sake of these hundreds of alien beasts.

Small airliners fly at the highest speed, far exceeding ordinary civil aviation.

But for Chu Ming, it was still too slow.

"Forget it, I'll go there by myself!"

Chu Ming murmured, said a few words to the crew, and jumped out of the escape window.

The next moment, the sword light under Chu Ming's feet flashed, and his body shot forward like a meteor.

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