My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 213 A Surprising Discovery

On the rock in the water, Chu Ming gave an order, and everyone burst into momentum at the same time, and immediately rose into the sky.

Although everyone didn't know what was under the water, seeing Chu Ming's serious expression, no one dared to take it lightly.

Therefore, when Chu Ming counted to three, everyone got up at the same time and shot towards the sky.

It was at this time that Mizusawa, who had been extremely calm, finally moved.

Silver-white silk threads burst out from the bottom of the water, rushing towards everyone at an extremely terrifying speed.

too fast!

Although the speed of the people soaring into the sky was already very fast, it was still nothing compared to this silvery white silk thread.

Just for a moment, everyone felt their waists tighten, and everyone was actually entangled by this thin silver thread.

Even Chu Ming was no exception.

Chu Ming had always been on guard against this, so when the silver thread appeared, the sword light flashed under Chu Ming's feet, and the Youlong Zhantian sword suddenly gushed out endless sword energy.

It was the first time he confronted a monster hidden under the water. Chu Ming didn't know the opponent's strength, so he tried his best in this attack.


There was a crisp sound, and the silver thread snapped, followed by a large amount of blood.

The silver thread wrapped around Chu Ming's waist slid down feebly, and the broken part kept wriggling, and it turned out to be a living thing.

At the same time, the Youlong Zhantian Sword kept radiating light, continuously slashing at the silver thread under the people around him.

Everyone struggled to support, resisting the pulling force from below.

It wasn't until Chu Ming cut off all these threads that everyone regained their freedom.

At this moment, dense white silk threads burst out from under the water, densely packed, like a piece of white hair.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but be terrified.

It's just too scary.

At this time, there is no need for Chu Ming's reminder. Everyone tried their best to keep flying towards the sky,

I want to stay as far away from this water as possible.

The Lightning Sect Master moved a little slower, and hundreds of silver threads instantly wrapped him into a rice dumpling.

The Lightning Sect Master yelled in horror, shaking violently all over his body.

"Five whips in a row!"

Immediately, a purple arc shot out from the surface of his body, and a thick whip shadow appeared, lashing at the silver thread wrapped around the surface of his body.

At this moment, all the silk threads trembled, obviously feeling like an electric shock.

The Lightning Sect Master felt that the pulling force had become weaker, and immediately rushed to the sky with all his strength.

Those silver-white threads wrapped around his body didn't know whether he was paralyzed or stunned, but they didn't come off completely.

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of clattering sounds under the water.

Hundreds of transparent toads were brought out by this silver thread.

It turned out that these silver threads were not real threads, but the tongues of these transparent frogs.

Seeing this scene, the Lightning Sect Master immediately burst into laughter, and said boldly to everyone: "I thought it was something scary, but it turned out to be a group of toads, haha, let's roast it for lunch!"

At this moment, everyone was flying at a certain height, and it was expected that the tongues of those transparent frogs would not be able to reach them, so everyone was relieved.

Hearing the words of Lightning Sect Master, everyone finally relaxed.

However, when everyone saw the face of Lightning Sect Master, they all showed horror.

The owner of the Lightning Sect laughed and said: "To be honest, I have a special love for barbecue. I will let everyone taste our cooking later. It is absolutely delicious."

Wu Yazi quietly flew back half a step, and asked in horror: "Brother Lightning, your complexion is not quite right!"

Hearing Wu Yazi's words, everyone subconsciously took two steps back, looking at the Lightning Sect Master in astonishment.

The Lightning Sect Master was stunned.

What's the situation, he just killed hundreds of toads in the sky, isn't he handsome enough?

Why is everyone hiding from themselves?

Qi Shenglong said in horror: "Master Lightning, why is your face green?"

Lightning Sect Master: "What?"

Zhou Motou rarely said: "Yes, not only the face is green, but the hair is also green!"

The Lightning Sect Master was startled, he raised his hand hastily, and sure enough, he saw a piece of green spreading from his palm, which looked very scary.

"Oops, the toad's tongue was poisonous!"

"But why don't I feel uncomfortable at all?"

"Could it be because I'm too strong, so these poisons have no effect on me at all..."

The Lightning Sect Master hadn't finished his last sentence when he suddenly rolled his eyes and passed out.

Immediately afterwards, his body slid down without a sound, and fell into the water.

At this time, the entire body of the Lightning Sect Master turned green, with poison written in capital letters on his body, and no one dared to touch him.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed, and the golden dragon claws swept across the sky, directly grabbing the falling body of the Lightning Sect Master.

Dragon Capture Technique!

Chu Ming's left hand popped out and caught the falling Lightning Sect Master.

At the same time, the thunder in his right hand bloomed, and it slammed down on the water below.

"Running Thunder Palm!"

Before the words fell, a thunder palm print was formed in the void, and instantly smashed into the water.

Immediately, there was a huge wave in the calm water, and the blue arc danced on the water surface, rendering the whole level blue.

After the blow from the lightning sect master just now, Chu Ming found that these transparent frogs seemed to be very afraid of electricity.

That being the case, of course I have to greet each other well.


There were bursts of frog calls, and all the transparent frogs that had been hiding at the bottom of the water came out of the water, shining sparkling under the sunlight.

Everyone looked down, and after careful identification, it could be seen that it was a transparent toad with special water patterns rippling in its body, which should be all toxins.

Chu Ming had a clear realization in his heart that the reason why this kind of transparent frog is scary is mainly because of the poison in its body.

On the contrary, their defenses are relatively weak, at least much weaker than the ghost eaters they encountered before.

Knowing this, Chu Ming's eyes lit up.

The alien beasts in the air realm have weak defenses. Although they are very poisonous, their bombardment range is limited.

All kinds of conditions add up, isn't it just a copy of the mission specially prepared for myself!

The number of transparent frogs in the entire water lake is very large. During the previous mental power detection, at least tens of thousands of transparent frogs were found.

That is to say, if Chu Ming guards the water, not only can he complete the current task, but he can also hope to complete the next task.

That being the case, what are you waiting for.

Thinking of this, Chu Ming raised his sword fingers together and recalled Youlong Zhantianjian.

At the same time, Chu Ming threw the poisoned and unconscious Lightning Sect Master to Wu Yazi beside him, and the other party hurriedly used his skills and turned into a big energy hand to catch the other party.

The next moment, Chu Ming exploded with momentum, and the sword light in his hand continued to spray out, bombarding the water below.

The transparent frogs that had been numb by Ben Lei's palm just now died one after another, under the light of Chu Ming's sword.

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