My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 219 The Cruel Orc

In the southwest of the Holy Beast Continent, a team of twelve centaurs is galloping fast.

They flew with all four hooves, stomping on the ground with a loud sound, and endless smoke and dust rose high behind them, with an extremely astonishing momentum.

Behind them, a thick rope hangs on the ground, on which many humans are tied,

Behind each centaur is a long line of humans, about a dozen or so, and the total number is hundreds.

This is a member of the Shushan Sword Sect and the Wuyou Sword Sect, who were taken over by the centaur squad.

Captain Crouch was very proud. Originally, he thought that after coming here, he would carefully discuss cooperation with humans in another world.

But when they came here, they discovered that the fighting power of the people on Earth is very weak.

Most of them are just warriors of True Pulse Realm, and even warriors of Tengkong Realm are very weak.

After some fighting, Captain Crouch found that no one could stop his horseshoe from trampling on him.

Captain Crouch has been able to determine that this is a weak race.

Since the other party is so weak, there is no need to discuss cooperation with the other party.

Whatever you need, just give them an order.

This time, Captain Crouch is going to take some Earthlings back to the Half-Human Continent to study the matter of merging with humans and multiplying.

If new offspring can be successfully reproduced, then the half-human race has a reason to make a move.

At that time, an army of millions of orcs will be directly dispatched to occupy the earth, and the earth will be the cradle of orcs.

Wan Shaofeng, Wang Qiuyang and the others were tied up into zongzi and dragged on the ground.

If they weren't powerful warriors themselves, they would have been dragged to death by now.

Elder Wan Shaofeng was very desperate in his heart. He had just broken through to the Soaring Realm, and he was so humiliatingly defeated in the first battle.

The opponent just kicked, and Elder Wan Shaofeng completely lost consciousness.

Until now, Elder Wan Shaofeng didn't know how strong the enemy was.

He couldn't even catch the opponent's kick, presumably his strength must be very different.

Besides Wan Shaofeng, Wang Qiuyang and others were also arrested.

At that time, everyone saw that the invading enemy was powerful, so they planned to escape.

However, these monsters with horse bodies are too fast.

Shushan Sword Sect and Wuyou Sword Sect hundreds of disciples, except for the one who escaped earlier, the rest were all arrested.

Fortunately, before being caught, the news that the stronghold was attacked by the enemy had already been sent out.

As long as this news can reach Chu Ming's ears, then everyone can still be saved.

"Elder Wan, where are they taking us? I'm so scared!"

A female disciple of the Worriless Sword Sect asked Elder Wan Shaofeng, her eyes were full of tears, her pretty face turned pale with fright.

Elder Wan Shaofeng sighed and said, "I don't know either. I just heard them talking about taking us back to do experiments. I don't know what kind of goddamn experiment it is."

"Could it be a human experiment!"

Wang Qiuyang from the Shushan Sword Sect exclaimed, and everyone was terrified.

Everyone felt sad and ashamed in their hearts.

They knew that their little lives would definitely be over.

In front, the galloping centaur warrior suddenly stopped and looked at the tied earthling behind him with unkind eyes.

Slane mocked: "Captain, they are still in the mood to chat, it's interesting."

Hearing Slane's words, Captain Crouch laughed wildly, and said in a rough voice: "I don't think we need to bring them back to the Half-Human Continent for experiments. It's too far away and a waste of time."

"That's right, we'll just do experiments here. When the time comes, we'll go back to the Half-Human Continent with light packs, and it will be faster than dragging a bunch of cumbersome people."

Slane responded with a smile, then pointed to a valley not far away, and suggested: "Or, let's go there, and the experimental results will be available soon."


Captain Crouch laughed loudly, and immediately led everyone to run towards the valley not far away.

In fact, the centaur are all strong in the sky, and they can fly in the air.

However, they don't feel the pleasure of trampling the ground when flying, and they prefer to keep their feet on the ground compared to flying.

After a while, the centaur team came to the valley and threw hundreds of earthlings here.

The crowd squeezed and piled together, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, trembling with fright.

This is a valley with a dry climate, the ground is as hard as a rock, and the surrounding valleys are yellow in color. From a distance, it looks like a natural grave dug out.

"Okay, let's start the experiment."

Captain Crouch let out a wild laugh, with a hint of ferocity on his long face.

He walked up to the earthlings with four hooves, and swept his aggressive gaze over everyone.

"You, come out!"

Finally, Crouch's eyes fell on a young girl.

She is a disciple of the Worriless Sword Sect, her name is Ru Xiuqing, she has an outstanding appearance and a good figure, but for some reason she was targeted by the centaur.

Ru Xiuqing was very scared, under the pressure of the other party's terrifying aura, she stood up instinctively, and walked towards him obediently.

In this situation, she was obviously mentally shocked.

Crouch looked at Ruxiuqing carefully, and finally nodded in satisfaction.

"She is quite white and tender, and should be considered the best among the people on Earth, so I will choose her."

Hearing Crouch's words, Slane and the others immediately burst out laughing.

Slane said with a smile: "After so many years, the captain's taste still hasn't changed. He always likes female ones. Hehe, I'm different. I like male ones!"

While speaking, Slane pointed at a fair-skinned young disciple, and roared, "You, come out!"

This is a disciple of the Shushan Sword Sect. When he saw the other party pointing at him, he instinctively acted stupid and pretended not to hear, trying to get away with it.

It's a pity that he doesn't understand the patience of the centaur, and he doesn't know how cruel the other party is.

When Slane saw that the other party didn't do what he said, his anger soared immediately, and he slashed down with the big ax in his hand.


With the sound of a huge ax piercing into the flesh, the young disciple's body was split in half by the opponent, blood spurted out immediately, and a strong bloody aura instantly permeated the entire valley.

All the disciples were frightened to the point of death. At this time, they shrank back in horror, and their nerves were already terrified.

Captain Crouch said dissatisfiedly when he saw this scene: "What's the matter with you bastard, the experimental product we finally captured, you just went to waste?"

With a murderous look on his body, Slane pointed at a young disciple again, and said in a cold voice: "You, come out!"

The disciple who was named seemed to tremble all over. He was going to resist at first, but when he saw the corpse of his companion beside him, his heart immediately faltered.

So, under the terrified eyes, the disciple whose name was called stood up cautiously, and tremblingly walked towards the other party.

Slane immediately sneered: "That's right, it would be better if it was earlier!"

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