My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 203 Expansion to another world

The earth has been very lively these past few days. As all parts of the world have been taken over by China, all the people in the world have become Chinese citizens.

For the people of the world, it is beneficial to become a Chinese citizen.

The most obvious benefit is that you don't have to worry about alien beasts attacking you anymore.

Of course, what the people of the world are most concerned about is still the Ancient Martial Body Refining Technique, because after practicing the Ancient Martial Body Refining Technique, the native Chinese people have all become powerful.

Now that everyone is a citizen of China, practice should not be restricted, right?

It's a pity that the ancient martial arts body training technique exists for the blood, and non-Chinese pure blood cannot practice it.

Chu Ming was already prepared for this.

He arranged for people to print out many practice exercises in advance, and some of them are also heaven-level exercises, which can be provided to people of all ethnic groups for practice.

Of course, although these exercises are also heaven-level, the speed of practice cannot be compared with the ancient martial arts.

Ancient Martial Body Refining Technique is a system-exclusive exercise, as long as someone with Chinese blood can succeed in practicing it once.

However, ordinary heaven-level exercises are also very troublesome to practice. Not only do they have extremely strict requirements for aptitude, but there are also a lot of auxiliary materials for practice.

For the people of the world, their way of practicing now is similar to that of the previous ancient martial arts.

The only difference may be that most of the ancient martial arts sects are earth-level and mysterious-level exercises, while everyone is a heaven-level exercise as soon as they get started.

This can be regarded as the benefit that the people of the world get after joining Huaxia.

For this kind of practice, auxiliary materials are extremely precious.

For example, exotic animal ingredients with abundant energy.

For example, the rich aura of heaven and earth in the alien world.

The price of exotic animal ingredients is so high that most people can't afford it.

It seems that cultivating in other worlds has become a good choice.

It was at this time that a piece of news from the Dawn Organization caused an uproar all over the world.

"The ancestors of ancient martial arts wanted to reclaim the world on the golden grassland,

Now we are recruiting reclamation workers from all over the world to drive automated equipment and reclaim yellow fields in other worlds.

The working hours are eight hours a day, three shifts, board and lodging are provided, and wages are paid.

Those who are willing, please contact Suguang Logistics Department. "

As this news was released all over the world, the people of the world were boiling.

Everyone is worrying about not being able to practice in another world, no, this is the opportunity.

All of a sudden, there were a lot of applicants, and the number of applicants exceeded 100 million in just half a day.

Zhou Zhihao from the logistics department did not expect that so many people would go to another world to open up wasteland.

If Chu Ming hadn't made arrangements in advance, he might have panicked.

Chu Ming warned Zhou Zhihao at that time, no matter how many people want to enter the other world, don't stop them.

The world of the alien world is too vast, even if all the people on the earth enter the alien world, it will not appear too crowded.

You know, the area of ​​a golden grassland alone is as large as the upper half of China, not to mention the surrounding forests of beasts, barren forests, ancient caves of Wanku, dry seas, mountains and deserts.

The combined area of ​​these lands is already equal to the land area of ​​the earth.

You must know that these places are only the frontier areas of the Chihuang Continent, and there is still a wider space further inside.

And what Chu Ming wants to occupy is the frontier area of ​​the Scarlet Desolate Continent.

Zhou Zhihao from the logistics department urgently dispatched large-scale automated farm tools. The first task of people in the Golden Grassland was to reclaim wasteland, and countless cultivating machines were sent to the Golden Grassland.

However, compared with the hundreds of millions of reclamation workers, the number of tillage machines is far from enough.

Fortunately, everyone is a martial artist, and everyone has a lot of strength.

With one hoe per person, the speed of reclaiming cultivated land is also considerable.

More than 100 million people were divided into three shifts, and each shift worked eight hours, and the day and night shifts continued to cultivate.

Pang Quanyong of the Ministry of Infrastructure has laid out power grids throughout the Golden Grassland, and lights can be used at night.

As the scope of wasteland reclamation continues to expand, infrastructure such as power grids, roads, and housing has also spread.

In the depths of the Golden Grassland, Chu Ming took Wu Xi to inspect various strongholds.

Chu Ming was a little dissatisfied after seeing the strongholds in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, the barren woodland, the Wanku Ancient Cave, and the four borders of the dry sea, the mountain, and the desert.

There are quite a few Shuguang fighters in each stronghold, with 10,000 people stationed there.

However, there are too few masters.

Most of the Dawn Warriors are warriors between the first and third ranks of the True Vein Realm. They can deal with ordinary alien beasts, but they are definitely not enough to deal with high-level alien beasts.

If you encounter the Beastmaster of Soaring Realm, 10,000 people will probably have to confess here.

The most important thing is that the earthlings who reclaim the wasteland are inside the stronghold. Once the alien beast breaks through the defense line and rushes in, the loss will be great.

Therefore, in the strongholds in various places, there must be masters sitting in charge.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming naturally thought of those old friends again.

Well, the major leaders of the ancient martial arts sect.

Among them, some people are already strong in the soaring state, even if they have not stepped into the soaring state, they are generally around the ninth rank of the true pulse state.

Judging from the current situation, the leaders of the various sects are still very strong, at least stronger than the average Dawn Warrior.

Therefore, Chu Ming issued the Dawn Order to all sects:

All the Ancient Martial Arts Sects on Earth moved out of the Earth, and re-established their sects in another world. The location of the sect was designated by the Shuguang Organization.

After receiving this order, the disciples of the Gu Wu Sect almost cried.

What's the situation, how can you let me move again?

In fact, for the disciples of the ancient martial arts school, it is a good thing to go to another world to practice, because the density of heaven and earth aura in the other world is much greater than that of the earth.

The speed of cultivation in another world must far exceed that of the earth.

However, they instinctively felt that this matter was not simple, and that Gu Wu's patriarch might use them as spearmen again if he did so.

However, even though they were unwilling in every possible way, the major sects did not dare to disobey Chu Ming's order.

If the other party slaps his own sect, it will really lose everything.

As a result, the major sects took action one after another, bringing the classics and belongings of their respective sects, and moving towards the Huaxia Fortress.

They only hope that Gu Wu Patriarch can arrange a better place for their sect.

Wuyue Sword School, Shushan Sword School, Wuji Sword School, Worriless Sword School, Seven Heroes Sword School...

These already strong sects are all on Chu Ming's list at this time.

The Wuyue Sword Sect has a large number of people, and the members of the Five Great Sword Sects were arranged by Chu Ming in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, echoing the newly built Dawn Stronghold.

The Shushan Sword Sect was ravaged by Zhou Devil, so Chu Ming arranged people from the Shushan Sword Sect and the Martial Arts Sword Sect together, and stationed in the barren forest.

The Worriless Sword Sect was stationed in Wanku Ancient Cave, and the Seven Heroes Sword Sect was stationed in the Dry Sea Mountain Desert.

In addition, other sects, large and small, on the earth were all placed around each sect, forming a special defensive force.

In this way, the defense of the Golden Grassland became impregnable.

When the Dawn Legion grows up, Chu Ming can expand outward.

And this prairie and the earth will become Chu Ming's most solid backing.

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