My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 183 Returning My Skills

Men generally have a common topic, that is women.

When Jiang Peng mentioned that he had met a beautiful girl, the scene suddenly became uncontrollable.

Wang Zhenyu asked with a look of surprise: "Really, Pengzi, you said last time that you caught another beautiful girl and gave it to me!"

Wang Zhenyu looked at Jiang Peng with burning eyes. According to the previous agreement between the two, if Jiang Peng met a beautiful girl again, he would give priority to introducing her to the former.

However, the agreement between people like them is generally worthless.

Jiang Peng gave a smirk and said, "Yes, that's what I originally planned, but this time this girl is very special and I like it very much, so I'm sorry, I will definitely do it next time."

"I don't care about you, uncle, you said the same thing last time." Wang Zhenyu said indignantly.

Jiang Peng spread his hands and said, "I can't help it. In fact, every girl has its own characteristics. I really want to know more about them."

"Go away, friends are gone."

"Don't, this is the last time. Next time we meet, I will leave it to you first."

"Speed ​​up!"


In the private room, as the topic unfolded, the atmosphere became heated again.

Seeing Jiang Peng pretending to be aggressive, Sun Fengliang and Fan Zixin were immediately unhappy.

Isn't it just picking up girls, who wouldn't?

As long as they are beautiful girls who are targeted by them, few people can escape their clutches.

However, this kind of thing is done in private, I didn't expect that bastard Jiang Peng to blow it up.

In the end, Li Huaming couldn't stand it any longer. He immediately took out his mobile phone and started calling the pretty girl he knew.

Now the time is just right, he wants to ask some beautiful girls out to play.

"Let's go, let's all sing along with brother, no one should go back tonight."

Li Huaming was so arrogant, he drank a little too much, and he was a little fluttering when he stood up and walked.


It's been a long time since everyone went to relax, and the spirits tonight are quite good.

While speaking, the five of them opened the door of the private room and walked towards the gate.

The following activities must be refreshing.

However, after walking a few steps, Li Huaming, who was at the front, was stunned.

In front of a table opposite the private room, there was a young man in Shuguang battle uniform, sitting there with a smile, holding a cup of fragrant tea in his hand, sipping carefully.

"Chu Ming!"

Li Huaming felt as if he had seen a ghost, his whole body trembled with fright, and he was half sober in an instant.

The people behind were going down the stairs when Li Huaming in front stopped suddenly, and the people behind bumped into him immediately.

"Fuck me, can you walk, do you know if you got rear-ended?"

Jiang Peng bypassed Li Huaming cursingly, and continued to walk forward.

However, when he saw Chu Ming sitting across from him, he was also stunned.

Jiang Peng's body was a little fat, he stopped suddenly, and the corridor was blocked immediately.

The people behind didn't know what happened, and immediately burst into a burst of foul language, scolding the two people who blocked the way severely.

Just when the few people behind were thinking about forcing their way out, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"My friends, long time no see."

Hearing this voice, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their expressions changed drastically as if they had seen a ghost.

"This is, Chu Ming?"

Wang Zhenyu, Sun Fengliang, and Fan Zixin were taken aback. They hurriedly looked forward and saw Chu Ming sitting on the opposite table.

Everyone was shocked at first, but soon showed great joy.

This is, Chu Ming came to play with everyone again?

Hey, that's great.

I remember not long ago, when Chu Ming came to play with everyone, he was ruthlessly laughed at by everyone, and then drove away.

Now that the other party is back, this time nothing can drive the other party away.

"Hey, Chu Ming, my good brother, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Fan Zixin had the best relationship with Chu Ming before, and now he walked towards Chu Ming with a smile, and stretched out his arms to give him a bear hug.

However, Chu Ming held the tea in one hand and had no intention of getting up.

Until the other party walked two meters away from him, the aura in Chu Ming's body shook, and it immediately turned into a powerful force, blocking the other party out.

Fan Zixin staggered back two steps, feeling that something was wrong.

Could it be that the other party came here to reconcile with everyone?

Since you don't want to reconcile, what does it mean to stop everyone?

Chu Ming took a sip of tea, then gently put the teacup on the table, and said calmly, "Don't think too much, everyone. I came here to find you mainly to get something back."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

retrieve something?


Fan Zixin laughed dryly and asked, "What do you want to get? I don't remember you having anything with us?"

Everyone laughed immediately.

They really couldn't remember what Chu Ming had left here.

Chu Ming did not answer their questions directly, but asked calmly: "Do you know that my current identity is Shuguang Guwu Patriarch?"

The five people looked at each other, nodded slightly immediately, and said: "Of course I know, you are now the strongest in the entire Chinese ancient martial arts world, the ancestor of ancient martial arts."

Hearing this, Chu Ming couldn't help but nodded slightly, and said, "Then do you know that the ancient martial arts practiced by the people of Huaxia is issued by the ancient martial ancestors?"

The five of them didn't know what Chu Ming wanted to say, so they could only nod along.

Chu Ming picked up the teacup again, took a sip, and continued: "I see that you are full of energy and blood, and everyone looks good. You should have practiced the ancient martial arts, right?"

The five of them were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe, feeling that something bad was about to happen.

"Are you all seventh-rank warriors?" Chu Ming asked.

The five nodded at the same time.

"Have you all practiced ancient martial arts training?" Chu Ming continued to ask.

The five nodded again.

At this moment, Chu Ming suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, the case is solved. The ancient martial arts training technique I lost was stolen by you, so I found you."

Five people:"???"

What the hell is being stolen?

Isn't it posted online?

Everyone can cultivate, so why do you become a thief when you come to our place?

Chu Ming put the teacup on the table, then slowly stood up, with a calm look, and said:

"For the sake of our previous acquaintance, I will not call the police. You just return the stolen ancient martial arts to me."

Hearing Chu Ming's words, everyone suddenly became confused.

Give it back to you, why?

There is something wrong with Chu Ming who is riding a horse!

Chu Ming didn't care about everyone's surprised expressions at all. At this time, the golden light on the fingertips was condensed, and the golden finger turned into a special carving knife.

"Come on, you first, don't move around, if you hurt your brain and become an idiot, don't blame me!"

Chu Ming looked at Jiang Peng calmly, and his voice became cold, without any human emotion.

Jiang Peng was taken aback immediately.

He almost exclaimed.

Chu Ming actually wanted to use his own brain!

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