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Chapter 221 The Cultivation Method of Terror

"Yu Chengfu, after I leave, the defense here will depend on you, safety is the priority in everything!"

Chu Tiankuo arranged for Yu Chengfu.

Now, in the whole defensive fortress, there are only three strong men in the sky realm, Chu Tiankuo is going to take Cheng Ergang to track down the enemy, and there is only Yu Chengfu, a strong man in the sky realm left here.

When the enemy comes, everyone has to do something.

Since you don't have the strength to take the initiative to attack, you can't give up completely.

What Chu Tiankuo has to do is to lock the location of the enemy. After Chu Ming returns, he can't even know where the enemy has gone.

Everyone knows in their hearts that although this matter is very risky, it is the only thing everyone can do.

"I'll go with you!"

Xiao Ya stepped forward, intending to follow Chu Tiankuo and Cheng Ergang to track down the enemy.

As the head of the Intelligence Department of the Dawn Organization, Xiao Ya blamed herself very much.

This time when the enemy attacked, the intelligence department did not play a big role, and all the eyeliners that had been arranged in advance were quietly pulled out by the enemy.

But everyone knows that she cannot be blamed for this matter, it is because the enemy is too strong.

It is too easy for a strong man in the soaring state to find a martial artist in the true pulse state. This matter is completely caused by the crushing of strength levels, and no one can be blamed.

Chu Tiankuo said to Xiaoya: "You can't go, you don't blame you for this matter, even if Chu Ming comes, you won't be blamed, so you don't need to blame yourself, now your task is to guard the fortress and defend the fortress. All entrances on the good earth."

With tears in her eyes, Xiao Ya could only nod vigorously.

After arranging all this, Chu Tiankuo said to Cheng Ergang beside him: "Let's go, pay attention to concealment, don't let the other side find us!"

While speaking, Chu Tiankuo immediately rose into the sky and quickly chased the enemy in the direction where he left.

Cheng Ergang followed closely behind, his momentum unstoppable.

Everyone looked worriedly at the direction in which the two left, feeling a little distracted for a moment.

Yu Chengfu said: "You don't have to worry about those two bad old men,

We have lived in the Golden Grassland for more than eight years, and our tracking ability is quite high.

Don't worry, they'll be fine.

What we have to do now is to defend the fortress and wait quietly for Chu Ming to return. "

Hearing Yu Chengfu's words, everyone seemed to have found their backbone again, and immediately returned to their respective jobs and began to get busy.

At the same time, in a canyon in the southwest of the Holy Beast Continent, more than a dozen centaur men tied hundreds of human fighters here, and began the experiment of losing madness.

In fact, the content of their experiment is very simple, that is, mating.

They will try to combine with the people on Earth to see if they can reproduce the next generation with special talents and skills.

Half-horse people are a kind of half-orcs. They have extremely powerful genes and can forcibly combine with any race to reproduce the next generation.

For example, now, they regard the human body as a cavity for cultivating the next generation, and directly inject their own female essence into the human body.

Whether it is above or below, as long as there is a hole, they can forcibly ingest it.

On the ground, a man and a woman were lying on the ground, moaning in pain.

These two are both disciples of the Shushan Sword Sect. Whether they are men or women, their abdomens are swollen at this time, and there are centaur fetuses gestating inside their bodies.

Many disciples who were tied up here looked at this scene in horror, and were too frightened to speak.


Just now, everyone saw a strange crimson thing protruding from between the two hind legs of the centaur, like a poisonous snake, directly rushed into the mouths of the two of them.

Then the two fell to the ground, and in less than three minutes, their stomachs swelled high.

What was even more frightening was that as their stomachs swelled, their skins began to dry out, as if all the essence of their bodies had been plundered by the unborn fetus.

You don't need to think about it, as long as you are a human being who conceived a centaur fetus, you will definitely not be able to survive.


Heart-piercing screams came from the mouths of the male and female disciples. They looked at their stomachs in horror, and their bodies became weaker and weaker.

After a while, the stomachs of the two exploded, and two deformed children got out of it.

So far, the boys and girls who are the breeding chambers of the Centaur are completely exhausted, and their deaths are extremely terrifying.

Seeing this scene, Captain Crouch, Slane and the others all looked overjoyed.

"Captain, it's really great. Combining with the people of the earth, we can indeed cultivate an excellent next generation."

Slane said happily, and impatiently walked towards the two new lives that had just been bred.

Captain Crouch was also overjoyed, and said, "Test their qualifications and see what kind of talents they have!"

Before the words were finished, two centaur warriors stepped forward immediately, and each took out a test stone from their bags, ready to test the aptitude of the two newborns.

Captain Crouch said disdainfully: "The physique of the people on Earth is really bad. They just gave birth to a new life, and they died immediately."

"Isn't it? We have never seen such a situation in the races of the Buzhou Continent."

Slane responded.

Crouch said helplessly: "The physique of the people on Earth is so weak, and the energy provided to the newborn is insufficient, which will definitely affect the strength of the newborn."

"Let's take a look first. We need their natural abilities. If their natural abilities are very strong, we can use energy stones to cultivate them."

"That's right, first look at their natural abilities."

While the centaur was talking, the two centaur warriors holding the test stone had already walked in front of the two newborns.

The two newborns had crawled out of the cavity, their bodies were red with blood, and they looked extremely terrifying.

In the eyes of the people on earth, these are two extremely distorted deformed children.

The upper body is a human, and the lower body is a horse, but the horse's hooves are gone, replaced by four hands and feet.

Adding a pair of arms owned by the upper body, the newborn has four hands and two feet.

The most important thing is that the newborn can stand upright, with two feet on the ground, and four hands hanging up and down, which looks extraordinarily weird.

The centaur warrior came to the newborns with the test stone, placed the test stone above the heads of the two newborns, and then quietly injected some skill.

Immediately, the test stone began to change, with a special light flashing on it.

The light grew brighter and brighter, until finally it became blazing.

Seeing this scene, the faces of Captain Crouch, Slane and the others changed drastically, and they immediately revealed expressions of ecstasy.

"It turned out to be heaven-level qualifications, they will be the most powerful fighters of our half-orc tribe!"

While speaking, Captain Crouch rushed forward, looking at the two newborns with fiery eyes, and then at the many human warriors tied here.

The fiery eyes made people feel heart-palpitating, as if a ferocious beast was staring at a delicious prey.

Now, everyone is in danger.

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