My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 232 Holy Beast Mount

In the sky, a white cloud drifted leisurely.

Above the white clouds, two figures hide quietly.

With his powerful skills, Chu Ming directly captured countless white clouds from the void, and then squeezed them together to form this thick white cloud.

The two of them just stood on top of the white clouds, quietly watching the strange beast with huge aura below.

On the ground, the gluttonous holy beast was extremely frightened.

It raised its huge head, and the tentacles above its forehead were constantly trembling, scanning everything around it with all its strength.

But looking at the desolate scene around, it always felt so unreal, thinking that he came to the wrong place.

In the impression of the gluttonous holy beast, although this is the exile of its own subspecies, there are also many people.

But now it seems that there is not even a shadow of the gluttonous subspecies on the vast land.

"What the hell is going on here?"

The Taotie Holy Beast was terrified, and the tentacles on its forehead trembled even more violently.

At this moment, there was a beast roar in the distance.

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster received the signal from the gluttonous holy beast, and immediately ran towards this place.

The last time, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster ran to the sanctuary to ask for help, and brought a group of nine-tailed foxes from the air realm to the Golden Grassland, preparing to take revenge on the people of Earth.

Unfortunately, Chu Ming arrived in time and wiped out all the nine-tailed foxes.

I have to say that the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster is really cunning and cunning.

So many beast kings are dead, but it is still alive.

Hundreds of mighty nine-tailed foxes also died, and it is still alive.

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster is really shrewd, every time it can sense the danger in advance and escape in time.

This time, it didn't want to show up at first, because it had already noticed that this area had become a dead end for the orcs.

But there is no way, the gluttonous holy beast is calling, it has to go out.

If it is picked out by the gluttonous holy beast,

That's a death too.

If you go out now, maybe you still have a chance.

The Southern Wilderness Beast King's feet were blown by the wind, and after running wildly, he finally came to the gluttonous holy beast.

Far away, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster immediately prostrated himself on the ground, worshiping the gluttonous holy beast devoutly.

"Your Majesty, you are finally here."

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster burst into tears and burst into mournful tears.

The gluttonous holy beast frowned, not in a very good mood.

In fact, it is not very satisfied with this branch of its own subspecies, it can be said that it does not like it very much.

As we all know, normal orc members need to combine the sexes to produce offspring.

But this subspecies of Taotie has mutated, and their reproduction does not require the union of the sexes, but only requires continuous devouring.

As long as enough energy is devoured, they can produce offspring on their own.

This is the legendary asexual reproduction.

Of course, if the gluttonous subspecies does not produce offspring, it can also accumulate energy to make a breakthrough.

Originally, this was a very powerful ability.

But gluttonous sacred beasts don't like it, because this subspecies is a bit like the characteristics of the half-orc race.

The reason why the orcs hate the half-humans is because of their powerful genetic inheritance ability.

Now that the gluttonous subspecies has the characteristic of asexual reproduction, the gluttonous holy beast always feels a little guilty, so this subspecies is exiled.

However, now that this subspecies is so miserable, its heart is still touched.

Only you are qualified to kill your own people, who dares to kill the descendants of my gluttonous holy beast?

"Why did it become like this?"

The gluttonous holy beast asked with a solemn voice, its eyes were cold.

The Southern Wilderness Beastmaster trembled, it prostrated itself on the ground, not daring to raise its head, and responded anxiously: "It's that human boy, whose appearance caused a large number of our people to be killed.

I went to the sanctuary to ask for help, and the nine-tailed fox tribe dispatched a large number of strong men to come here, but they were also killed by that human youth in the end.

The subordinates are incompetent, so they can only go far away to avoid disasters.

Your Majesty must be careful of that human boy! "

Hearing the words of the Southern Wilderness Beast King, the aura of the gluttonous holy beast became even colder, and the temperature in the entire wasteland dropped by a few points.

"Human boy?"

The gluttonous holy beast squeezed out a few words from between its teeth, and the killing intent in its heart suddenly became stronger.

In the impression of the gluttonous holy beast, as long as it has something to do with people, it must be extremely vicious.

So, when he heard what the other party said about a human boy, he instinctively thought of a half-orc.

Feeling the overwhelming pressure from the opposite side, the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster panicked and hurriedly explained: "The humans that appear here are completely different from the half-humans. All the humans that appear here are erect humans with two legs."

Hearing the words of the Southern Wilderness Beastmaster, the gluttonous holy beast fell into deep thought.

It seemed to recall some of the past, what other holy beasts had said about Homo erectus before.

It's just that it didn't expect that those Homo erectus who had made them look down had such a strong man.

At the same time, in the sky, a white cloud became lower and lower, and gradually floated above the heads of the two beasts.

Chu Ming's spiritual power has reached the extreme, and he directly used his mental power to condense a mental shield to isolate himself from Wu Xi.

Even the Taotie Holy Beast has a strong perception ability, but it cannot detect the existence of Chu Ming.

In addition, Chu Ming controlled Baiyun to hide above the heads of the two, so they did not find Chu Ming together.

At this moment, the Nanhuang Beastmaster who had been prostrate on the ground quietly raised his head, wanting to see if the gluttonous holy beast was angry.

However, when it raised its head, it happened to see the white cloud floating in the sky.

The Southern Wilderness Beast King stared at the strange white cloud in the sky, and said cautiously to the gluttonous holy beast: "My lord, do you think that cloud in the sky is a bit strange? It's so low."

The Taotie Holy Beast suddenly raised its head, and also saw that strange white cloud.

It's a little low, it looks weird, but I can't tell where it is.

Above the white clouds, Wu Xi held her breath.

She blinked and asked Chu Ming with her eyes: "Did they find us?"

Seeing Wu Xi's expression, Chu Ming smiled immediately, and he said directly to Wu Xi's spirit: "Don't worry, they won't find us, at most they will be surprised."

Wu Xi smiled brightly, this feeling of being heard in person was really indescribably weird.

Chu Ming listened to the two beasts chatting for a long time, but couldn't get any useful value, so he immediately decided to show up.

He had already secretly estimated that the combat power of the gluttonous holy beast below should be similar to his state before he practiced the eighth-level god-and-devil body refining technique.

But now, Chu Ming has full confidence to crush the opponent.

"Gaotie, are you willing to surrender to me?"

Chu Ming suddenly removed the white clouds that had condensed before, and directly spoke to the spirits of the two beasts.

At the same time, a powerful aura burst out, and the unparalleled terrifying pressure was like a tide, quickly submerging the two beasts on the ground.

Taotie is strong and fast, if it can be used as a mount, it would be a good choice.

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