My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 194 Upgrade the System Mall

[Ding, it is detected that the host has reached the peak of the fourth-rank True Pulse Realm, and the system task is activated. 】

【Mission: Please kill and kill one hundred beast masters in the sky-hunting realm within three days. 】

[Current task progress: 0100]

[The remaining time of the current mission: 2 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes]

[Task Reward: The fifth level of the God Demon Body Refining Technique. 】

[Punishment for failure: Terminate the mission, and the road to ancient martial arts will stop. 】

Seeing the information prompt given by the Guwu system, Chu Ming's expression changed.

Because the failure penalty has finally changed.

Chu Ming remembered very clearly that the punishment for failing the previous mission was that the system had to abandon him, and then turn himself into a fool, idiot, or madman.

Now it turned out to be the end of the mission, and the road to ancient martial arts stopped.

In other words, even if you can't complete the task, your strength can be preserved, at most you can't move forward.

Why is the system so kind this time?

Could it be that the task is too difficult to complete?

Thinking of this, Chu Ming's heart became vigilant.

You know, this time the task is to kill a hundred beast kings in the sky.

The strength of the Beastmaster in the Soaring Realm is far from comparable to that of the Alien Beast in the True Vein Realm.

With Chu Ming's current strength, he would have no problem facing the Beastmaster in the Soaring Realm alone, but if he met a group of them, he might be in danger.

Now, the news came that the four continents were being attacked by alien beasts, but Chu Ming still didn't know the real situation of the alien beasts.

The information I have now is that a nine-tailed fox has appeared in the group of alien beasts, all of them are extremely powerful, and they are suspected to be the king of beasts in the sky.

Theoretically, the major beast kings have just been killed by themselves for a round. Whether it is the Golden Grassland or other frontier areas, there are no too powerful beasts.

After all, the strongest beast is the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster.


The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster who occupied South America back then ran so simply, he must have been scared out of his wits, and it is impossible to dare to provoke the earthlings again in a short time.

The only explanation is that they have powerful reinforcements.

The Nine-Tailed Fox in the information is probably the reinforcement of the alien beast group's attack.

Where could these reinforcements come from?

Sanctuary of course!

Chu Ming didn't know much about the word sanctuary, only that it was a place that countless strange beasts admired.

If a nine-tailed fox can be captured, it is estimated that the situation in the sanctuary can be found out.

Chu Ming was thinking silently in his mind that the mission required him to kill a hundred strange beasts in the Void Realm, and this mission must be completed.

The key point is that with Chu Ming's current strength, he can only hunt the alien beasts in the sky alone. If he is surrounded by groups of alien beasts in the sky, it is probably over.

At this moment, Chu Ming suddenly understood the punishment of the system.

In fact, if the system task cannot be completed, Chu Ming will not even have the chance to become a fool, because he will be killed by the strange beast directly.

Of course, Chu Ming can also skip the task and survive the three days, and the task will automatically fail.

In this way, he can save his own life.

What can be lost is the opportunity to continue to become stronger.

With the alien beasts from the Sanctuary coming to the frontier, the earth has become more and more dangerous.

If I can't continue to become stronger, I will die sooner or later when more powerful beasts come here.

Therefore, in order to survive, you can only continue to do tasks.

No matter how difficult it is.

Just as Chu Ming was thinking secretly, Xiao Ya stepped forward and asked Chu Ming, "Boss, about the attack on the four continents, should we go to the rescue?"

Hearing Chu Ming's question, Xu Mingliang, Chu Tiankuo, Cheng Ergang, Yu Chengfu and others stepped forward one after another, with expressions of hope on their faces.

Last time, Chu Ming took Feng Wuqing, Wu Yazi, and Qi Shenglong out to suppress beasts and achieved great success, and the other three also gained a lot of fame.

The three became famous with Chu Ming and were admired by people all over the world.

They also wanted to go out to fight with Chu Ming, go out and reap a wave of reputation and come back.

Chu Ming looked at the distance leisurely, and responded calmly: "Don't go, wait for the strange beast to come!"

This time the situation is completely different from the last time.

Although there were a lot of alien beasts last time, most of them were low-level alien beasts, which existed like ants in Chu Ming's eyes.

No matter how many ants there were, they could not threaten his life.

This time, they are facing the mighty Nine-Tailed Fox Clan. They are not only powerful, but also numerous in number.

Chu Ming would not act rashly until he was absolutely sure.

For the current plan, we must find a way to improve our strength.

"You continue to practice, practice the exercises I passed on to you as soon as possible, and then you will have the power to protect the earth."

Chu Ming said in a solemn voice.

Before the words fell, Chu Ming rushed out in one step and directly entered the defensive fortress.

He wants to find a place where no one is around, enter the system mall, and exchange for some things that can enhance his own strength.

Seeing Chu Ming leave, the others returned to their posts one after another, working and practicing, and everything returned to normal.

As if nothing had happened.

However, everyone knows that the coming days will definitely not be peaceful, and there is already a feeling that the mountains and rains are about to come.

In the room of the fortress, Chu Ming sat on a wooden chair, his expression became extremely dignified.

Chu Ming is now the pinnacle of the fourth grade of True Vein Realm. Although his physical strength exceeds that of martial artists of the same level, there is still a big gap between him and Tengkong Realm.

What's more, the enemy is a strange beast known for its physical strength.

The only thing Chu Ming can rely on is endless skill and powerful martial arts. The combination of the two allows him to explode with strength far beyond the sky.

However, his physical strength is indeed only the fourth grade of True Vein, and he may be gone with the claws of the Beastmaster of the Soaring Realm.

Although Chu Ming has a lot of martial arts for body protection, but his own strength is not strong enough, and the confidence in his heart is not enough.

Fortunately, Chu Ming still has extremely strong mental strength, which greatly increased his confidence.

Now Chu Ming's only hope is to complete the system tasks as soon as possible, so that he can get the follow-up skills of the God and Demon Body Refining Technique, so as to further strengthen his physical strength.

Until he becomes a real strong man in the sky.

"There are so many reputation points!"

Just entering the system mall, Chu Ming saw a string of extremely long numbers. The prestige value accumulated during this period has completely become an astronomical figure.

Chu Ming didn't expect that he would gain so many reputation points just by doing some tricks on the eighth-level ancient martial arts body training technique.

It seems that many people are cultivating day and night, constantly providing themselves with reputation points.

Just when Chu Ming was full of emotions, a mechanical system sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

【Ding! It is detected that the reputation value of the host has exceeded 100 billion, and the system store can be upgraded by obtaining the fairy store permission. 】

[Upgrading the system mall requires 100 billion reputation points, do you want to upgrade? 】

Hearing the system prompt, Chu Ming was stunned.

Upgrading the system mall needs to consume 100 billion reputation points?

Just adding a fairy shop authority, it costs so much reputation.

Can it be exchanged for immortal spells and immortal artifacts?

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