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Chapter 199: The Heavenly Palm of the Great Desolation Prisoner

Chu Ming snorted coldly, ready to perform transposition again.

However, when he turned around, he found that the only remaining two nine-tailed foxes had gone away in an instant, beyond the casting distance of the teleportation spell.

not good!

Chu Ming's expression changed in shock.

Transformation needs to capture the opponent's aura to complete it. Now, the two nine-tailed foxes have all escaped, and he cannot escape the attack of the nine-tailed fox king with the help of transformation.

At this moment, Chu Ming's eyebrows glowed, and his majestic spiritual power spread wildly in all directions.

He wants to find a living creature in the shortest possible time, and then use teleportation to swap himself out.

There is no way, the Nine-Tailed Fox King's attack power is too strong, and his small body, which is at the peak of the fourth-rank True Vein Realm, can't block any blow from the opponent.

At this moment, Chu Ming's eyes lit up.

Eight hundred meters away, an earthworm was struggling in the soil.

It should be that the battle between himself and the Nine-Tailed Fox King just now raised the turf, exposing many earthworms to the air.

At this time, Chu Ming didn't have time to think too much, and directly performed the shape-shifting technique on the earthworm.

In an instant, the special flavor reappeared, and Chu Ming disappeared in a flash.

Where he was originally, a fat earthworm was lying on the ground, and it was still looking for a soil hole to drill into the ground.

However, what this earthworm couldn't figure out was that the ground was still tender and tender just now, why it suddenly hardened?


The claw shadow descended from the sky, and with a bang, it grabbed the place and turned it upside down.

The earthworm was instantly buried under the thick soil and became the fertilizer of the earth on the spot.

As soon as the Nine-Tailed Fox King shot down, he was furious. It felt that this human kid was too tough, slippery, and very difficult to deal with.

Chu Ming also fired a real fire at this time.

The task of the system is to kill one hundred alien beasts in the sky. Although three nine-tailed foxes have been killed so far,

But only two ends can be counted on oneself.

In other words, Chu Ming only killed two flying-level alien beasts now.

"We must do our best, otherwise, this task will not be completed at all."

Chu Ming roared in his heart, and a stern look appeared in his eyes.

The other party keeps attacking him, and he should let the other party taste his strength.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming's internal energy exploded immediately, and endless energy gathered crazily towards his right palm.

"The palm of the wild prisoner!"

Chu Ming roared loudly, and slapped his right palm towards the Nine-Tailed Fox King.

Suddenly, the energy in the sky surged, and a huge golden palm print was formed outside the sky.

That's right, it was formed outside the sky.

If viewed from outer space, the location of this palm formation has far exceeded the atmosphere, forming such a terrifying palm directly from outside the sky.

In an instant, the golden palm print slammed down.

During the fall, the golden palm prints rubbed against the atmosphere violently, producing a series of flames, as if a super huge palm-shaped meteorite was falling crazily towards the golden grassland.

At this moment, the Nine-Tailed Fox King's complexion changed drastically, and his heart was filled with horror.

What kind of talent skill is this?

What kind of monster is this kind of upright human being? Why are there so many natural skills?

Is it a family favored by God?

Before he had time to think about it, the Nine-Tailed Fox King had already given up the idea of ​​attacking the Earthlings.

It originally hid itself to escape the Buzhou war, and there was no need to ruin the bright future of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan for some irrelevant low-level orcs.

Thinking of this, the Nine-Tailed Fox King fled frantically into the distance.

It decided to leave here with its own group, and never come to fight with this kind of upright human being.

In the view of the Nine-Tailed Fox King, it suffered such a big setback after only fighting one earthling.

Who knows if there are more powerful existences on the earth?

At this moment, the two nine-tailed foxes that had just escaped had returned to help the nine-tailed fox king. One of the nine-tailed foxes was still bleeding from its tail, leaving only six tails.

When the Nine-Tailed Fox King saw the two returning, he immediately roared, "Hurry up, get out of here!"

They wanted to run, but Chu Ming didn't stop them.

Because Chu Ming knew that they couldn't escape at all!

The Great Wild Prisoner's Palm has been activated, and the air mechanism has firmly locked on to the Nine-Tailed Fox King. No matter where the opponent goes, the huge golden palm print will follow.

If the other beasts were far enough away from the Nine-Tailed Fox King, they might still have a chance to survive.

If you stay with the Nine-Tailed Fox King, you will definitely die!

Chu Ming trembled all over, like sifting chaff, his body was trembling, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

There is no way, although the Great Desolation Prisoner's Heavenly Palm is powerful, it consumes too much energy.

With this blow, Chu Ming's body was instantly drained of thousands of years of skill.

That is to say, Chu Ming has enough skill in his body. If he was replaced by an ordinary warrior, if he used this palm forcefully, he might be sucked into doing it alone.

Most of Chu Ming's skills are exchanged from the system mall with reputation points, so there is no need to worry too much.

At this time, his mental power was highly concentrated, and he carefully sensed the Great Desolate Prisoner's Palm falling from the sky.

The Great Wilderness Prisoner's Palm is different from the Tathagata God's Palm.

Tathagata Palm is more controllable. During the shooting process, Chu Ming can control the whole process, and can even forcefully cancel it halfway through the shooting.

But the Great Wild Prisoner's Palm is different. Once the skills are successfully condensed, it is impossible to stop them.

Unless another palm is played, the strength of the two can be offset.

Otherwise there is no way to solve this problem.

Just like now, the palm of the Great Desolation Prisoner descended from the sky, and as the Nine-Tailed Fox King fled wildly, the golden palm print constantly adjusted its position in the sky, speeding up and shooting towards the opponent.

The feeling brought to the Nine-Tailed Fox King is that no matter how it escapes, every time it raises its head, the huge palm print is still above its head.


The Nine-Tailed Fox King yelled frantically and ran faster and faster, breaking through the sound barrier far away, knocking out a long and thin white mark in the space.

The other two Nine-Tailed Fox members chased after them frantically, and they also felt the threat above their heads.

However, the habit developed over the years is that when in danger, one must follow up with the king, only by following the king can the danger be saved.

In the distance, the members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan who were originally stationed and gathered together sensed the strangeness of the King, and immediately roared and rushed towards the King.

Hundreds of nine-tailed foxes erupted at the same time with their tyrannical aura, trying to deter the invading enemy.

To be able to force his king back, the comer must be very powerful.

However, many members of the nine-tailed fox clan did not realize where the enemy was.

That being the case, then catch up with the king as soon as possible and obey the command of the king.

The Nine-Tailed Fox King, who was fleeing frantically, sensed the aura of his clansmen, stopped his steps immediately, and let out a roar that shook the sky.

"Don't come here!"

However, the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan does not have the tentacles of the gluttonous subspecies, so it cannot transmit sound over long distances.

What's more, the running speed of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan has already exceeded the speed of sound, and the members of the Fox Clan have already run over before the sound reaches them.

It wasn't until this moment that the members of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan who had just caught up felt the tremendous pressure from above their heads.

They stopped and raised their heads one after another, a golden light came into their eyes, and the strong pressure came from that golden light.

Because the golden palm print is too big, if you look up now, you can only see a piece of golden light, and you can't tell that it is a hand print.

The Nine-Tailed Fox King let out a stern roar, and said to himself, "It's over!"

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