My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 201 Global Unification

On the battlefield, the three veterans of the Dragon Martial Regiment all looked overjoyed.

Chu Ming agreed to pass Cloud Pai Zhang, Fengshen Leg and Frost Fist to the three of them, which made them very happy.

You must know that these three martial arts can be used in combination, and the combined attack power will become extremely powerful.

This type of exercise can not only increase the attack power of the three, but also increase the relationship between the three old brothers.

It can be said to serve multiple purposes.

A battle came to an end, and when the Dawn soldiers rushed over, they could only clean up the battlefield.

It is worth mentioning that the bodies of three nine-tailed foxes were well preserved at the scene, and the others were all turned into meat sauce by Chu Ming.

Chu Ming picked up the huge nine-tailed fox corpse and looked at it for a long time, but he didn't find anything of special value on them.

The tentacles on the heads of ordinary beasts can also be used as antennas, but the majestic nine-tailed fox is useless.

Bad review!

However, Xiao Ya, Fan Mengmeng, Murong Xue and others stared at the bodies of the three nine-tailed foxes, their bright eyes kept shining.

Such a good fur, take it back and process it a little bit, it will be a super fashionable fox fur coat.

If you make a long skirt with such pure white fox fur, you will be the most dazzling star no matter where you go in the future.

And its nine fiery red tails, if made into a big fur collar, it must be extremely comfortable.

Seeing the performance of the three women, Chu Ming's heart suddenly brightened.

Hey, Wu Xi has not come out of seclusion, after she leaves the seclusion, give her a fox fur dress, she will definitely like it.

Also, the last time I went to the dry sea and mountain desert in the north, I was also very cold.

If these fox skins were used for a great cloak, it should be suitable.

Therefore, Chu Ming already had a solution for the corpses of the three nine-tailed foxes, and immediately arranged for someone to transport them away and hand them over to professional people for disposal.

It is worth mentioning that the claws of the nine-tailed fox are very extraordinary. I don't know if their sharp claws can be used as weapons to activate the tearing ability.

It would be great if the opponent's original talent skills could be triggered.

At that time, Chu Ming will do whatever it takes to turn over the huge ruins in front of him, dig out all the nine-tailed foxes that have been photographed into meat, and then collect the fox paws.

If you think about it carefully, the probability of this is still very high.

You must know that the tentacles on the foreheads of the local exotic animals actually retain their own innate skills.

Otherwise, it is impossible for human beings to make a new type of communicator that can be transmitted over long distances with the help of the other party's tentacles.

If this is the case, there is still a great possibility that the fox's paw will retain the tearing ability.

After thinking for a while, Chu Ming decided to arrange for someone to clean up the battlefield.

In the end, the job fell on Xu Mingliang.

While collecting fox paws, if they encounter relatively complete fox fur, they can also collect it together and use it to make some clothes.

After all, the Nine-Tailed Foxes are the Beastmasters of the Soaring Realm. Their fur looks glamorous, but they are actually extremely defensive.

Wearing this kind of clothes, ordinary missile attacks cannot break through the defense of this kind of clothes.

When Chu Ming returned to the defensive fortress, he was immediately overwhelmed by the overwhelming messages for help.

Messages for help from all over the world flew over one after another.

Although Chu Ming has made it clear that he will no longer help foreign forces guard the space channel.

However, the major ancient martial arts organizations abroad have been frightened by the ferocity of the nine-tailed fox. At this time, no one dares to go to the defensive fortress on the other side of the space passage.

In fact, the concerns of major organizations are still necessary.

If Chu Ming hadn't wiped out the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan with one blow, when the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan figured out the bottom line of human beings, they might rush directly into the earth from the various space channels.

With the current strength of the earthlings, meeting such a large number of soaring-level beast kings can definitely be called a catastrophe.

In the end, it was Qiu Zhipeng, head of the Huaxia Corps, who found Chu Ming.

Qiu Zhipeng said earnestly to Chu Mingyu: "I know that you were very sad when the continents asked the Shuguang Organization to withdraw its troops.

However, our earth is a community with a shared future.

If the defenses of other continents are broken by alien beasts, what's the use of China's defense no matter how good it is?

At that time, alien beasts have occupied all continents, and our Huaxia will face enemies from all directions.

So, if you can, help them out. "

Hearing Qiu Zhipeng's words, Chu Ming thought it made sense.

He didn't let the members of the Shuguang organization go out to support before, mainly because he was worried that the Nine-tailed Fox Clan would launch a fatal attack on the Shuguang fighters.

Now, the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan is almost completely wiped out, and there will not be much threat outside the space passages on all continents in a short time.

Thinking about it this way, this is a good time to send troops.

Of course, Chu Ming is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He can also want the Shuguang soldiers to send troops, and all continents must agree to one condition.

That is, all countries in the world merged into China, everyone changed to Chinese nationality, learned Chinese cultural knowledge, spoke Chinese, and respected China.

The Shuguang organization only guards the leader of Huaxia. Wherever the territory of Huaxia spreads, the footsteps of the Shuguang fighters will reach there!

As soon as the news came out, people all over the world were in an uproar.

Although people all over the world yearn for Huaxia and wish to become Chinese, when the news actually came out, they still had a hard time accepting it.

If you agree to this condition, your own country will be gone in the future.

But if you don't agree to this condition, you may lose your country and life in the future.

After careful consideration, it seems that the request made by the Suguang Organization is not particularly unacceptable.

After a brief discussion, various countries sent announcements one after another, expressing their willingness to merge into the Huaxia Kingdom and become a subsidiary country of Huaxia from then on.

Once one party made an announcement, the other parties immediately rushed to issue an announcement to inform the whole world of the news, for fear that there would be no chance if it was too late.

In just half a day, the entire earth has been unified, and all of them have become the territory of China.

After hearing the news, Chu Ming immediately nodded in satisfaction.

Next, Chu Ming approached Qiu Zhipeng to discuss the next solution.

Chu Ming decided that Huaxia officials would send officials to various parts of the world to take over the supreme power there.

At the same time, the dawn fighters went to all continents, stationed at the space passages of each continent, and completed the construction of the unfinished defensive fortress.

Of course, the space channel in North America has been completely blown up, and the defense fortress built before has been blown up to nothing and needs to be rebuilt.

This time, Chu Ming's request was very simple.

The defensive fort is no longer equipped with thermal weapon turrets, and the defense force is completely completed by human fighters.

The biggest role of the defensive fortress is to serve as a bridgehead for human beings to enter other worlds.

Under Chu Ming's plan, in addition to the golden grassland, human beings will also build defensive fortresses in the Beast Forest, the barren woodland, the Wanku Ancient Cave, and the dry sea and mountain desert.

The Dawn Legion will use these locations as a springboard to radiate the entire alien world.

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